电气照明图中EN JS表示什么?


电气照明图中EN JS表示什么?,第1张

这两个都属于标准,EN属于E 欧洲标准,由18家参与组成,各参与单位按参加国所承担的共同义务,通过此EN标准将赋予某成员国的有关国家标准以合法地位,或撤销与之相对立的某一国家的有关标准。也就是说成员国的国家标准必须与EN标准保持一致。

JS属于行业标准,如JS 3060.1-1988/中文名:冲裁模通用模架 凸模固定板 。


JS 是Japan和supply字母的缩写

全称是:Japan's leading house supplying franchise

现在叫做:Tostem Corporation

Eyeful Home Technology had sales revenue in 2002/3 of Yen 28 billion (cUS$ 200 million). It is Japan's leading house supplying franchise.

Tostem Corporation had sales revenue in 2002/3 of Yen 541 billion (cUS$ 4 billion). It is Tostem Inax' largest company.

The JS Group plans to expand its (new) factory in Dalian, China in order to supply 50% of its wooden interior fittings (e.g. doors and flooring). The expansion will specialise in kitchens and the output of the factory is exported to Japan.[ref: Japan Lumber Reports (26 July 2002)]. Given that much of China's timber imports, notably those from Russia - closest to Dalian - (and production from forest in China) are at high risk of being illegal, the company should take active steps to assure both itself and its customers that this factory does not include illegal timber as its raw material.