



1UP(加命蘑菇) = life(生活) + mushroom (蘑菇)


3.airplane(飞机) = bird(鸟) + metal(金属)

4.Albert Einstein(爱因斯坦) = energy(能源) + scientist(科学家)

5.alcohol(酒) = fire(火) + water(水)

6.alcoholic(酒精) = alcohol(酒) + man(人类)

7.algae(藻类) = life(生活) + water(水)

8.alien(外星人) = life(生活) + star(明星)

9.aluminium(铝) = airplane(飞机) + metal(金属)

10.ambulance(救护车) = car(汽车) + hospital(医院)

11.arable(耕地) = earth(土) + tool(工具)

12.arms(武器) = metal(金属) + tool(工具)

13.ash(灰) = air(空气) + earth(土)

14.ashtray(烟灰缸) = ash(灰) + glass(玻璃)

15.assassin(刺客) = man(人类) + poisoned weapon(有毒武器)

16.Australia(澳大利亚) = country(国家) + Kangaroo(袋鼠)

17.avian flu(禽流感) = bird(鸟) + flu(流感)

18.baby(婴儿) = **(性别) + woman(女人)

19.bacon(熏肉) = fire(火) + pig(猪)

20.bacteria(菌) = life(生活) + swamp(沼泽)

21.bar(酒吧) = beer(啤酒) + brick house(砖房)

22.barbecue(烧烤) = fire(火) + meat(肉类)

23.bat(蝙蝠) = bird(鸟) + vampire(吸血鬼)

24.Batman(勤务兵) = bat(蝙蝠) + man(人类)

25.beach(海滩) = sand(沙) + water(水)

26.bear(熊) = beast(兽) + forest(林木)

27.beast(兽) = earth(土) + lizard(蜥蜴)

28.beaver(海狸) = beast(兽) + dam(母兽)

29.bee(蜜蜂) = beetle(甲虫) + flower(花)

30.beer(啤酒) = alcohol(酒) + wheat(小麦)

31.beetle(甲虫) = earth(土) + worm(蠕虫)

32.beetroot(萝卜) = seed(种子) + sugar(糖)

33.Belarus(白俄罗斯) = country(国家) + tractor(拖拉机)

34.berry(浆果) = fruit(水果) + grass(草)

35.bicycle(自行车) = wheel(轮) + wheel(轮)

36.bird(鸟) = air(空气) + egg(鸡蛋)

37.bitumen(沥青) = kerogen(油母页岩) + pressure(压力)

38.blood(血) = dinosaur(恐龙) + man(人类)

39.boat(船) = water(水) + wood(木)

40.boiler(锅炉) = metal(金属) + steam(蒸汽)

41.book(书) = feather(羽毛) + paper(纸)

42.borscht(罗宋汤) = beetroot(萝卜) + fire(火)

43.Bow(弓) = arms(武器) + Robin Hood(罗宾逊)

44.bread(面包) = dough(生面团) + fire(火)

45.brick(砖) = clay(粘土) + fire(火)

46.brick house(砖房) = brick(砖) + concrete(混凝土)

47.butterfly(蝴蝶) = air(空气) + worm(蠕虫)

48.cactus(仙人掌) = desert(沙漠) + tree(树)

49.camel(骆驼) = beast(兽) + desert(沙漠)

50.cancer(癌症) = cigarette(香烟) + man(人)

51.car(汽车) = cart(车) + combustion engine(内燃机)

52.caramel(焦糖) = fire(火) + sugar(糖)

53.carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) = man(人类) + oxygen(氧)

54.carmine(深红色) = cochineal(胭脂虫) + fire(火)

55.cart(车) = wheel(轮) + wood(木)

56.cat(猫) = hunter(猎人) + mouse(老鼠)

57.Catdog(猫狗兽) = cat(猫) + dog(狗)

58.caviar(鱼子酱) = egg(鸡蛋) + fish(鱼)

59.cement(水泥) = clay(粘土) + limestone(石灰石)

60.cemetery(墓地) = grave(坟墓) + grave(坟墓)

61.ceramics(陶瓷) = clay(粘土) + man(人类)

62.champagne(香槟) = carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) + wine(葡萄酒)

63.chariot(双轮战车) = cart(车) + warrior(战士)

64.cheese(奶酪) = milk(牛奶) + mold(模型)

65.chicken(鸡) = egg(鸡蛋) + life(生活)

66.China(中国) = country(国家) + dragon(龙)

67.chocolate(巧克力) = cocoa(可可豆) + sugar(糖)

68.christmas tree(圣诞树) = light bulb(白炽灯) + tree(树)

69.cigarettes(香烟) = paper(纸) + tobacco(烟草)

70.city(城市) = skyscraper(摩天楼) + skyscraper(摩天楼)

71.clay(粘土) = sand(沙) + swamp(沼泽)

72.cock(钟表) = time(时间) + tool(工具)

73.cloth(布) = tool(工具) + wool(羊毛)

74.clothing(服装) = cloth(布) + man(人类)

75.cloud(云) = air(空气) + steam(蒸汽)

76.coal(煤) = fire(火) + wood(木)

77.Coca-Cola(可口可乐) = carmine(深红色) + soda water(苏打水)

