css 的详细资料


css 的详细资料,第1张







CSS乐队是一支身世复杂的巴西乐队,他们成员众多,有6人之多,而队名CSS是Cansei de Ser Sexy的缩写,意思是尝试性爱。Lovefoxxx是乐队的主唱,也就是里面让人一看就想起Karen O的的金发女孩。她和Klasons的Simon Reynolds之间的恋情早已经不是什么秘密。或许这也是Lovefoxxx进入去年NMECool List前十名的原因之一吧!

CSS 是 “Cansei de Ser Sexy” 的缩写, 此语在萄语中意谓 “tired of being sexy”, 据称源出於女歌手 Beyoncé 之口, 说到厌倦了自己的性感云云~ 这番自大又愚笨的说话传到日本/巴西混血女孩 Lovefoxxx (Luísa Hanaê Matsushita) 耳里, 即被一手拿来当作其乐队的名字~

来自巴西圣保罗的 CSS 早在2003年成立, 不过起初大部分成员根本连乐器也不懂演奏, 只是一群柴娃娃闹著玩的男女~ 三年之后, CSS 在网上发表了 “Meeting Paris Hilton” 和 “Let’s Make Love and Listen to Death From Above” 等歌曲, 在互联网界赢得颇高的人气~ 乐队首张大碟 “Cansei de Ser Sexy” 顺势於2005年在巴西发行, 一行人今年加盟到近年走向多元化路线的 Sub Pop 唱片公司旗下, 令其处女大碟的声音得以更广泛地传播~

CSS 打从一开始就是队玩世不恭, 讲求形象, 拥抱流行文化的乐队, 这或许源於队中成员的背景: 主音 Lovefoxxx 从小就是设计助手, 结他/键琴手 Luiza Sá 则曾读过艺术学校, 低音结他手 Iracema Trevisan 是位时装设计师, 结他手 Ana Rezende 修读电影, 她更执导拍摄乐队的MV~

音乐方面, “Cansei de Ser Sexy” 说穿了就是带点怀旧电子琴声的流行舞曲, 不过有趣之处倒是毫无廉耻地塞满种种流行文化低能 cliché 的歌词, 幸好 CSS 所写的旋律倒算琅琅上口, 在幽默之余也有一定的可听性~ 好像成名作 “Meeting Paris Hilton” (再一次) 拿 Hilton 酒店太子女开玩笑, Lovefoxxx 以她带点口音的英语 “beach” 来 “bitch” 去也算过瘾~ 另一名曲 “Let’s Make Love and Listen Death from Above” 便借很爽快的 synth-pop 格局大唱恋爱大过天, 不过 “stare at my lips and I see they were wet / I know how you’re doing by looking at your pants” 几句便一脚踢爆现代的爱情观~ 这种口沬遮拦的歌词取向, 很容易令人联想到同样满嘴烂英文唱歌的 Mu, 不过 Mu 无论在音乐和歌词上都泼辣偏激得多, 相比之下 CSS 只算是班语不惊人誓不休的少男少女~

“Cansei de Ser Sexy” 正是那种让你疯狂聆听好一阵子, 但不太经得上时间考验的流行精品~ 好像儿歌般傻乎乎的 “Alcohol”, 扮 Daft Punk 跟音乐认亲认戚的 “Music Is My Hot Hot Sex”, 嘲讽艺术虚伪造作的 “Art Bitch”, 必定教你边听边笑边骂, 却在不知不觉间把旋律全都记进脑里~

歌曲名:Give Up



CSS - Give Up



You can press it

You can push but it will always be the same

and I've been waiting so long

Anyway... how does it feel to be free again?

I want to fall in love again

I want to feel the summer flame

You know I really want to stay

I have to go it's just getting late

Check out!

the door

I'm out!


Give up on this

don't give up on you

Give up on me

don't give up on us

Give up on me

don't give up on you

Give up on this

don't give up on us

Night are so long

Fast run the days

Chunky as a lifetime

Wrapped inside a cage


Tasting new sensation

Body exploration

Tiny declarations

I wanna run to the milky way

How many games do we have to play?

It's a new face but it looks the same

Just send me back to Amsterdam

And if you see me cyring

see me begging

see me lying,

all right now!

And if you see me drinking

see me calling in the morning

All right now

All right now

All right now

Give up on this

don't give up on you

Give up on me

don't give up on us

Give up on me

don't give up on you

Give up on this

don't give up on us

Just waking up

It's hard to say

I just feel I am not the same

Blending all the coffee

Laughting at a party

Acting like it's normal

Feeling all the borredom

This time I wont make any mistakes

Will you forget who I am?

Everything changes in a day

My heart reminds it's you I crave!

And if you see me cyring

see me begging

see me lying,

all right now!

And if you see me drinking

see me calling in the morning

All right now

All right now

All right now

Life is just too serious

If won't be mysterious

Life is just too serious

If won't be mysterious

Life is just too serious

If won't be mysterious

Life is just too short

You know what it cost.

Life is just too serious

If won't be mysterious

Life is just too serious

If won't be mysterious

Life is just too serious

If won't be mysterious

Life is just too short

You know what it cost.
