



function [cid,nr,centers] = cskmeans(x,k,nc)

% CSKMEANS K-Means clustering - general method.


% This implements the more general k-means algorithm, where

% HMEANS is used to find the initial partition and then each

% observation is examined for further improvements in minimizing

% the within-group sum of squares.


% [CID,NR,CENTERS] = CSKMEANS(X,K,NC) Performs K-means

% clustering using the data given in X.


% INPUTS: X is the n x d matrix of data,

% where each row indicates an observation. K indicates

% the number of desired clusters. NC is a k x d matrix for the

% initial cluster centers. If NC is not specified, then the

% centers will be randomly chosen from the observations.


% OUTPUTS: CID provides a set of n indexes indicating cluster

% membership for each point. NR is the number of observations

% in each cluster. CENTERS is a matrix, where each row

% corresponds to a cluster center.


% See also CSHMEANS

% W. L. and A. R. Martinez, 9/15/01

% Computational Statistics Toolbox

warning off

[n,d] = size(x)

if nargin <3

% Then pick some observations to be the cluster centers.

ind = ceil(n*rand(1,k))

% We will add some noise to make it interesting.

nc = x(ind,:) + randn(k,d)


% set up storage

% integer 1,...,k indicating cluster membership

cid = zeros(1,n)

% Make this different to get the loop started.

oldcid = ones(1,n)

% The number in each cluster.

nr = zeros(1,k)

% Set up maximum number of iterations.

maxiter = 100

iter = 1

while ~isequal(cid,oldcid) &iter <maxiter

% Implement the hmeans algorithm

% For each point, find the distance to all cluster centers

for i = 1:n

dist = sum((repmat(x(i,:),k,1)-nc).^2,2)

[m,ind] = min(dist)% assign it to this cluster center

cid(i) = ind


% Find the new cluster centers

for i = 1:k

% find all points in this cluster

ind = find(cid==i)

% find the centroid

nc(i,:) = mean(x(ind,:))

% Find the number in each cluster

nr(i) = length(ind)


iter = iter + 1


% Now check each observation to see if the error can be minimized some more.

% Loop through all points.

maxiter = 2

iter = 1

move = 1

while iter <maxiter &move ~= 0

move = 0

% Loop through all points.

for i = 1:n

% find the distance to all cluster centers

dist = sum((repmat(x(i,:),k,1)-nc).^2,2)

r = cid(i)% This is the cluster id for x


dadj = nr./(nr+1).*dist'% All adjusted distances

[m,ind] = min(dadj)% minimum should be the cluster it belongs to

if ind ~= r % if not, then move x

cid(i) = ind

ic = find(cid == ind)

nc(ind,:) = mean(x(ic,:))

move = 1



iter = iter+1


centers = nc

if move == 0

disp('No points were moved after the initial clustering procedure.')


disp('Some points were moved after the initial clustering procedure.')


warning on





