


#include "stdio.h"


#include "conio.h"


struct SStudent


unsigned number

char name[10]

char tele[12]

struct SStudent * link


void main()


struct SStudent * CreateTable()

void AppendToTable(struct SStudent * stu)

void InsertToTable(struct SStudent * stu)

void QueryTable(struct SStudent * stu, unsigned number)

void SortTable(struct SStudent * stu)

void PrintTable(struct SStudent * stu)

void Save(struct SStudent * stu)

void Load(struct SStudent * stu)

void Help()

void modi(struct SStudent *h)

void search(struct SStudent *h)struct SStudent * student

unsigned number

char keyValue

student = CreateTable()




printf("\n= ")

while((keyValue = getche()) != 'q' &&keyValue != 'Q' &&keyValue != 27)





case 'l': case 'L':


case 'd': case 'D':

printf("Please input the number you want delete: ")

scanf("%d", &number)

QueryTable(student, number)


case 'a': case 'A':


case 'i': case 'I':


case 's': case 'S':


puts("Sort complished! Please use command L to list.")


case 'f': case 'F':



case 'm': case 'M':


breakcase 'v': case 'V':


case 'o': case 'O':


case 'h': case 'H':


default: puts("Error command!")


printf("\n= ")



struct SStudent * CreateTable()


struct SStudent * stu

stu = (struct SStudent *) malloc(sizeof(struct SStudent))

stu->number = 0

stu->name[0] = '\0'

stu->tele[0] = '\0'

stu->link = NULL



void AppendToTable(struct SStudent * stu)


struct SStudent * next, * last

int number

last = stu

while(last->link) last = last->link

printf("Please input the number (0 to quit): ")

scanf("%d", &number)



next = (struct SStudent *) malloc(sizeof(struct SStudent))

next->number = number

printf("Please input name: ")

scanf("%s", next->name)

printf("Please input tele: ")

scanf("%s", next->tele)

last->link = next

last = last->link

printf("\nPlease input the number (0 to quit): ")

scanf("%d", &number)


last->link = NULL


void InsertToTable(struct SStudent * stu)


struct SStudent * next, * last

int number

printf("Please input the number (0 to quit): ")

scanf("%d", &number)



next = (struct SStudent *) malloc(sizeof(struct SStudent))

next->number = number

printf("Please input name: ")

scanf("%s", next->name)

printf("Please input tele: ")

scanf("%s", next->tele)

last = stu



if(last->link->number >next->number)


next->link = last->link

last->link = next



else last = last->link


printf("\nPlease input the number (0 to quit): ")

scanf("%d", &number)



void QueryTable(struct SStudent * stu, unsigned number)


struct SStudent * temp, * next

next = stu



if(next->link->number == number)


temp = next->link

next->link = next->link->link



else next = next->link



void PrintTable(struct SStudent * stu)


stu = stu->link



puts("The table is EMPTY!")






printf("%3d\t", stu->number)

printf("%-s\t", stu->name)

printf("%-s\t", stu->tele)


stu = stu->link



void SortTable(struct SStudent * stu)


struct SStudent * next, * last, * temp

int flag

last = stu



next = stuflag = 1

while(next->link != last->link)


if(next->link->number >last->link->number)


temp = last->link

last->link = last->link->link

temp->link = next->link

next->link = temp

flag = 0



else next = next->link


if(flag) last = last->link



void Save(struct SStudent * stu)


char filename[13]

FILE * fileSave

printf("Please input the filename you want save in: ")

scanf("%s", filename)

if((fileSave = fopen(filename, "wb")) == 0)


printf("Cannot open file %s !\n", filename)



puts("Saveing ...")

stu = stu->link



fwrite(stu, sizeof(struct SStudent), 1, fileSave)

stu = stu->link


puts("Saveing is finished!")


void Load(struct SStudent * stu)

{char filename[13]<br>FILE * fileLoad<br>struct SStudent * temp<br>while(stu->link)<br>{<br>temp = stu->link<br>stu->link = stu->link->link<br>free(temp)<br>}

temp = (struct SStudent *) malloc(sizeof(struct SStudent))

printf("Please input the filename you want load from: ")

scanf("%s", filename)

if((fileLoad = fopen(filename, "rb")) == 0)


printf("Cannot open file %s !\n", filename)



puts("Loading ...")

while(fread(temp, sizeof(struct SStudent), 1, fileLoad))

