Little Girl Blue 歌词


Little Girl Blue 歌词,第1张

歌曲名:Little Girl Blue

歌手:Ruby Braff And El Larkins

专辑:Duets, Vol. 2

Sit there, hmm, count your fingers.

What else, what else is there to do?

Oh, and I know how you feel,

I know you feel that you're through.

Oh ah-wah-ah sit there, hmm, count,

Ah, count your little fingers,

My unhappy, oh, little girl, little girl blue, yeah.

Oh sit there, oh count those raindrops

Oh, feel'em falling down, honey, all around you.

Honey, don't you know it's time?

I feel it's time,

Somebody told you, 'cause you got to know,

That all you ever gonna have to count on,

Or gonna wanna lean on,

It's gonna feel just like those raindrops do,

When they're falling down, honey, all around you.

Oh, I know you're unhappy.

Oh sit there, ah, go on, go on

And count your fingers.

I don't know what else, what else,

Honey, have you got to do.

And I know how you feel,

And I know you ain't got no reason to go on,

And I know you feel that you must be through.

Oh honey, go on and sit right back down.

I want you to count, oh, count your fingers,

Ah, my unhappy, my unlucky

And my little, oh, girl blue.

I know you're unhappy,

Ooh ah, honey, I know,

Baby, I know, just how you feel.



ruby dk.rb


Configures an MSYS/MinGW based Development Kit (DevKit) for

each of the Ruby installations on your Windows system. The

DevKit enables you to build many of the available native

RubyGems that don't yet have a binary gem.

Usage: ruby dk.rb COMMAND [options]

where COMMAND is one of:

init prepare DevKit for installation

review review DevKit install plan

install install required DevKit executables

and 'install' [options] are:

-f, --force overwrite existing helper scripts


ruby dk.rb init


Initialization complete! Please review and modify the auto-generated

'config.yml' file to ensure it contains the root directories to all

of the installed Rubies you want enhanced by the DevKit.


ruby dk.rb install


Invalid configuration or no Rubies listed. Please fix 'config.yml'

and rerun 'ruby dk.rb install'



- C:\Ruby200-x64


[INFO] Updating convenience notice gem override for 'C:/Ruby200-x64'

[INFO] Installing 'C:/Ruby200-x64/lib/ruby/site_ruby/devkit.rb'



gem install ruby-debug-ide


Temporarily enhancing PATH to include DevKit...

Building native extensions. This could take a while...

Successfully installed ruby-debug-ide-0.4.17

Parsing documentation for ruby-debug-ide-0.4.17

Installing ri documentation for ruby-debug-ide-0.4.17

1 gem installed