shopify liquid 语言


shopify liquid 语言,第1张

Shopify Liquid





两重大括号{{ }},表示输出

两重大括号加百分号{% %},表示逻辑和控制流






对象是 Shopify 后台的输出数据片段。对象被包裹在双重大括号中:


该代码输出值为布尔值True 或 False, 表示此产品是否符合出售条件。

1st, the free goods add appraisal reel = this goods the unique shape, for example: Wilfully colossus blade + appraisal reel = unique grandfather 2nd, the free goods add to return to city reel = this goods the set shape, for example: Wilfully amulet + returns to city reel = set tal rasha amulet (certainly also possibly to appear other set amulet) 3rd, wilfully independent weapon, armor, ring, amulet, the jewel direct synthesis may obtain stochastic attribute this goods the Rare edition. Wilfully an independent charm direct synthesis may obtain stochastic attribute magic charm. 4th, the free goods add bottle of lives to restore the liquid medicines = to retain the original complete attribute this goods the promotion shape, the promotion order are normal - exceptional - elite - return to exceptional again, for example: Wilfully Ancient Sword + bottle of lives restore liquid medicines = same attribute Mythical Sword or unique lance (spire of honor) + bottle of lives restore liquid medicines = unique war pike edition spire of honor 5th, the free goods add bottle of black magics to restore the liquid medicines = to retain the original complete attribute this goods the ethereal shape, for example: Wilfully ordinary war pike + bottle of black magics restore liquid medicines = ethereal war pike or unique titan + bottle of black magics restore liquid medicines = ethereal titan 6th, has not wilfully drilled a hole weapon or armor + bottle of disintoxicating liquid medicines = hit weapon or the armor + two bottles of disintoxicating liquid medicines on this goods which a hole has not wilfully drilled a hole = on this goods hit weapon or the armor + three bottles of disintoxicating liquid medicines which two holes has not wilfully drilled a hole = on this goods hit three holes wilfully already weapon or armor + bottle of disintoxicating liquid medicines which drills a hole = on this goods hit four holes wilfully already weapon or the armor + two bottles of disintoxicating liquid medicines which drills a hole = on this goods hit five holes wilfully already weapon or armor which drills a hole + Three bottles of disintoxicating liquid medicines = hit six holes on this goods In other words, if must give goods which has not drilled a hole to hit six holes, needs to pass through two times of syntheses, first, this goods add 1 - 3 bottles of disintoxicating liquid medicines first wilfully to get 1 - 3 holes, second time with hits the hole this goods to add three bottles of disintoxicating liquid medicines to be able to get six holes The magic goods are most only can hit 2 holes, unique, set, rare all only can hit 7th, free goods + bottle of disintoxicating liquid medicines + returns to city reel = this goods the normal shape, for example: Magic archon plate + bottle of disintoxicating liquid medicines + returns to a city reel = white ordinary archon plate 8th, wilfully ring + wilfully a amulet = selling price is 2.5 million ear (may change money) 9th, returns to city reel + appraisal reel = wirt's leg (to open cow to close needs goods) 10th, wilfully small charm + bottle of physical strengths liquid medicines = belt +461% empirical value attribute small charm (assistance fast promotion, may synthesize many) 11th, wilfully weapon + bottle of physical strengths liquid medicines = bring the cruel attribute (200%ed - 300%ed) rare edition this type weapon 12th, wilfully jewel + bottle of physical strengths liquid medicines = bring the ruby prefix (30%ed - 40%ed) stochastic magic jewel 13th, wilfully grand above the charm + third rank gem = adds a character skill Each kind of gem corresponds a person role type, can synthesize the different character role with not the homogeneous third rank above gem skill gc: Amethyst corresponds asn skill topaz to correspond ama skill sapphire to correspond barb skill emerald to correspond nec skill diamond to correspond pal skill ruby to correspond sorc the skill





MAC液体唇膏fashion legacy试色


MAC液体唇膏tailored to tease试色


MAC液体唇膏quite the standout试色



BACK IN VOGUE哑光雾面质感,上嘴先呈现液体,然后会慢慢吸附在唇上变干,变哑光,显色覆盖力极佳,很温柔的欧美裸色,很正宗。涂上瞬间欧美厚嘴唇,一个非常漂亮的打底色。这个颜色其实不挑皮,不会显黑也不会显白,而且哑光质地会让其饱和度降低很多,个人觉得古铜色皮肤厚涂起来会很好看。


MAC哑光唇釉试色:DANCE WITH ME最这只是稍微偏紫红调一些的姨妈,绝对不会挑皮的,底色是玫紫色调,冷皮食用更佳哦~但这只还是比较需要欧美风的人来驾驭比较好,一般喜欢重口姨妈色的人都很酷!

MAC哑光唇釉试色:TO MATTE WITH LOVE非常明快的一个桃花色,雾面哑光的质地特别显白。加上哑光质地,色调后续会变得偏豆沙粉调。比一些滋润质地的唇釉更好驾驭,几乎不挑皮,这类色系都比较显白。

MAC哑光唇釉试色:FEELS SO GRAND所谓蓝调就是唇釉薄涂时边缘会有偏冷调的玫色出现,这只和ruby woo是同一个色系的,但是顶色稍微偏橘一丢丢,总体埋起来不会出错!这个色系一般肯定是显白的,比纯正红色又多了一丢丢少女,尤其薄涂的时候。

MAC哑光唇釉试色:HIGH DRAMA这只颜色就像英文名一样,很强烈很夸张,官方说这只是深紫红,极度显白。 上嘴后脸起码白两个度,种颜色一定要搭配雾面质感才好看~


-FashionLegacy 热情的火焰红

“如烈火一般炙热”是对Fashion Legacy最好描述,经典的正红色与液体的唇釉质地的结合,提供了更强的显色度和哑光妆效,这支以激烈饱满的“火焰“为原型定制的正红色“FashionLegacy”相信会在市场上重新成为一代王者。



-Quite The Standout 橘红色系的代表


橘红色系的代表- Quite The Standout也是韩国人气偶像UIE(金宥真)与ELLE 拍摄大片时用到的海报色,亮橘色充满着夏天的感觉,不论是白皮或者黄皮都能轻松胜任。

-Tailored To Tease 既优雅又活泼的“Berry”色

紫粉的”Berry“色本是日常比较少能用到的颜色,但液体版子弹头的Tailored ToTease却异常地适合用来做日常的咬唇妆,稍微再唇中间轻点一点,然后用手指晕开,抿一下就能轻松地完成咬唇妆了,如果夜晚正巧有一场PARTY 参加,厚涂后能立刻带出艳丽感!

除了以上色系外,液体版子弹头共拥有15个色号,近期大热的三文鱼色“RICH &RESTELESS”, 凸显气质的裸色: “BACK INVOGUE”,特别的亮紫色“RECOLLECTION”适合暗黑色系星人的“OH LADY”和”DRAMA” 在这个系列中都可以找到他们的身影。

出色的显色度、卓越的哑光雾面妆感、清水都化不了的持久度,这个适合在夏天使用的持久哑光液体唇膏系列已经全线上市,去MAC 专柜找最适合你的雾面唇膏,然后和朋友去水上乐园展现它不可思议的魔力吧!