


维多利亚·贝克汉姆,是英国歌手和时尚设计师,是前流行组合辣妹的成员之一。在辣妹时期她被称之为“Posh Spice”。1999年7月4日与英格兰足球明星大卫·贝克汉姆结婚。

中文名: 维多利亚·贝克汉姆

外文名: Victoria Caroline Adams

国籍: 英国

出生地: 海特菲尔德

出生日期: 1974年4月17日

代表作品: 《Spice》,《Spice World》


维多利亚·贝克汉姆(Victoria Beckham )









1997年发行第二张专辑《Spice World》



维多利亚·贝克汉姆(Victoria Beckham )


Vic辣妹 组合介绍






Vic音乐 1996年发行首张专辑《Spice》

1997年发行第二张专辑《Spice World》



[编辑本段]维多利亚·贝克汉姆(Victoria Beckham )

维多利亚——一个内心无比强大的女人,她是曝光率最高的女星之一,她拥有令所有人艳羡的时尚事业和美满家庭,她永远是我们的Fashion icon!


(官网资料,勿恶意修改)Full name :Victoria Beckham (结婚前:Victoria Caroline Adams) Nicknames - Posh 昵称: Posh 、时髦辣妹,近些年在中国被叫为黑面神、贝嫂。 Star sign - Aries 星座:牧羊座 Height - 5'6" 身高:168cm(5尺6寸) 体重:45kg Eyes - dark brown 眼睛:深褐色 From - a little village in Hertfordshire, England 来自:英国哈福德郡的一个小镇 Siblings - Louise and Christian (both younger) 兄弟姐妹:妹妹-路易斯,弟弟-克里斯丁 婚姻:已婚 家庭成员:老公足球明星大卫-贝克汉姆,大儿子 布鲁克林,二儿子罗密欧,小儿子克鲁兹。 Favourite Colour: Gold 最喜欢的颜色:金色、黑色、白色。 Favourite Magazine: Elle 最喜欢的杂志:ELLE Favourite Country: anywhere hot and peaceful 最喜欢的国家:任何热门而且和平的地方 Favourite Drinks: Amaretto and rose wine 最喜欢的酒:意大利苦杏酒和玫瑰葡萄酒 Favourite Food: Chinese and Indian 最喜欢的食物:中餐、印度菜、甜食 Favourite City: London 最喜欢的城市:伦敦 Favourite Sport: water and snow skiing 最喜欢的运动:游泳和滑雪 Favourite Music Artists: Maxwell, Toni Braxton, Anita Baker 最喜欢的歌手:麦克斯韦,托尼布拉克斯顿,阿妮塔贝克 Likes: Expensive, designer clothes (Gucci, Prada and so on) , luxury and rich guys , fruit, spending time with friends, shopping, eating lots of toast 喜欢:昂贵的名牌服装(古奇、普拉达等)、绅士、水果、花时间和朋友一起购物并吃很多土司 Hates: Japanese food and two-faced people. Doesn't like to be called Vicky. That's not posh enough! 讨厌:日本菜、虚伪的人、监狱、不喜欢别人叫自己vicky。这不够高贵 Role Models: Lady Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales 榜样:戴安娜王妃、威尔士王妃 好友:凯特·贝金赛尔、伊娃 Ambition: To be happy, successful, and all the Spices to stay true to themselves 目标:快乐、成功,做真正的自己 书籍:自传《学会飞翔》 时尚书籍《That Extra Half an Inch: Hair, Heels and Everything In Between》(完美的高度) Profile: Classy, calm and cool and extremely organized. 性格:优雅、冷静、酷、非常有组织性 最喜欢的服装品牌:Gucci、 Joseph



Spice Girls 是唯一一支没有受到独立 pop-rock 影响的英国90年代中期乐队。相反,这支全部由女生组成的五人组合却继承了由英国90年代早期最流行的乐队 Take That 带来的dance-pop 的表演风格。The Spice Girls 使用 dance-pop 作为她们的音乐基础,但同时又注入了强烈的女性独立风格,几乎可以与 Madonna 相当。使她们成为跨世代成功的乐队的原因主要是她们的靓女形象和劲舞风格赢得了年轻一代的歌迷;而同时,她们多彩性感的人格和幽默感又使老一代的乐迷很喜欢。spice girls在1997年全力打入北美前,她们在1996年中在整个欧洲都独占排行榜榜首位置。 英国的宣传界在一开始就给Spice Girls 的每一个成员都分配了独特的身份,而且每一个标志都既是她们的真实人格的外延,又成为市场化的工具。而这些名字都是从她们的首支单曲" Wannabe "中得来的。 Geri Estelle Halliwell 是" sexy Spice "; Melanine Janine Brown 是" scary Spice "; Victoria Addams 是" the posh Spice "; Melanie Jayne Chisholm 是" the sporty Spice "; Emma Lee Bunton 被称为" the shy Spice "。 每个名字都被用在了乐队的报道和 MTV 中,这种创意使 " Wannabe "在1996年夏天发行的时候一下子登上了榜首。


