








All models in the world So much Go here to see all these en /wiki/List_of_aircraft_by_category including military

argicluture There is a list of civil large aircraft (A only) AASI Jetcruzer Business and utility trport ACAC ARJ21 70-100 seat Regional Jet AEA Explorer Multirole utility trport Aermacchi F-260 Two seat trainer and high performance light aircraft Aerion SBJ Aero Boero AB-95/115/150/180 Family of three and four seat light aircraft Aero-Cam Slick 360 Single-seat aerobatics aircraft Aero Commander 100 Four seat light aircraft Aeronca 11 Chief Two seat light aircraft Aeronca 7 Champion Two seat light aircraft Aérospatiale Alouette II & Lama Light utility helicopters Aérospatiale Alouette III Light utility helicopter Aerospatiale N-262 Fregate & Mohawk 298 Short range turboprop muter airliner Aerospatiale SA-330 Puma Twin engine medium lift helicopter Aerospatiale SA-341/342 Gazelle Utility helicopter Aerospatiale SA-360/361/365C Dauphin Mid size utility helicopters Aerospatiale SN-601 Corvette Light corporate jet Aerospatiale-British Aerospace Concorde Medium range supersonic airliner Aerokopter AK1-3 "Sanka" Light o seats helicopter Agusta A109 Twin engined utility & corporate helicopter Agusta A119 Koala Light utility helicopter Air Tractor series Series of piston & turboprop powered agricultural aircraft Airbus A300-600 Medium range widebody airliner Airbus A300-600ST Super Trporter Oversize cargo freighter Airbus A300B2/B4 Medium range widebody airliner Airbus A310 Medium to long range widebody airliner Airbus A318 100 seat regional airliner Airbus A319 Medium range airliner Airbus A319CJ Long range large corporate jet Airbus A320 Short to medium range airliner Airbus A321 Short to medium range narrowbody airliner Airbus A330-200 Medium to long range widebody airliner Airbus A330-300 Large capacity medium to long range airliner Airbus A340-200 & 300 Long range widebody airliner Airbus A340-500/600 Long range widebody airliners Airbus A350-800 Long range widebody airliner Airbus A350-900 Long range widebody airliner Airbus A380 Long range high capacity widebody airliner Alpha 2000 The Robin R2000 now manufactured in New Zealand American Aviation AA-1 Yankee o seat light aircraft American Aviation AA-1A Trainer o seat light training aircraft American Aviation AA-2 Patriot four seat light aircraft prototype American Champion & Bellanca series Series of o seat utility and aerobatic light aircraft Antonov An-12 & Shaanxi Y-8 Mid sized turboprop freighter Antonov An-124 Ruslan Heavylift freighter Antonov An-22 Antheus Large capacity turboprop freighter Antonov An-225 Mriya Extra-Large cargo aircraft Antonov An-24/26/30/32 & Xian Y-7 Regional airliner and freighter Antonov An-72 & An-74 STOL capable freight and utility trport Antonov An-140 Antonov/PZL Mielec An-2 Biplane utility trport Antonov/PZL Mielec An-28 & An-38 Regional airliner and utility trports Armstrong Whiorth Argosy 4-engine trport ATR ATR-42 42 seat turboprop regional airliner ATR ATR-72 70 seat turboprop regional airliner Auster J series Two

three and four seat light aircraft Aviat Husky Two seat utility light aircraft Aviat Pitts Special Single and o seat petition aerobatic biplanes Aviation Traders ATL-98 Carvair Freighter/utility trport Avro RJ Series See BAe 146 Avro 748 (aka HS 748) Ayres Let L 610 40 seat regional airliner Ayres Thrush & Rockwell Thrush Commander Agricultural aircraft

参考: en /wiki/List_of_aircraft_by_category

boeing 707









airbus A300






A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-10 A-12 A-20 A-26 A300 A310 A318 A319 A320 A321 A330 A340 A350 A380 AH-1 AH-64 An-8 An-10 An-22 An-24 An-26 An-72 An-124 An-225 ARJ-21 AV-8B A6M B-1 B-2 B-17 B-24 B-25 B-26 B-29 B-36 B-47 B-52 B-58 波音707 波音717 波音727 波音737 波音747 波音757 波音767 波音777 波音787 C-5 C-17 C-46 C-47 C-54 C-74 C-118 C-124 C-130 C-133 C-141 CH-46 CH-47 CH-53 经国号 中兴号 DC-1 DC-3 DC-5 DC-7 DC-8 DC-9 DC-10 DH98 DH106 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-8 E-10 EF2000 F2A F-2 F-4 F4F F4U F-5 F6F F7F F-8 F8F F9F F10F F-13 F-14 F-15/F-15E F-16 F/A-18 F-19 F-20 F-21 F-22 F-80 F-82 F-84 F-86 F-89 F-99 F-100 F-101 F-102 F-104 F-105 F-106 F-111 F-117 福克-50Fokker-50 福克-100Fokker-100 发现者Explorer 幻影IIImirage 幻影F1 mirage 幻影2000mirage 飓风 Hurricane 鹞式 Harrier 三叉戟 Trident 伊-2 伊-62 伊-76 伊-86 伊-96 JAS39 歼5 歼6 歼7 歼8 歼10 歼12 狂风(Tornado) L1011三星 Tristar Bf 109 Bf 110 Me 163彗星 Me 262 Me 209 Mi-24 MiG-1 MiG-9 MiG-15 MiG-17 MiG-19 MiG-21 MiG-23 MiG-25 MiG-27 MiG-29 MiG-31 MiG-142 MD-11 MD-80 MD-90 P-2 P-3 P-26 P-35 P-36 P-38 P-39 P-40 P-46 P-47 P-51 P-61 P-63 P-80 P-82 PBYCatalina RAH-66 S-2 S-3 SR-71 萨伯2000 Su-11 Su-15 Su-17 Su-24 Su-25 Su-27 Su-30 Su-35 Su-37 SBC SBD 喷火 Tu-16 Tu-22M Tu-134 Tu-144 Tu-154 Tu-160 Tu-204 TBD TBF U-2 UH-1 UH-60 V-22 威撒式 "枭龙"FC-1 XF5F XF-88 Yak-3 Yak-11 Yak-18 Yak-36 Yak-38 Yak-42 Yak-130 Yak-141 YS-11 YF-12 YF-17 YF-23 运-5Y-5 运-10Y-10 运-11Y-11 运-12Y-12 运-7Y-7 运-8Y-8 Yak-61 阵风 直-5 z-5 直-8 z-8 直-11 z-11 直-9 z-9


请参阅以下website,里面有不同型号详细资料 freekkhy/dragon/i-order