


stargazer这个包的特点就是将统计好的数据以杂志的风格展现出来,拥有大量的排版风格,可以说是一个非常有个性的包,个人比较喜欢,当然这个包支持的文件格式也比较多LaTex,html,ASCII等等格式。刚才说了杂志排版时这个包的一大特点,大致涵盖了American Economic Review,American Sociological Review,American Journal of Political Science,Administrative Science Quarterly等。(不得不说,经济学政治学社会学管理学的顶级期刊都包括了,这个作者真的很博爱。)另外,这个包还可以输出相关系数矩阵、描述性统计结果等,定制化程度很高。有一个cheatsheet,看完就能直接用。


Dynamic nomogram to visualise statistical models


DynNom is a generic function to display the results of statistical model objects as a dynamic nomogram in an 'RStudio' panel or web browser. DynNom supports a large number of model objects from a variety of packages.


DynNom(model, data = NULL, clevel = 0.95, m.summary = c("raw", "formatted"),

covariate = c("slider", "numeric"), ptype = c("st", "1-st"),

DNtitle = NULL, DNxlab = NULL, DNylab = NULL, DNlimits = NULL,

KMtitle = NULL, KMxlab = NULL, KMylab = NULL)

DynNom.core(model, data, clevel, m.summary, covariate, DNtitle, DNxlab, DNylab, DNlimits)

DynNom.surv(model, data, clevel, m.summary, covariate,

ptype, DNtitle, DNxlab, DNylab, KMtitle, KMxlab, KMylab)



an lm, glm, coxph, ols, Glm, lrm, cph, mgcv::gam or gam::gam model objects.


a dataframe of the accompanying dataset for the model (if required).


a confidence level for constructing the confidence interval. If not specified, a 95% level will be used.


an option to choose the type of the model output represented in the 'Summary Model' tab. "raw" (the default) returns an unformatted summary of the model"formatted" returns a formatted table of the model summary using stargazer package.


an option to choose the type of input control widgets used for numeric values. "slider" (the default) picks out sliderInput"numeric" picks out numericInput.


an option for coxph or cph model objects to choose the type of plot which displays in "Survival plot" tab. "st" (the default) returns plot of estimated survivor probability (S(t)). "1-st" returns plot of estimated failure probability (1-S(t)).


a character vector used as the app's title. If not specified, "Dynamic Nomogram" will be used.


a character vector used as the title for the x-axis in "Graphical Summary" tab. If not specified, "Probability" will be used for logistic model and Cox proportional model objectsor "Response variable" for other model objects.


a character vector used as the title for the y-axis in "Graphical Summary" tab (default is NULL).


a vector of 2 numeric values used to set x-axis limits in "Graphical Summary" tab. Note: This also removes the 'Set x-axis ranges' widget in the sidebar panel.


a character vector used as KM plot's title in "Survival plot" tab. If not specified, "Estimated Survival Probability" for ptype = "st" and "Estimated Probability" for ptype = "1-st" will be used.


a character vector used as the title for the x-axis in "Survival plot" tab. If not specified, "Follow Up Time" will be used.


a character vector used as the title for the y-axis in "Survival plot" tab. If not specified, "S(t)" for ptype = "st" and "F(t)" for ptype = "1-st" will be used.


A dynamic nomogram in a shiny application providing individual predictions which can be used as a model visualisation or decision-making tools.

The individual predictions with a relative confidence interval are calculated using the predict function, displaying either graphically as an interactive plot in the Graphical Summary tab or a table in the Numerical Summary tab. A table of model output is also available in the Model Summary tab. In the case of the Cox proportional hazards model, an estimated survivor/failure function will be additionally displayed in a new tab.

Please cite as:

Jalali, A., Roshan, D., Alvarez-Iglesias, A., Newell, J. (2019). Visualising statistical models using dynamic nomograms. R package version 5.0.


Amirhossein Jalali, Davood Roshan, Alberto Alvarez-Iglesias, John Newell

Maintainer: Amirhossein Jalali [email protected]


Banks, J. 2006. Nomograms. Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences. 8.

Easy web applications in R. http://shiny.rstudio.com

Frank E Harrell Jr (2017). rms: Regression Modeling Strategies. R package version 4.5-0. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=rms

See Also

DNbuilder, getpred.DN