SpiceGirls出道至今,已拥有9首全英冠军单曲,这种惊人的成就让人不禁想起在1995年2月解散的TakeThat当年叱咤乐坛的盛况。而当年SpiceGirls前经纪人ChrisHerbert也就是想创造一个女的“TakeThat”的情况下,才开始在英国举办了甄选活动。SpiceGirls的五位女孩在塑造偶像的超级经纪人SimonFuller经营下,她们从英国迈向全世界,成为乐坛第一个女子偶像团体奇迹。 1994年3月时经纪人ChrisHerbert举办了一场FemaleTakeThat的试演会上,从400多位试唱者中选出了MelanieBrown(MelB)、MelanieChisholm(MelC)、VictoriaAdams(Victoria)、GeriHalliwell(Geri)与MichelleStephenson五人组成了Touch,但是Michelle遽然离团、EmmaBunton于9月加入后便改名为SpiceGirls。 1995年她们与EMI旗下的Virgin唱片签约后便陆续开始与英国当地媒体接触,而她们在伦敦St.Pancras饭店所拍摄的Wannabe一曲于7月份推出后立即登上英国金榜冠军,为她们接着来的康庄前程铺下了一条顺遂之路。 紧接着Wannabe与第二支单曲SayYouWillBeThere(#1)的成功,1996年第一张专辑《spice》首周便登上了全英专辑冠军,更在瞬息万变的专辑榜上蝉连冠军长达1个月之久! 紧接着第二张专辑Spiceworld和电影《天旋地转》同步推出,而也还展开全球巡回演唱会。当时仅发行两张专辑SpiceGirls,其全球销售量已经累积到3800万张,并且拿下8支英国排行榜冠军单曲,包括Wannabe、SayYou‘llBeThere、TwoBecomeOne、Mama/WhoDoYouThinkYouAre、SpiceUpYourLife、TooMuch、VivaForever和Goodbye。第6首冠军单曲TooMuch让她们成为第一个连续拥有6首冠军单曲的女子团体,因此受到各大音乐杂志的热切关注;而Wannabe更让SpiceGirls成为继1964年的女子美声合唱团Supremes之后,首度登上英国金榜冠军的女子团体。自1952年开始有英国金榜以来,除了披头士之外,也只有SpiceGirls能够蝉连三年圣诞节冠军。 出道短短的时间内SpiceGirls也囊括多项音乐大奖: 1997年抱走IvorNovello词曲创作奖,接着勇夺英国音乐大奖最佳音乐录像带奖和最佳单曲,同时还以Spice拿下美国告示牌音乐杂志年度最佳专辑。 1998年的MTV大奖中,SpiceGirls再添年度最佳流行歌曲和最佳团体两座奖杯。今年SpiceGirls和麦当娜更是英国音乐奖颁奖典礼上唯一得到两个奖项的艺人,且获颁杰出贡献奖。 此外SpiceGirls的巡回演唱成就也不容小觑,1998年Spiceworld全球巡回演唱会的每场门票几乎都在推出的同时就被歌迷抢购一空。在荷兰的第一场演唱会,3万张门票更在15分钟内一张不剩,打破了摇滚巨星U2和BruceSpringsting创下的售票纪录。虽然当时有团员身怀六甲,她们仍然在七个月内一场不漏地唱了一百零三场。只可惜昵称GingerSpice的Geri却在结束了美国巡回表演后,以私人理由退出团体,间接加速了SpiceGirls单飞不解散的计划。 1998年10月MelB与MissyElliot合作发行的IWantYouBack登上排行榜冠军,并于1999年在电影《时空贱谍007》中演唱主题曲WordUp。她的新专辑Hot亦在今年10月发行;去年10月MelC的个人双白金专辑NorthernStar中有4首闯进排行前5名,其中两首是冠军单曲,一年来这张专辑仍稳坐英国金榜内;Emma也不落人后,发行了与TinTinOut合作的单曲WhatIAm,这首翻唱自EdieBrickell名曲的作品,也在去年10月也站上排行榜第2名;至于Victoria则和AnotherLevel的成员Dane以TheTrueSteppers为名,发行了首支单曲OutOfYourMind晋升排行榜第2名,再度成为媒体瞩目的焦点。去年Victoria也尝试走进电视萤光幕,在Channel4录制《Victoria‘sSecrets》,亲自访问了EltonJohn、RubyWax、MichaelParkinson和VinnieJones。 2000年的SpiceGirls再度袭卷全球,第三张全新专辑《Forever》以天地自然中的风、火、水、土四种亘古不变的自然力量召告世人她们恒永坚贞的友谊。而首支双A主打单曲Holler/LetLoveLeadTheWay已经为SpiceGirls创下第9首冠军曲的纪录,接下来于11月初发行的Forever虽然已经跳脱了以往拉拉队般的音乐,但是经过蜕变的成熟作品绝对会把这组全球音乐史上最受欢迎的女子团体再度推向另一个音乐事业的高峰