78.cochineal(胭脂虫) = beetle(甲虫) + cactus(仙人掌)

79.cocoa(可可豆) = Mexico(墨西哥) + seed(种子)

80.coffin(灵柩) = corpse(尸体) + wood(木)

81.coin(硬币) = metal(金属) + money(钱)

82.combustion engine(内燃机) = gasoline(汽油) + steam-engine(蒸汽引擎)

83.concrete(混凝土) = cement(水泥) + water(水)

84.continent(大洲) = country(国家) + country(国家)

85.corpse(尸体) = fire(火) + man(人类)

86.country(国家) = city(城市) + city(城市)

87.crop circles(麦田怪圈) = UFO(不明飞行物) + arable(耕地)

88.dam(水坝) = brick(砖) + water(水)

89.desert(沙漠) = sand(沙) + sand(沙)

90.diamond(钻石) = tool(工具) + uncut diamond(未切割钻石)

91.diet(节食) = man(人类) + yogurt(酸奶)

92.dilemma(进退两难) = chicken(鸡) + egg(鸡蛋)

93.dinosaur(恐龙) = earth(土) + egg(鸡蛋)

94.doctor(医生) = hospital(医院) + scientist(科学家)

95.dog(狗) = man(人) + wolf(狼)

96.dough(生面团) = flour(面粉) + water(水)

97.Dr.Zoidberg(佐艾伯格医生) = alien(外星人) + doctor(医生)

98.dragon(龙) = dinosaur(恐龙) + fire(火)

99.dust(尘土) = air(空气) + earth(土)

100.E-book(电子书) = book(书) + microchip(集成电路)


102.ectoplasm(外质) = energy(能源) + ghost(幽灵)

103.egg(鸡蛋) = life(生活) + stone(石)

104.Egypt(埃及) = cat(猫) + country(国家)/ country(国家)+mummy(木乃伊)

105.electric eel(电鳗) = electricity(电) + snake(蛇)

106.electric ray(电鳐) = electricity(电) + fish(鱼)

107.electricity(电) = energy(能源) + metal(金属)

108.elephant(大象) = earth(能源) + whale(鲸鱼)/beast(兽)+India(印度 )

109.energy(能源) = air(空气) + fire(火)

110.ent(走路的树) = life(生活) + tree(树)

111.explosion(爆炸) = gunpowder(火药) + fire(火)

112.faberge egg(彩蛋) = diamond(钻石) + egg(蛋)

113.farmer(农夫) = man(人类) + seed(种子)

114.fat(脂肪) = man(人类) + pig(猪)

115.feather(羽毛) = bird(鸟) + hunter(猎人)

116.fern(蕨类) = moss(苔) + swamp(沼泽)

117.Finland(芬兰) = country(国家) + Sauna(桑拿)


119.fire elemental(火元素) = fire(火) + life(生活)

120.firearms(枪械) = arms(武器) + gunpowder(火药)

121.firefighter(消防员) = fire(火) + hero(英雄)

122.firefly(萤火虫) = beetle(甲虫) + light(光)

123.fish(鱼) = snake(蛇) + water(水)

124.fisherman(渔夫) = fish(鱼) + hunter(猎人)

125.flour(面粉) = stone(石头) + wheat(小麦)

126.flower(花) = seed(种子) + water(水)

127.flu(流感) = air(空气) + bacteria(菌)

128.fondue(干酪) = cheese(奶酪) + fire(火)

129.forest(森林) = grove(小树林) + grove(小树林)

130.fossil(化石) = dinosaur(恐龙) + earth(土)

131.France(法国) = champagne(香槟) + country(国家)

132.frankenstein(法兰肯斯坦) = corpse(尸体) + electricity(电)

133.fried chicken(烧鸡) = chicken(鸡) + fire(火)

134.frog(青蛙) = lizard(蜥蜴) + swamp(沼泽)

135.fruit(水果) = flower(花) + tree(树)

136.fugu(河豚) = fish(鱼) + poison(毒药)

137.gasoline(汽油) = petroleum(石油) + pressure(压力)

138.genie(妖怪) = ghost(幽灵) + lamp(灯)

139.Germany(德国) = country(国家) + VW beetle(甲壳虫汽车)

140.geyser(喷泉) = earth(土) + steam(蒸汽)

141.ghost(幽灵) = ash(灰) + life(生活)

142.Ghostbusters(驱鬼者) = ghost(鬼) + hunter(猎人)

143.glass(玻璃) = fire(火) + sand(沙)

144.gold(金) = Philosopher's stone(点金石) + metal(金属)

145.golem(魔像) = clay(粘土) + life(生活)

146.grape(葡萄) = earth(土) + wood(木)

147.grass(草) = earth(土) + moss(苔)

148.grave(坟墓) = coffin(灵柩) + earth(土)

149.grove(小树林) = tree(树) + tree(树)

150.gunpowder(火药) = dust(尘土) + fire(火)

151.hen coop(鸡舍) = chicken(鸡) + hut(棚屋)

152.hero(英雄) = dragon(龙) + warrior(战士)

153.honey(蜂蜜) = bee(蜜蜂) + sugar(糖)

154.hospital(医院) = brick house(砖房) + sick(呕吐物)

