代码如下:
/*
Cookie工具
使用方法:
//存值
var
value
=
"7天"
tools.cookie("day",value,
{expires:7})
//将字符串:"7天"
以
"day"这个key保存到cookie中5天
//取值
var
v
=
tools.cookie("day")
//用
"day"
这个key从cookie取出值
*/
tools.cookie
=
function(name,
value,
options)
{
if
(typeof
value
!=
'undefined')
{
//
name
and
value
given,
set
cookie
options
=
options
||
{}
if
(value
===
null)
{
value
=
''
options.expires
=
-1
}
var
expires
=
''
if
(options.expires
&&
(typeof
options.expires
==
'number'
||
options.expires.toGMTString))
{
var
date
if
(typeof
options.expires
==
'number')
{
date
=
new
Date()
date.setTime(date.getTime()
+
(options.expires
*
*
*
*
1000))
}
else
{
date
=
options.expires
}
expires
=
'
expires='
+
date.toGMTString()
//
use
expires
//
attribute,
//
max-age
is
not
//
supported
by
}
var
path
=
options.path
?
'
path='
+
options.path
:
''
var
domain
=
options.domain
?
'
domain='
+
options.domain
:
''
var
secure
=
options.secure
?
'
secure'
:
''
document.cookie
=
[
name,
'=',
encodeURIComponent(value),
expires,
path,
domain,
secure
].join('')
}
else
{
//
only
name
given,
get
cookie
var
cookieValue
=
null
if
(document.cookie
&&
document.cookie
!=
'')
{
var
cookies
=
document.cookie.split('')
for
(
var
i
=
i
<
cookies.length
i++)
{
var
cookie
=
jQuery.trim(cookies[i])
//
Does
this
cookie
string
begin
with
the
name
we
want?
if
(cookie.substring(0,
name.length
+
1)
==
(name
+
'='))
{
cookieValue
=
decodeURIComponent(cookie
.substring(name.length
+
1))
break
}
}
}
return
cookieValue
}
}