维多利亚·贝克汉姆 (Victoria Beckham) 是万人迷球星大卫·贝克汉姆 (David Beckham) 的妻子,因此被昵称为“贝嫂”。维多利亚·贝克汉姆 (Victoria Beckham) 曾是英国辣妹组合 (Spice Girls) 中的一员,因此也有“辣妹维多利亚”的称号。 维多利亚·贝克汉姆 (Victoria Beckham) 和大卫·贝克汉姆 (David Beckham) 已经共同孕育了三个孩子。现在的维多利亚·贝克汉姆(Victoria Beckham) 不仅是足球巨星的妻子,也是时尚界特立独行的时尚偶像,穿梭于时尚圈,并且成功推出香水、牛仔裤、太阳镜设计服装系列! 热力十足的英国辣妹组合 (Spice Girls) 组合曾一度风靡整个世界,就连一贯不喜欢流行歌曲的英国皇室都对其赞叹不已。辣妹组合 (Spice Girls) 解散之后,维多利亚·贝克汉姆 (Victoria Beckham) 开始单飞,代表作有Not Such an Innocent Girl等等。成为大卫·贝克汉姆 (David Beckham) 的妻子之后,维多利亚·贝克汉姆 (Victoria Beckham) 见报率极高,是“话题女王”的榜首人物。


那年,23岁的维多利亚·贝克汉姆 (Victoria Beckham) 和22岁的大卫·贝克汉姆 (David Beckham) 的恋情可以说是传奇式的罗曼蒂克。维多利亚·贝克汉姆 (Victoria Beckham) 和大卫·贝克汉姆 (David Beckham) 在1997年4月份相识前,贝克汉姆只是偶尔看一看辣妹乐队的演唱录像,当时,他曾指着荧屏上的维多利亚·贝克汉姆 (Victoria Beckham) 对队友内维尔说:“那就是我要娶的姑娘。”那时,维多利亚·贝克汉姆 (Victoria Beckham) 刚与交往了两年的男朋友、花商马克·伍德分手。 在接受记者采访时,维多利亚·贝克汉姆 (Victoria Beckham) 回忆了她和大卫·贝克汉姆 (David Beckham) 初识时的一段颇有意思的对话。维多利亚·贝克汉姆 (Victoria Beckham) 说,她当时对大卫·贝克汉姆 (David Beckham) 说,她认为踢足球真无聊,贝克汉姆回答她说,他认为辣妹的音乐没有多少味道。然而,这两个当初似乎不可能走到一起的年轻人竟然很快坠入情网,此后,两人电话频繁,有时一天要打上十几次,最长的一次竟有1个小时之久!为此,曼联队的主教练福格森曾训斥大卫·贝克汉姆 (David Beckham) 使用他的移动电话的时间太长。 1998年1月24日是两人的大好日子,当时他们约好在柴郡的一家酒店吃午餐,踌躇满志的大卫·贝克汉姆(David Beckham) 预订了30支玫瑰,在维多利亚·贝克汉姆 (Victoria Beckham) 抵达时奉上。维多利亚·贝克汉姆 (Victoria Beckham) 回忆未婚夫求婚的过程时说:“他突然取出戒指,单膝脆下,说:‘维多利亚,嫁给我吧!’我热泪盈眶,反问他:‘你会娶我吗?’”大卫·贝克汉姆 (David Beckham) 随即为她套上价值4万英镑的钻石戒指,之后他们宣布订婚。


大儿子布鲁克林·贝克汉姆 (Brooklyn Beckham) ,1999年3月4日出生二儿子罗密欧·贝克汉姆 (Romeo Beckham) ,2002年9月1日出生 小儿子克鲁兹·贝克汉姆(Cruz Beckham) ,2005年2月20日出生