155.hot chocolate(热巧克力) = chocolate(巧克力) + fire(火)

156.hourglass(沙漏) = glass(玻璃) + sand(沙)

157.House M.D.(豪斯医生) = man(人类) + vicodin(维柯丁)

158.hunter(猎人) = arms(武器) + man(人类)

159.hut(棚屋) = man(人类) + stone(石)

160.hydrogen(氢) = electricity(电) + water(水)

161.ice(冰) = glass(玻璃) + water(水)

162.Iceland(冰岛) = country(国家) + ice(冰)/country(国家)+volcano(火山)

163.idea(计划)=light bulb(白炽灯)+man(人类)

164.India(印度) = country(国家) + Kama Sutra(卡马经)

165.iodine(碘) = algae(藻类) + fire(火)

166.island(海岛) = sea(海) + volcano(火山)

167.Italy(意大利) = country(国家) + pizza(比萨)

168.Japan(日本) = country(国家) + sushi(寿司)

169.jedi(绝地武士) = lightsaber(激光剑) + warrior(战士)

170.juice(果汁) = fruit(水果) + pressure(压力)

171.Kama Sutra(卡马经) = book(书) + **(性别)

172.kangaroo(袋鼠) = 1UP(加命蘑菇) + frog(青蛙)/ beast(兽)+ frog(青蛙)

173.kerogen(油母页岩) = fossil(化石) + pressure(压力)

174.Kilt(苏格兰短裙) = clothing(服装) + Scotland(苏格兰)

175.knife(小刀) = meat(肉类) + tool(工具)

176.lamp(灯) = fire(火) + glass(玻璃)

177.Lance Armstrong(阿姆斯特朗) = bicycle(自行车) + cancer(癌症)

178.lava(岩浆) = earth(土) + fire(火)

179.lava golem(熔岩魔像) = lava(岩浆) + life(生活)

180.lava lamp(熔岩灯) = lamp(灯) + lava(岩浆)

181.lawn mower(割草机) = grass(草) + tool(工具)

182.leech(水蛭) = blood(血) + worm(蠕虫)

183.library(图书馆) = book(书) + book(书)

184.lichen(青苔) = algae(藻类) + mushroom(蘑菇)

185.life(生活) = energy(能源) + swamp(沼泽)

186.light(光) = electricity(电) + light bulb(白炽灯)

187.light bulb(白炽灯) = electricity(电) + glass(玻璃)

188.lighthouse(灯塔) = light(光) + skyscraper(摩天楼)

189.lightning rod(避雷针) = metal(金属) + thunderstorm(大雷雨)

190.lightsaber(激光剑) = arms(武器) + light(光)

191.lime(石灰) = limestone(石灰石) + fire(火)

192.limestone(石灰石) = shells(贝壳) + stone(石)

193.livestock(牲畜) = beast(兽) + man(人类)

194.lizard(蜥蜴) = egg(鸡蛋) + swamp(沼泽)

195.lobster(龙虾) = scorpion(蝎) + water(水)

196.locomotive(机车) = cart(车) + steam-engine(蒸汽引擎)

197.man(人类) = golem(魔像) + life(生活)

198.manure(肥料) = grass(草) + livestock(牲畜)

199.Mario(马里奥) = 1UP(加命蘑菇) + man(人类)

200.McDonald's(麦当劳) = Coca-Cola(可口可乐) + sandwich(三明治)

201.meat(肉类) = bird(鸟) + hunter(猎人)

202.Mentos(曼妥思) = Coca-Cola(可口可乐) + geyser(喷泉)

203.mermaid(美人鱼) = fish(鱼) + woman(女人)

204.metal(金属) = fire(火) + stone(石)

205.metal golem(金属魔像) = life(生活) + metal(金属)

206.Mexico(墨西哥) = country(国家) + tequila(龙舌兰酒)

207.microchip(集成电路) = transistor(晶体管) + transistor(晶体管)

208.milk(牛奶) = livestock(牲畜) + man(人类)

209.mirror(镜子) = aluminium(铝) + glass(玻璃)

210.mite(小蜘蛛) = dust(尘土) + life(生活)

211.mold(模型) = mud(泥土) + mushroom(蘑菇)

212.molotov cocktail(燃烧弹) = alcohol(酒) + fire(火)

213.money(钱) = gold(金) + paper(纸)

214.moon(月亮) = cheese(奶酪) + sky(天空)

215.moss(苔) = algae(藻类) + swamp(沼泽)

216.motorboat(汽艇) = combustion engine(内燃机) + boat(船)

217.motorcycle(摩托车) = combustion engine(内燃机) + bicycle(自行车)

218.mouse(老鼠) = cheese(奶酪) + beast(兽)

219.mud(泥土) = dust(尘土) + water(水)

220.mummy(木乃伊) = cloth(衣服) + corpse(尸体)

221.museum(博物馆) = brick house(砖房) + fossil(化石)

222.mushroom(蘑菇) = algae(藻类) + earth(土)

223.music(音乐) = idea(计划) + sound(声音)

224.obesity(肥胖) = man(人类) + McDonald's(麦当劳)

225.old man(老人) = man(人类) + time(时间)

226.omelette(煎蛋卷) = egg(鸡蛋) + fire(火)

