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Chinese Women

--the Past, the Present and the Future

FU Ying

September 26, 2006

"Chinese Culture Morning"

Hosted by Women's International Club

Madame Rafa Marjan, President of women's International Club,

Ladies and a few Gentlemen:

It is an honor for my and my colleagues to host this event.

In China we often say: "women held up half of the sky". So today we have half of Canberra here. Thank you very much for lightening up the Chinese Embassy today with your gracious presence.

We have prepared some Chinese music performances and demonstrate Taiji exercise. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the performers.

There is also a Tea art show and tasting in the smaller hall.

We hope we will be able to give you a moment of the feeling in China.

Thank you also for inviting me to speak about the Chinese women. Let me start with three true stories.

One is about an old ladies dance group from a village in South China.

At the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, their glamorous dance charmed the whole country.

Their average age is 75. They all have very small feet as result of forced bounding when they were children.

Feet bounding was the worst of the suppression of women in old China. These are the last small feet women in China.

It is good that they are openly expressing their feeling by dancing on the stage.

This photo is seen everywhere in China under the subtitle: I want to study. The two big yearning eyes touched the heart of the nation.

This is the poster for the Hope Project for helping the school dropouts in the poverty stricken countryside. The project was launched in 1989 and has colleted 1.9 billion Yuan (313 million Aus $) from both China and abroad. 8335 Hope primary Schools have been built and over 2 million kids were able to return to school.

This girl's name is Su Mingjuan and was first year student in a village when a keen photographer visited the school and captured her attentive moment.

With the funding of the Hope Project, Su finished school and entered the provincial university. She has also become an activist for the project.

Ms. Gao Yaojie was a medical doctor.

She launched an education campaign on AIDS upon retirement. Her program targeted the rural area and the funding came from her lifelong personal savings. Her books and articles are widely read in China. She has also helped many HIV orphans and infected patients.

She is known as mother Teresa of China. In 2001, She was awarded Jonathan Mann Award for Global Health and Human Rights by the Global Health Council.

From these stories, you can get a glimpse of the present day life of Chinese women.

In China's long feudal history, women were placed at the bottom of the society. It was impossible for them to be independent economically and there was no freedom of right to speak of.

Over the past decades, by offering them equal opportunities to education and work, and ensuring their equal right to work and pay through legislation, China has covered a long distance in helping women to free themselves from the feudal shackle.

Now, you may find women's image in every area, from police to UN Peacekeepers, in the sports games and on the silver screen.

By the end of 2004, the number of women workers reached 337 million nationwide, accounting for 44.8% of the total employed. This ratio is much higher than the average level of the world.

Women owners of small and medium-sized enterprises account for about 20% of the total. By the end of 2004, women take up 43.6% of the professionals and technicians.

In some sports women are even stronger than men. For example, the Chinese women's football, volleyball team, women swimmers are among the best in the world (when men's performance is not so impressive).

As you may know, Chinese believe the balance of Yin and Yang. Now some men complained that: "Yin is rising and Yang is falling".

However, in the political and decision-making bodies, women's ascend is slower. About 20% of the deputies to the National People's Congress are women.

We have one woman Vice Premier Madam Wu Yi.

There is stronger women representative at lower governmental level. I. E, there are 368 women mayors among the 600 municipalities.

I am quite sure that there will be more women rising to leading positions in future as more women are entering into the public servants and politics.

The success of women is important not only in their career, but also in their family and personal life.

In modern China, the status of women in the family is improved tremendously. Gone is the time when women were expected to keep their head low, keep their mouth shut and keep their hands busy. Now in most families wife and husband share the house chores.

Domestic violence is subject to law and community interventions. Women's choice for life and for career is respected both at home and in the society.

Having said all that, we are far from feeling comfortable with women's status. There are still serious problems and challenges. The report on the status of Chinese women listed the following issues:

1. Women are not very well represented in the policy-making bodies.

2. There is still unfair treatment to women in education, employment and promotion. The gap of income is widening. There is higher ratio of women among the least income population.

3. There is regional disparity for the improvement of women's well being. Women are the hardest hit by poverty and some of them are victims of commercial smuggling.

4. The men-dominated tradition is still strong in some rural areas and women sometime have difficulties inherit land and other properties.

5. There is also emerging disproportion of male to female especially in the rural areas. The gender ratio at birth has reached 116.9:100, that means the number of boys aged 1-14 is larger than that of girls by 18 millions.

As it was stated at the National People's Congress, gender equality is part of the basic state policy, which is seen as essential to healthy social development.

Many policy measures and law enforcement activities are being carried out to address the problems and difficulties confronting women in China.

The most active organization for helping women is the Chinese women's association, which is the largest NGO in China. It's very strong and has branches all over the country.

I am confident that as China's economy grows stronger and urbanization spreads faster, the conditions for women in China will get better with each passing day.