{stu->link = temp<br>stu = stu->link<br>temp = (struct SStudent *) malloc(sizeof(struct SStudent))<br>}

stu->link = NULL

puts("loading is finished!")


void Help()

{ puts(" *********************************************")

puts(" * System Command Help *")

puts(" *********************************************")

puts(" * L = List all records *")

puts(" * D = Delete a record seleced by number *")

puts(" * A = Append records *")

puts(" * I = Insert records *")

puts(" * S = Sort records *")

puts(" * F= Search records *")

puts(" * M= Modi records *")puts(" * H = Show this help message *")

puts(" * V = Save records to a file *")

puts(" * O = Load records from a file *")

puts(" * Q = Quit System *")

puts(" *********************************************")


void modi(struct SStudent *h)


struct SStudent *p /* 移动指针*/

unsigned num /*存放学号的变量*/

// clrscr() /*清屏幕*/


printf("please enter number for modifi\n")

scanf("%d",&num) /*输入学号*/

p=h /*将头指针赋给p*/

while( (p->number!=num)&&p!=NULL) /*当记录的姓名不是要找的,且指针不为空时*/


if(p==NULL) /*如果指针为空*/

printf("\nlist no %d student\n",num) /*显示没有该学生*/

else /*修改找到的记录信息*/


printf("Please input new name: ")

scanf("%s", p->name)

printf("Please input new tele: ")

scanf("%s", p->tele)

printf("|number | name | tel | \n")


printf("|%6d|%-10s|%12s|\n", p->number,p->name,p->tele) }


void search(struct SStudent *h)


struct SStudent *p /* 移动指针*/

char s[10] /*存放姓名的字符数组*/

// clrscr()/*清屏幕*/


printf("please enter name for search\n")

scanf("%s",s) /*输入姓名*/

p=h /*将头指针赋给p*/

while(strcmp(p->name,s)&&p!=NULL) /*当记录的姓名不是要找的,且指针不为空时*/


if(p==NULL) /*如果指针为空*/

printf("\nlist no %s student\n",s) /*显示没有该学生*/

else /*显示找到的记录信息*/



printf("|number | name | tel | \n")


printf("|%10d|%-10s|%12s|\n", p->number,p->name,p->tele)




#include <stdio.h> #define OK 1   

#define ERROR 0

#define TRUE 1   

#define FALSE 0 #define MAXSIZE 100 #define LElemType int

#define Status int

#define BOOL int typedef struct


 LElemType data

 int cur

}Component,SLinkList[MAXSIZE] int Malloc(SLinkList space) 


 int i=space[0].cur

 if (i)


 return i

} Status Free(SLinkList space, int k) 




 return OK

} Status InitList(SLinkList L)



 int i


 for (i=0i<MAXSIZE-2i++)



 return OK

} Status ClearList(SLinkList L)


 int i,j,k





 while (i)






 return OK

} BOOL ListEmpty(SLinkList L)


 if (!L[MAXSIZE-1].cur)

  return TRUE


  return FALSE

} int ListLength(SLinkList L)


 int i,len



 while (i)





 return len

} Status GetElem(SLinkList L,int i,LElemType *e)


 int j,k=MAXSIZE-1

 if (i<1||i>ListLength(L))

  return ERROR

 for (j=1j<=ij++)



 return OK

} int LocateElem(SLinkList L,LElemType e) 



 int i=L[MAXSIZE-1].cur

 while (i&&L[i].data!=e)


 return i

} Status PriorElem(SLinkList L,LElemType cur_e,LElemType *pre_e)



 //          否则操作失败,pre_e无定义

 int i,j





 }while (i&&L[i].data!=cur_e)

 if (i)



  return OK


 return ERROR

} Status NextElem(SLinkList L,LElemType cur_e,LElemType *next_e)



 //          否则操作失败,next_e无定义

 int i,j


 if (i)



  if (j)



   return OK



 return ERROR

} Status ListInsert(SLinkList L,int i,LElemType e)


 int j,k,l


 if (i<1||i>ListLength(L)+1)

  return ERROR


 if (j)







  return OK


 return ERROR

} Status ListDelete(SLinkList L,int i,LElemType *e)



 int j,k

 if (i<1||i>ListLength(L))

  return ERROR


 for (j=1j<=i-1j++)






 return OK

} Status ListTraverse(SLinkList L,void (* visit)(LElemType e))

 int i=L[MAXSIZE-1].cur

 while (i)





 return OK

} void Visit(LElemType e)