227.oxygen(氧) = electricity(电) + water(水)

228.oxyhydrogen(氢氧混合气) = hydrogen(氢) + oxygen(氧)

229.ozone(臭氧) = air(空气) + electricity(电)

230.panda(熊猫) = beast(兽) + tree(树)

231.paper(纸) = reed(芦苇) + tool(工具)

232.pearl(珍珠) = sand(沙) + shells(贝壳)

233.peat(泥炭) = swamp(沼泽) + tree(树)

234.penguin(企鹅) = bird(鸟) + ice(冰)

235.penicillin(盘尼西林) = mold(模型) + scientist(科学家)

236.perfume(香水) = alcohol(酒精) + flower(花)

237.petri dish(培养皿) = bacteria(菌) + glass(玻璃)

238.petroleum(石油) = bitumen(沥青) + pressure(压力)

239.philosopher’s stone(点金石) = philosophy(哲学) + stone(石)

240.philosophy(哲学) = dilemma(进退两难) + scientist(科学家)

241.phoenix(凤凰) = bird(鸟) + fire(火)

242.pig(猪) = livestock(牲畜) + mud(泥土)

243.piggy bank(存钱罐) = coin(硬币) + pig(猪)

244.pillow(枕头) = cloth(布) + feather(羽毛)

245.pinocchio(匹诺曹) = life(生活) + wood(木)

246.pizza(比萨) = dough(生面团) + cheese(奶酪)

247.planet(行星) = continent(大洲) + continent(大洲)

248.plankton(浮游生物) = bacteria(菌) + water(水)

249.plesiosauria(蛇颈龙) = dinosaur(恐龙) + water(水)

250.poison(毒药) = mushroom(蘑菇) + tool(工具)

251.poisoned weapons(有毒武器) = arms(武器) + poison(毒药)

252.pressure(压力) = earth(土) + earth(土)

253.prisoner(囚犯) = assassin(刺客) + time(时间)

254.pterodactyl(翼手龙) = air(空气) + dinosaur(恐龙)

255.quark(cheese)(夸克奶酪) = fire(火) + soured milk(牛奶变酸)

256.Quetzalcoatl(羽蛇神) = feather(羽毛) + snake(蛇)

257.R2-D2(R2机器人) = robot(机器人) + Star Wars(星球大战)

258.rainbow(彩虹) = light(光) + steam(蒸汽)

259.reed(芦苇) = grass(草) + swamp(沼泽)

260.Robin Hood(罗宾逊) = forest(森林) + hero(英雄)

261.robot(机器人) = electricity(电) + metal golem(金属魔像)

262.Romania(罗马尼亚) = country(国家) + Transylvania(特兰西瓦尼亚)

263.ruby(红宝石) = blood(血) + diamond(钻石)

264.Russia(俄罗斯) = country(国家) + vodka(伏特加酒)

265.rust(铁锈) = metal(金属) + water(水)

266.sailboat(帆船) = boat(船) + cloth(布)

267.sailing ship(大帆船) = cloth(布) + wooden ship(木船)

268.sailor(水手) = boat(船) + man(人类)

269.sa**nder(蝾螈) = fire(火) + lizard(蜥蜴)

270.salo(萨洛) = man(人类) + pig(猪)

271.slat(盐) = fire(火) + sea(海)

272.saltpeter(硝) = limestone(石灰石) + manure(肥料)

273.sand(沙) = stone(石) + water(水)

274.sand storm(沙暴) = sand(沙) + storm(风暴)

275.sandwich(三明治) = bread(面包) + meat(肉类)

276.Santa Claus(圣诞老人) = christmas tree(圣诞树) + old man(老男人)

277.Saudi Arabia(沙特阿拉伯) = country(国家) + petroleum(石油)

278.sauna(桑拿) = hut(棚屋) + steam(蒸汽)

279.scarab(圣甲虫) = beetle(甲虫) + manure(肥料)

280.scientist(科学家) = library(图书馆) + man(人类)

281.scissors(剪刀) = knife(小刀) + knife(小刀)

282.scorpion(蝎) = beetle(甲虫) + sand(沙)

283.scotch whisky(苏格兰威士忌) = alcohol(酒) + peat(泥炭)

284.Scotland(苏格兰) = country(国家) + scotch whisky(苏格兰威士忌)

285.sea(海) = water(水) + water(水)

286.seed(种子) = life(生活) + sand(沙)

287.**(性别) = man(人类) + woman(女人)

288.** and the city(**都市) = city(城市) + **(性别)

289.shells(贝壳) = plankton(浮游生物) + stone(石)

290.sick(呕吐物) = flu(流感) + man(人类)

291.silicon(硅) = pressure(压力) + sand(沙)

292.silk(丝绸) = China(中国) + cloth(布)

293.silver(银) = metal(金属) + moon(月亮)

294.sith(西斯) = assasin(刺客) + jedi(绝地武士)

295.sky(天空) = air(空气) + cloud(云)

296.skyscraper(摩天楼) = brick house(砖房) + glass(玻璃)

297.smoke(烟) = fire(火) + cigarette(香烟)

298.snail(蜗牛) = shells(贝壳) + worm(蠕虫)

299.snake(蛇) = sand(沙) + worm(蠕虫)

