简单的办法,ABCD..XYZ做成锚链接,加个js平滑滚动,样式你自己想办法完善,把A-Z那排链接display: block后设置成正方形方块,加个ul>li套上用定位放到左上角即可:
<!DOCTYPE html><html>
<style type="text/css">
<a href="#L">L</a>
<a href="#W">W</a>
<p style="height:500px">占位区</p>
<h2 id="L">L开头的电话</h2>
<p style="height:500px">占位区</p>
<h2 id="W">W开头的电话</h2>
/* Smooth scrolling(平滑滚动到锚链接)
Changes links that link to other parts of this page to scroll
smoothly to those links rather than jump to them directly, which
can be a little disorienting.
sil, http://www.kryogenix.org/
v1.0 2003-11-11
v1.1 2005-06-16 wrap it up in an object
var ss = {
fixAllLinks: function() {
// Get a list of all links in the page
var allLinks = document.getElementsByTagName('a')
// Walk through the list
for (var i=0i<allLinks.lengthi++) {
var lnk = allLinks[i]
if ((lnk.href && lnk.href.indexOf('#') != -1) &&
( (lnk.pathname == location.pathname) ||
('/'+lnk.pathname == location.pathname) ) &&
(lnk.search == location.search)) {
// If the link is internal to the page (begins in #)
// then attach the smoothScroll function as an onclick
// event handler
smoothScroll: function(e) {
// This is an event handler get the clicked on element,
// in a cross-browser fashion
if (window.event) {
target = window.event.srcElement
} else if (e) {
target = e.target
} else return
// Make sure that the target is an element, not a text node
// within an element
if (target.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'a') {
target = target.parentNode
// Paranoia check this is an A tag
if (target.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'a') return
// Find the <a name> tag corresponding to this href
// First strip off the hash (first character)
anchor = target.hash.substr(1)
// Now loop all A tags until we find one with that name
var allLinks = document.getElementsByTagName('a')
var destinationLink = null
for (var i=0i<allLinks.lengthi++) {
var lnk = allLinks[i]
if (lnk.name && (lnk.name == anchor)) {
destinationLink = lnk
if (!destinationLink) destinationLink = document.getElementById(anchor)
// If we didn't find a destination, give up and let the browser do
// its thing
if (!destinationLink) return true
// Find the destination's position
var destx = destinationLink.offsetLeft
var desty = destinationLink.offsetTop
var thisNode = destinationLink
while (thisNode.offsetParent &&
(thisNode.offsetParent != document.body)) {
thisNode = thisNode.offsetParent
destx += thisNode.offsetLeft
desty += thisNode.offsetTop
// Stop any current scrolling
cypos = ss.getCurrentYPos()
ss_stepsize = parseInt((desty-cypos)/ss.STEPS)
// And stop the actual click happening
if (window.event) {
window.event.cancelBubble = true
window.event.returnValue = false
if (e && e.preventDefault && e.stopPropagation) {
scrollWindow: function(scramount,dest,anchor) {
wascypos = ss.getCurrentYPos()
isAbove = (wascypos < dest)
window.scrollTo(0,wascypos + scramount)
iscypos = ss.getCurrentYPos()
isAboveNow = (iscypos < dest)
if ((isAbove != isAboveNow) || (wascypos == iscypos)) {
// if we've just scrolled past the destination, or
// we haven't moved from the last scroll (i.e., we're at the
// bottom of the page) then scroll exactly to the link
// cancel the repeating timer
// and jump to the link directly so the URL's right
location.hash = anchor
getCurrentYPos: function() {
if (document.body && document.body.scrollTop)
return document.body.scrollTop
if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop)
return document.documentElement.scrollTop
if (window.pageYOffset)
return window.pageYOffset
return 0
addEvent: function(elm, evType, fn, useCapture) {
// addEvent and removeEvent
// cross-browser event handling for IE5+, NS6 and Mozilla
// By Scott Andrew
if (elm.addEventListener){
elm.addEventListener(evType, fn, useCapture)
return true
} else if (elm.attachEvent){
var r = elm.attachEvent("on"+evType, fn)
return r
} else {
alert("Handler could not be removed")
ss.STEPS = 25
var arr = ['#a', '#b', '#c'], num = 0
setInterval(() =>{
num = (num == arr.length - 1? 0 : num += 1)
location.href = arr[num]
}, 5000)