} int main()


 int i,j,k

 LElemType e,e0

 SLinkList L
























   printf("%d %d\n",j,k)//j在链表中的序号k


   printf("Can't find %d\n",j)//链表中不存在j


 for(j=1j<=2j++) //测试头两个数据


  GetElem(L,j,&e0) //把第j个数据赋给e0

  i=PriorElem(L,e0,&e) //求e0的前驱


   printf("No elem before %d\n",e0)


   printf("Elem before %d is %d\n",e0,e)//数据e0的前驱


 for(j=ListLength(L)-1j<=ListLength(L)j++) //最后两个数据


  GetElem(L,j,&e0) //把第j个数据赋给e0

  i=NextElem(L,e0,&e) //求e0的后继


   printf("No elem after %d\n",e0)


   printf("The elem after % is %d\n",e0,e)//数据e0的后继


 k=ListLength(L) //k为表长



  i=ListDelete(L,j,&e) //删除第j个数据


   printf("Delete Succussfully\n")


   printf("Can't find the elem\n",j)



 return 0



给你一个通讯录管理系统程序 四百多行 够你用了吧!!! #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <conio.h> #define N 100 void input()//添加新用户函数 void amend()//修改用户信息函数 void delete_client()//删除用户信息函数 void demand_client()//用户信息查询函数 void collect_telephone()//用户信息汇总函数 void save_client(struct telephone message)//保存函数 void demand_name()//按用户名查询 void demand_telephone()//按电话号码查询 struct telephone { char client_name[20] char client_address[30] char client_telephone[15] } //添加新用户函数 void input() { struct telephone message char reply='y' char save='y' while (reply=='y') { printf("用户姓名:") scanf("%s",message.client_name) printf("电话号码:") scanf("%s",message.client_telephone) save_client(message) printf("要继续吗?(y/n):") scanf(" %c",&reply) } printf("按任意键返回主菜单……\n") getchar() getchar() } //保存函数 void save_client(struct telephone message) { FILE *fp fp=fopen("message.dat","a+") if (fp!=NULL) { fwrite(&message,sizeof(struct telephone),1,fp) } else { printf("\n打开文件时出现错误,按任意键返回……\n") getchar() return } fclose(fp) } //修改用户信息函数 void amend() { struct telephone message FILE *fp char amend_name[20] char reply='y' char found='y' char save='y' int size=sizeof(struct telephone) while (reply=='y') { found='n' fp=fopen("message.dat","r+w") if (fp!=NULL) { system("cls") printf("\n请输入要修改的姓名:") scanf("%s",amend_name) while ((fread(&message,size,1,fp))==1) { if ((strcmp(amend_name,message.client_name))==0) { found='y' break } } if (found=='y') { printf("==========================================\n") printf("\n用户姓名:%s\n",message.client_name) printf("\n电话号码:%s\n",message.client_telephone) printf("==========================================\n") printf("修改用户信息:\n") printf("\n用户姓名:") scanf("%s",message.client_name) printf("\n电话号码:") scanf("%s",message.client_telephone) printf("\n要保存吗?(y/n):") scanf(" %c",&save) if (save=='y') { fseek(fp,-size,1) fwrite(&message,sizeof(struct telephone),1,fp) } } else { printf("无此人信息!\n") } } else { printf("打开文件时出现错误,按任意键返回……\n") getchar() return } fclose(fp) printf("要继续吗?(y/n):") scanf(" %c",&reply) } printf("按任意键返回主菜单……\n") getchar() getchar() } //删除用户信息函数 void delete_client() { struct telephone message[N] struct telephone temp_str struct telephone delete_str int i=0,j=0 char reply='y' char found='y' char confirm='y' char delete_name[20] FILE *fp while (reply=='y') { system("cls") fp=fopen("message.dat","r") if (fp!=NULL) { i=0 found='n' printf("\n请输入姓名:") scanf("%s",delete_name) while ((fread(&temp_str,sizeof(struct telephone),1,fp))==1) { if ((strcmp(delete_name,temp_str.client_name))==0) { found='y' delete_str=temp_str }//查找要删除的记录 else { message[i]=temp_str i++ }//将其它无关记录保存起来 } } else { printf("打开文件时出现错误,按任意键返回……\n") getchar() return } fclose(fp) if (found=='y') { printf("==========================================\n") printf("用户姓名:%s\n",delete_str.client_name) printf("电话号码:%s\n",delete_str.client_telephone) printf("==========================================\n") } else { printf("无此人信息,按任意键返回……\n") getchar() break } printf("确定要删除吗?