300.sniper(狙击手) = assassin(刺客) + firearms(枪械)

301.soap(肥皂) = ash(灰) + fat(脂肪)

302.soda water(苏打水) = carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) + water(水)

303.soldier(士兵) = firearms(枪械) + man(人类)

304.sound(声音) = metal(金属) + wind(风)

305.soured milk(牛奶变酸) = milk(牛奶) + yogurt(酸奶)

306.spinning wheel(手纺车) = wheel(轮) + wool(羊毛)

307.stake(树桩) = knife(小刀) + wood(木)

308.star(星) = scientist(科学家) + Sun(太阳)

309.Star Wars(星球大战) = jedi(绝地战士) + sith(西斯)

310.statue(雕像) = stone(石) + tool(工具)

311.Statue of liberty(自由女神像) = statue(雕像) + USA(美国)

312.steam(蒸汽) = air(空气) + water(水)

313.steam-engine(蒸汽引擎) = boiler(锅炉) + coal(煤)

314.steamer(汽船) = steam-engine(蒸汽引擎) + wooden ship(木船)

315.stone(石) = lava(岩浆) + water(水)

316.storm(风暴) = air(空气) + energy(能源)

317.sugar(糖) = lime(石灰) + reed(芦苇)

318.sulfur(硫) = bacteria(菌) + swamp(沼泽)

319.Sun(太阳) = chariot(双轮战车) + sky(天空)

320.sunflower(向日葵) = flower(花) + Sun(太阳)

321.sushi(寿司) = algae(藻类) + fish(鱼)

322.swamp(沼泽) = earth(土) + water(水)

323.sweater(毛衣) = tool(工具) + yarn(纱线)

324.swine flu(猪流感) = flu(流感) + pig(猪)

325.swiss army knife(瑞士军刀) = knife(小刀) + soldier(士兵)

326.Switzerland(瑞士) = clock(钟表) + country(国家)

327.team(团队) = beast(兽) + cart(车)

328.tequila(龙舌兰酒) = alcohol(酒) + worm(蠕虫)

329.The Beatles(甲壳虫乐队) = beetle(甲壳虫) + beetle(甲壳虫)

330.thunderbird(雷鸟) = bird(鸟) + storm(风暴)

331.thunderstorm(大雷雨) = electricity(电) + storm(风暴)

332.time(时间) = hourglass(沙漏) + life(生活)

333.toast(吐司) = bread(面包) + fire(火)

334.tobacco(烟草) = fire(火) + grass(草)

335.tool(工具) = man(人类) + metal(金属)

336.Totoro(龙猫) = forest(林木) + ghost(幽灵)

337.tractor(拖拉机) = arable(耕地) + lawn mower(割草机)

338.Transformers(变形金刚) = car(汽车) + life(生活)

339.transistor(晶体管) = metal(金属) + silicon(硅)

340.Transylvania(特兰西瓦尼亚) = country(国家) + vampire(吸血鬼)

341.tree(树) = earth(土) + seed(种子)

342.turtle(龟) = egg(鸡蛋) + sand(沙)

343.Twilight Saga(暮光之城) = werewolf(狼人) + vampire(吸血鬼)

344.typhoon(台风) = storm(风暴) + water(水)

345.UFO(不明飞行物) = airplane(飞机) + alien(外星人)

346.Ukraine(乌克兰) = country(国家) + salo(萨洛)

347.uncut diamond(未切割钻石) = coal(煤) + pressure(压力)

348.undead(不死族) = corpse(尸体) + zombie(僵尸)

349.United Kingdom(英国) = country(国家) + The Beetles(甲壳虫乐队)

350.USA(美国) = country(国家) + McDonald's(麦当劳)

351.vampire(吸血鬼) = blood(血) + man(人类)

352.Venice(威尼斯) = city(城市) + water(水)

353.Vicodin(维柯丁) = doctor(医生) + sick(呕吐物)

354.vinegar(醋) = alcohol(酒) + oxygen(氧)

355.vodka(伏特加酒) = alcohol(酒) + water(水)

356.volcano(火山) = lava(岩浆) + pressure(压力)

357.vulture(秃鹫) = bird(鸟) + corpse(尸体)

358.VW Beetle(甲壳虫汽车) = beetle(甲虫) + car(汽车)

359.warrior(战士) = arms(武器) + hunter(猎人)


361.weevil(象鼻虫) = beetle(甲虫) + flour(面粉)

362.werewolf(狼人) = beast(兽) + vampire(吸血鬼)

363.whale(鲸鱼) = beast(兽) + water(水)

364.wheat(小麦) = arable(耕地) + seed(种子)

365.wheel(轮) = tool(工具) + wood(木)

366.whey(乳水) = fire(火) + soured milk(牛奶变酸)

367.wind(风) = air(空气) + air(空气)

368.wine(葡萄酒) = alcohol(酒) + grape(葡萄)

369.wolf(狼) = werewolf(狼人) + moon(月亮)

370.woman(女人) = diamond(钻石) + flower(花)

371.wood(木) = tool(工具) + tree(树)

372.wooden ship(木船) = wood(木) + boat(船)

373.wool(羊毛) = beast(兽) + hunter(猎人)

374.worm(蠕虫) = earth(土) + plankton(浮游生物)

375.yarn(纱线) = spinning wheel(手纺车) + wool(羊毛)

376.Yoda(尤达) = Jedi(绝地战士) + swamp(沼泽)

377.yogurt(酸奶) = bacteria(菌) + milk(牛奶)

378.Yoshi(超级玛丽中的恐龙名) = 1UP(加命蘑菇) + dinosaur(恐龙)

379.zombie(僵尸) = corpse(尸体) + life(生活)

380.zoo(动物园) = beast(兽) + museum(博物馆)。


Trains run on rails .


