


数组是可以整体初始化,比如下面的代码,利用 {} 即可整体初始化 #include using namespace stdint main(){int a[10] = {0}//整体初始化for(int i = 0i <10++i){cout!

from ctypes import *

class AAA(Structure):

    _fields_ = [("a", c_int),

                ("b", c_int),

                ("c", c_int),

                ("d", c_int),




import ctypes

class Array:

def __init__(self, size):

assert size >0, "Array size must be >0 "

self._size = size

pyArrayType = ctypes.py_object * size

self._elements = pyArrayType()


def clear(self, value):

for index in range(len(self)):

self._elements[index] = value

def __len__(self):

return self._size

def __getitem__(self, index):

assert index >= 0 and index <len(self), "index must >=0 and <= size"

return self._elements[index]

def __setitem__(self, index, value):

assert index >= 0 and index <len(self), "index must >=0 and <= size"

self._elements[index] = value

def __iter__(self):

return _ArrayIterator(self._elements)

class _ArrayIterator:

def __init__(self, theArray):

self._arrayRef = theArray

self._curNdr = 0

def __next__(self):

if self._curNdr <len(theArray):

entry = self._arrayRef[self._curNdr]

sllf._curNdr += 1

return entry


raise StopIteration

def __iter__(self):

return self

class Array2D :

def __init__(self, numRows, numCols):

self._theRows = Array(numCols)

for i in range(numCols):

self._theRows[i] = Array(numCols)

def numRows(self):

return len(self._theRows)

def numCols(self):

return len(self._theRows[0])

def clear(self, value):

for row in range(self.numRows):


def __getitem__(self, ndxTuple):

assert len(ndxTuple) == 2, "the tuple must 2"

row = ndxTuple[0]

col = ndxTuple[1]

assert row>=0 and row <len(self.numRows())

and col>=0 and col<len(self.numCols),

"array subscrpt out of range"

theArray = self._theRows[row]

return theArray[col]

def __setitem__(self, ndxTuple, value):

assert len(ndxTuple)==2, "the tuple must 2"

row = ndxTuple[0]

col = ndxTuple[1]

assert row >= 0 and row <len(self.numRows)

and col >= 0 and col <len(self.numCols),

"row and col is invalidate"

theArray = self._theRows[row]

theArray[col] = value