(y/n):") scanf(" %c",&confirm) if (confirm=='y') { fp=fopen("message.dat","w") if (fp!=NULL) { for(j=0j<ij++) { fwrite(&message[j],sizeof(struct telephone),1,fp) } printf("记录已删除!!!\n") } else { printf("打开文件时出现错误,按任意键返回……\n") getchar() return } fclose(fp) } printf("要继续吗?(y/n):") scanf(" %c",&reply) } printf("按任意键返回主菜单……\n") getchar() } //用户信息查询函数 void demand_client() { int choice=1 while (choice!=3) { system("cls") printf("电话查询菜单\n") printf(" 1 按联系人姓名查询\n") printf(" 2 按联系人电话号码查询\n") printf(" 3 返回主菜单\n") printf("请选择(1-3):") scanf("%d%*c",&choice) if (choice>3) { printf("请输入1-6之间的整数\n") printf("按任意键返回菜单……\n") getchar() continue } if (choice==1) { demand_name() } else if (choice==2) { demand_telephone() } } } //按用户名查询 void demand_name() { struct telephone message FILE *fp char amend_name[20] char reply='y' char found='y' while (reply=='y') { found='n' fp=fopen("message.dat","r+w") if (fp!=NULL) { system("cls") printf("\n请输入姓名:") scanf("%s",amend_name) while ((fread(&message,sizeof(struct telephone),1,fp))==1) { if ((strcmp(amend_name,message.client_name))==0) { found='y' break } } if (found=='y') { printf("==========================================\n") printf("用户姓名:%s\n",message.client_name) printf("电话号码:%s\n",message.client_telephone) printf("==========================================\n") } else { printf("无此人信息!\n") } } else { printf("打开文件时出现错误,按任意键返回……\n") getchar() return } fclose(fp) printf("要继续吗?(y/n):") scanf(" %c",&reply) } printf("按任意键返回主菜单……\n") getchar() getchar() } //按电话号码查询 void demand_telephone() { struct telephone message FILE *fp char telephone[20] char reply='y' char found='y' while (reply=='y') { found='n' fp=fopen("message.dat","r+w") if (fp!=NULL) { system("cls") printf("\n请输入电话号码:") scanf("%s",telephone) while ((fread(&message,sizeof(struct telephone),1,fp))==1) { if ((strcmp(telephone,message.client_telephone))==0) { found='y' break } } if (found=='y') { printf("==========================================\n") printf("用户姓名:%s\n",message.client_name) printf("电话号码:%s\n",message.client_telephone) printf("==========================================\n") } else { printf("无此电话号码的有关信息!\n") } } else { printf("打开文件时出现错误,按任意键返回……\n") getchar() return } fclose(fp) printf("要继续吗?(y/n):") scanf(" %c",&reply) } printf("按任意键返回主菜单……\n") getchar() getchar() } //用户信息汇总函数 void collect_telephone() { struct telephone message FILE *fp fp=fopen("message.dat","r") if (fp!=NULL) { system("cls") printf("\n用户姓名\t\t电话号码\n") while ((fread(&message,sizeof(struct telephone),1,fp))==1) { printf("\n%-24s",message.client_name) printf("%-12s\n",message.client_telephone) } } else { printf("打开文件时出现错误,按任意键返回……\n") getchar() return } fclose(fp) printf("按任意键返回主菜单……\n") getch() } void main() { char choice[10]="" int len=0 while (choice[0]!='7') { printf("\t==========电话本号码查询系统=============\n") printf("\t\t 1、添加新联系人\n") printf("\t\t 2、修改联系人信息\n") printf("\t\t 3、删除联系人信息\n") printf("\t\t 4、联系人信息查询\n") printf("\t\t 5、联系人信息汇总\n") printf("\t\t 7、退出\n") printf("\t=========================================\n") printf("请选择(1-7):") scanf("%s",choice) len=strlen(choice) if (len>1) { printf("请输入1-6之间的整数\n") printf("按任意键返回主菜单……\n") getchar() getchar() continue } switch (choice[0]) { case '1': input() break case '2': amend() break case '3': delete_client() break case '4': demand_client() break case '5': collect_telephone() break default: break } } }