They were placed by a derrick mounted on rails on the bridge deck .


If you ve written off ruby on rails because you

如果您放弃了ruby on rails ,因为您

Man , this baby must corner pke it ' s on rails


Report of the bills mittee on rail merger bill


Electrical and electronic control apparatus on rail vehicles


These prices are for ( free on rail ) prices

此为for (车上交货)价格。

First , this is not an article about ruby on rails

首先,这不是一篇关于ruby on rails的文章。

Electronic equipment used on rail vehicles


Bills mittee on rail merger bill


It's difficult to see on rail in a sentence. 用 on rail 造句挺难的

Standard for electrical and electronic control apparatus on rail vehicles


Trains run on rails


In may 1999 , we launched another reefer - on rail from chengdu to shanghai


By far , the easiest way to use active record is through ruby on rails

目前为止,使用活动记录最简单的方式还是通过ruby on rails 。

The ruby on rails solution for deapng with changes to a production database

正是ruby on rails处理对生产数据库进行修改的解决方案。

He first explores active record , the persistence engine behind ruby on rails

他首先研究活动记录,这是ruby on rails背后的持久性引擎。

We have firsthand descriptions of biological weapons factories on wheels and on rails


In ruby , it provides the explosive power behind the growth of the ruby on rails framework

在ruby on rails框架成长的背后, ruby提供了爆炸性的力量。

Ruby on rails is effective for web - based user interfaces on a big relational database

对于大型关系数据库上的基于web的用户界面, ruby on rails是有效的。

Ruby on rails is a relatively new web apppcation framework built on the ruby language

Ruby on rails是一个相对较新的web应用程序框架,构建在ruby语言之上。

Brake block holders and brake block keys for posite brake blocks on rail vehicles technical specifications


Read the article titled " rolpng with ruby on rails " for more on this claim see

(请阅读“ rolpng with ruby on rails ”一文,以获得关于这一声明的更多内容;请参阅

The number of plaints and suggestions on rail services decreased from 92 in the previous quarter to 68 in this quarter


The number of plaints and suggestions on rail services increased from 88 in the previous quarter to 100 in this quarter


In december 1998 , we launched our reefer - on rail service from xian to qingdao , the first of its kind in china


Ruby on rails is a web apppcation framework that aims to provide an easy path to apppcation development

Ruby on rails是一个web应用程序框架,它的目标是为应用程序开发提供一条易行道。

Then , we ll explore frameworks pke ruby on rails that provide excellent productivity for certain types of problems

然后,我们将探讨为特定类型的问题提供极好的生产率的框架,比如ruby on rails 。

Functioning of and interfaces among propulsion , friction brake , and train - borne master control on rail rapid transit vehicles


For and fot mean : " free on rail " and " free on truck " . these terms are synonymous , since the word " truck " relates to the railway wagons


Functioning of and interfaces among propulsion , friction brake and train - borne master control on rail rapid transit vehicles


It's difficult to see on rail in a sentence. 用 on rail 造句挺难的

You need only look across the street at those vociferous ruby on rails gurus to know why that platform is so exciting

只要看看马路对面那些喧嚷的ruby on rails老手们就会知道这种平台是多么的令人激动。

Ruby on rails is just one facet of what makes ruby great , just pke ejb is only part of the java enterprise platform

Ruby on rails只是使ruby非常强大的方面之一,就像ejb只是java企业平台的一部分一样。

But kind the that situation appear getting less in chance , so can have chosen not relying mainly on rail transportation i on and off duty


Cases related to taxi services decreased from 4 , 785 in 2002 to 4 , 670 in 2003 . plaints and suggestions on rail services decreased from 329 in 2002 to 280 in 2003


On rail security , still cited by lawmakers as the most vulnerable part of the transportation system , $ 13 . 2 milpon goes for inspectors and explosive detection

在铁路安全上,仍然被作为交通系统最脆弱的一个部分, 132亿美元用于调查人员和爆破物侦测。

Dimension of low - voltage switchgear and controlgear - standardized mounting on rails for mechanical support of electrical devices in switchgear and controlgear installations


In fact , the framework s proponents claim that ruby on rails developers can be up to ten times more productive than they would be when using traditional j2ee frameworks

实际上,框架的支持者们声称ruby on rails开发人员的生产率最多是使用传统j2ee框架的10倍。

On rail security , still cited by lawmakers as the most vulnerable part of the transportation system , $ 13 . 2 milpon goes for inspectors and explosive detection

铁路安全方面,仍是立法者认为运输体系中最薄弱环节, 1320万将用于加派监测员人手和加强爆炸物的探测。

Dimensions of low - voltage switchgear and controlgear . standardized mounting on rails for mechanical support of electrical devices in switchgear and controlgear installations


Dimensions of low - voltage switchgear and controlgear - standardized mounting on rails for mechanical support of electrical devices in switchgear and controlgear installations


Dimensions of low voltage schwitchgear and controlgear - standardized mounting on rails for mechanical support of electrical devices in schwitchgear and controlgear installations


On rail security , still cited by lawmakers as the most vulnerable part of the transportation system , $ 13 . 2 milpon goes for inspectors and explosive detection


On rail security , still cited by lawmakers as the most vulnerable part of the transportation system , $ 13 . 2 milpon goes for inspectors and explosive detection


A third source , also in a position to know , reported in summer 2002 that iraq had manufactured mobile production systems mounted on road trailer units and on rail cars


On rail security , still cited by lawmakers as the most vulnerable part of the transportation system , 13 . 2 milpon dollars goes for inspectors and explosive detection

在铁路安全方面,立法者将其称为交通运输最易受攻击的部分, 1320万美圆将用于增设检查人员及对易爆物品的检查。

Dimensions of low - voltage switchgear and controlgear - standardized mounting on rails for mechanical support of electrical devices in switchgear and controlgear installations amendment 1


In this article , the first in a series that aims to demonstrate these ideas , you ll look at active record , the persistence architecture at the heart of ruby on rails

在演示这些理念的系列的第一篇文章,也就是这篇文章中,将讨论活动记录( active record ) ,它是位于ruby on rails核心的持久性框架。

But we didn t di *** iss the idea of developing in another language and began to build our apppcation in ruby on rails , a web apppcation framework built on the ruby language

但是,我们没有放弃用另一种语言进行开发的想法,开始用ruby on rails构建我们的应用程序,这是一个在ruby语言上构建的web应用程序框架。

Cases related to taxi services increased from 1 , 142 in the previous quarter to 1 , 285 in this quarter and the number of plaints and suggestions on rail services increased from 68 in the previous quarter to 88 this quarter


While ruby on rails is a very new and exciting framework that has generated considerable interest in the web development munity , the core architecture follows the basic patterns found in j2ee

虽然ruby on rails是一个非常新、令人兴奋的框架,并且在web社区中已经引起了人们相当的兴趣,但是它的核心架构仍然遵循在j2ee中发现的基本模式。

It's difficult to see on rail in a sentence. 用 on rail 造句挺难的

名字 使用频率% 使用者 排名

MARY 2.629 3,991,060 1

PATRICIA 1.073 1,628,911 2

LINDA 1.035 1,571,224 3

BARBARA 0.98 1,487,729 4

ELIZABETH 0.937 1,422,451 5

JENNIFER 0.932 1,414,861 6

MARIA 0.828 1,256,979 7

SUSAN 0.794 1,205,364 8

MARGARET 0.768 1,165,894 9

DOROTHY 0.727 1,103,652 10

LISA 0.704 1,068,736 11

NANCY 0.669 1,015,603 12

KAREN 0.667 1,012,567 13

BETTY 0.666 1,011,048 14

HELEN 0.663 1,006,494 15

SANDRA 0.629 954,879 16

DONNA 0.583 885,047 17

CAROL 0.565 857,721 18

RUTH 0.562 853,167 19

SHARON 0.522 792,443 20

MICHELLE 0.519 787,889 21

LAURA 0.51 774,226 22

SARAH 0.508 771,190 23

KIMBERLY 0.504 765,118 24

DEBORAH 0.494 749,937 25

JESSICA 0.49 743,864 26

SHIRLEY 0.482 731,720 27

CYNTHIA 0.469 711,985 28

ANGELA 0.468 710,466 29

MELISSA 0.462 701,358 30

BRENDA 0.455 690,731 31

AMY 0.451 684,659 32

ANNA 0.44 667,960 33

REBECCA 0.43 652,779 34

VIRGINIA 0.43 652,779 35

KATHLEEN 0.424 643,670 36

PAMELA 0.416 631,526 37

MARTHA 0.412 625,453 38

DEBRA 0.408 619,381 39

AMANDA 0.404 613,309 40

STEPHANIE 0.4 607,236 41

CAROLYN 0.385 584,465 42

CHRISTINE 0.382 579,911 43

MARIE 0.379 575,356 44

JANET 0.379 575,356 45

CATHERINE 0.373 566,248 46

FRANCES 0.37 561,694 47

ANN 0.364 552,585 48

JOYCE 0.364 552,585 49

DIANE 0.359 544,995 50

ALICE 0.357 541,958 51

JULIE 0.348 528,296 52

HEATHER 0.337 511,597 53

TERESA 0.336 510,078 54

DORIS 0.335 508,560 55

GLORIA 0.335 508,560 56

EVELYN 0.322 488,825 57

JEAN 0.315 478,199 58

CHERYL 0.315 478,199 59

MILDRED 0.313 475,162 60

KATHERINE 0.313 475,162 61

JOAN 0.306 464,536 62

ASHLEY 0.303 459,981 63

JUDITH 0.297 450,873 64

ROSE 0.296 449,355 65

JANICE 0.285 432,656 66

KELLY 0.283 429,620 67

NICOLE 0.281 426,583 68

JUDY 0.276 418,993 69

CHRISTINA 0.275 417,475 70

KATHY 0.272 412,921 71

THERESA 0.271 411,403 72

BEVERLY 0.267 405,330 73

DENISE 0.264 400,776 74

TAMMY 0.259 393,185 75

IRENE 0.252 382,559 76

JANE 0.25 379,523 77

LORI 0.248 376,486 78

RACHEL 0.242 367,378 79

MARILYN 0.241 365,860 80

ANDREA 0.236 358,269 81

KATHRYN 0.234 355,233 82

LOUISE 0.229 347,643 83

SARA 0.229 347,643 84

ANNE 0.228 346,125 85

JACQUELINE 0.228 346,125 86

WANDA 0.226 343,089 87

BONNIE 0.223 338,534 88

JULIA 0.223 338,534 89

RUBY 0.221 335,498 90

LOIS 0.22 333,980 91

TINA 0.22 333,980 92

PHYLLIS 0.219 332,462 93

NORMA 0.218 330,944 94

PAULA 0.217 329,426 95

DIANA 0.216 327,908 96

ANNIE 0.216 327,908 97

LILLIAN 0.211 320,317 98

EMILY 0.208 315,763 99

ROBIN 0.208 315,763 100

PEGGY 0.208 315,763 101

CRYSTAL 0.207 314,245 102

GLADYS 0.205 311,209 103

RITA 0.204 309,691 104

DAWN 0.202 306,654 105

CONNIE 0.2 303,618 106

FLORENCE 0.2 303,618 107

TRACY 0.197 299,064 108

EDNA 0.197 299,064 109

TIFFANY 0.195 296,028 110

CARMEN 0.195 296,028 111

ROSA 0.194 294,510 112

CINDY 0.192 291,473 113

GRACE 0.189 286,919 114

WENDY 0.185 280,847 115

VICTORIA 0.18 273,256 116

EDITH 0.179 271,738 117

KIM 0.178 270,220 118

SHERRY 0.178 270,220 119

SYLVIA 0.177 268,702 120

JOSEPHINE 0.177 268,702 121

THELMA 0.175 265,666 122

SHANNON 0.175 265,666 123

SHEILA 0.175 265,666 124

ETHEL 0.174 264,148 125

ELLEN 0.173 262,630 126

ELAINE 0.173 262,630 127

MARJORIE 0.173 262,630 128

CARRIE 0.171 259,594 129

CHARLOTTE 0.169 256,557 130

MONICA 0.166 252,003 131

ESTHER 0.166 252,003 132

PAULINE 0.165 250,485 133

EMMA 0.165 250,485 134

JUANITA 0.164 248,967 135

ANITA 0.162 245,931 136

RHONDA 0.162 245,931 137

HAZEL 0.161 244,413 138

AMBER 0.16 242,895 139

EVA 0.159 241,376 140

DEBBIE 0.157 238,340 141

APRIL 0.154 233,786 142

LESLIE 0.154 233,786 143

CLARA 0.153 232,268 144

LUCILLE 0.153 232,268 145

JAMIE 0.153 232,268 146

JOANNE 0.15 227,714 147

ELEANOR 0.15 227,714 148

VALERIE 0.149 226,196 149

DANIELLE 0.149 226,196 150

MEGAN 0.147 223,159 151

ALICIA 0.146 221,641 152

SUZANNE 0.145 220,123 153

MICHELE 0.145 220,123 154

GAIL 0.145 220,123 155

BERTHA 0.143 217,087 156

DARLENE 0.142 215,569 157

VERONICA 0.142 215,569 158

JILL 0.142 215,569 159

ERIN 0.141 214,051 160

GERALDINE 0.141 214,051 161

LAUREN 0.137 207,978 162

CATHY 0.137 207,978 163

JOANN 0.136 206,460 164

LORRAINE 0.135 204,942 165

LYNN 0.135 204,942 166

SALLY 0.135 204,942 167

REGINA 0.133 201,906 168

ERICA 0.13 197,352 169

BEATRICE 0.13 197,352 170

DOLORES 0.129 195,834 171

BERNICE 0.128 194,316 172

AUDREY 0.127 192,798 173

YVONNE 0.126 191,279 174

ANNETTE 0.125 189,761 175

JUNE 0.125 189,761 176

SAMANTHA 0.124 188,243 177

MARION 0.122 185,207 178

DANA 0.122 185,207 179

STACY 0.121 183,689 180

ANA 0.12 182,171 181

RENEE 0.12 182,171 182

IDA 0.118 179,135 183

VIVIAN 0.118 179,135 184

ROBERTA 0.117 177,617 185

HOLLY 0.117 177,617 186

BRITTANY 0.117 177,617 187

MELANIE 0.116 176,099 188

LORETTA 0.115 174,580 189

YOLANDA 0.115 174,580 190

JEANETTE 0.115 174,580 191

LAURIE 0.114 173,062 192

KATIE 0.113 171,544 193

KRISTEN 0.111 168,508 194

VANESSA 0.111 168,508 195

ALMA 0.111 168,508 196

SUE 0.111 168,508 197

ELSIE 0.11 166,990 198

BETH 0.11 166,990 199

JEANNE 0.109 165,472 200