DVB是维多利亚·贝克汉姆(Victoria Beckham) 创建的新品牌,DVB——David Beckham的字母简写中间,镶嵌着Victoria的首字母,仿若大卫展开双臂,温柔环绕着爱妻。“这个创意是我们俩同时想到的,真的,它就像一个突如其来的念头,同时跳进我们的脑子里。”维多利亚·贝克汉姆 (Victoria Beckham) 说。 2006年,时尚品牌dVb正式推出了第一批产品,以太阳镜为主。不过,最受消费者欢迎的,还是DVB的牛仔裤, 也许女人们都对维多利亚·贝克汉姆 (Victoria Beckham) 那双修长挺拔的玉腿印象太深刻了吧。维多利亚·贝克汉姆 (Victoria Beckham) 将她设计的最新一款牛仔裤命名为“Naomi”。没错,就是用她的好友兼时尚偶像Naomi Campbell的名字命名的。“我在心里把这个系列叫做‘超模系列’,因为我希望女孩们穿上它以后,都能塑造出一双超级修长的美腿。在我认识的所有人里,还有谁的腿能比Naomi Campbell的腿更长呢?我给Naomi打了电话,她非常开心地一口答应下来。”说实话,谁会不愿意呢?



全英专辑榜冠军! 收入歌曲(01) 2 become 1 (02) 2 become one (03) if u can't dance (04) last time lover (05) love thing (06) mama (07) naked (08) say you ll be there (09) seremos uno los dos (10) something kinda funny (11) wannabe (12) who do you think you are (13) say you'll be there

1997年发行第二张专辑《Spice World》

全英专辑榜冠军! 收入歌曲1. denying (02) move over (03) never give up on the good times (04) saturday night divas (05) spice up your life (06) stop (07)too much (08)who do you think you are (09)the lady is a vamp (10)viva forever


全英专辑榜冠军! 收入歌曲1. get down with me (02. holler (03. if you wanna have some fun (04. oxygen (05. right back atcha (06. tell me why (07. time goes by (08. wasting my time (09. weekend love (10. let love lead the way (11. goodby (12. right back at ya


<Victoria Beckham>: 1. Not Such An Innocent Girl - 3:16 同名专辑2. A Mind Of Its Own - 3:48 3. That Kind Of Girl - 3:48 4. Like That - 4:01 5. Girlfriend - 3:43 6. Midnight Fantasy - 3:15 7. I.O.U - 3:49 8. No Trix, No Games - 3:03 9. I Wish - 4:09 10. Watcha Talkin’ Bout - 3:51 11. Unconditional Love - 3:50 12. Every Part Of Me - 5:11 <Not Such An Innocent Girl > 1. Behind The Scenes Footage Of Victoria [Video] - 0:30 2. Not Such An Innocent Girl [Video] - 3:37 3. Behind The Scenes Footage Of Victoria [Video] - 0:30 4. Not Such An Innocent Girl [Robbie Rivera's Main Mix] - 6:56 5. Behind The Scenes Footage Of Victoria [Video] - 0:30 6. Not Such An Innocent Girl [Sunship Dub] - 5:15 7. Behind The Scenes Footage Of Victoria [Video] - 0:30 <Let your (head go)this groove> 1. Let Your Head Go [Jakatta Remix] - 7:20 2. This Groove [Para Beats Remix] - 4:36 3. Let Your Head Go [Radio Edit] - 3:41 4. This Groove [Radio Edit] - 3:36

My Dream英语作文 篇1

Different people have different dreams. Some people dream of making a lot of money. Some people dream of living a happy life. Some people dream of being famous. Some people dream of going abroad, and so on. But my dream is different. Maybe you will get a surprise after you know my dream.

I have a wonderful dream in my heart. It's to speak English very well. Since English is everything for me. English is my best friend. English is my soul. English is my power. Without English, I'm nothing at all. Nothing. Now, I can think in English, speak in English, and write in English. Some people think I'm an Indian. Some people regard I'm a Pakistan. And some people even consider that I'm an Egyptian. But if I could speak English as good as an American, my future would be brilliant. So I work very hard.

My Dream英语作文 篇2

Everyone has a dream.

Now I want to say something about my dream. What is my dream? I often ask myself. In my mind, everyone shall have his own dream. I think that having a dream means that we have an idea, and then we will do all the things to achieve the target. As long as we have a goal to be realized, we won’t be blind at least. xiao84.com

My dream is to become a successful doctor, helping those sick people and saving their lives. Of course, to be a good doctor is very difficult, but I will do whatever I can do to keep everyone healthy. That's my dream. I want to try my best to help the poor sick people of our country. I want to let them have an opportunity to receive excellent treatments for their illnesses without having to pay much or just enjoy them free. China is a developing country which needs good medicine and good doctors, especially in the countryside and distant villages.

Now I’m a junior student on Grade One, all my classmates and I are working hard. We all know that the entrance exam of high schools coming in the year of 2009 is a big challenge for us, so we must study harder and harder in order to go to a good high school. Thus after we finish our senior high school, we are able to go to a good university. Finally, we can find a good job in society.

My dream is also that although at present I’m good at study, I’ll still try my best to be the study winner. Now everything I do is close to my dream. I feel life is fill with hope and is colorful, and I have enough confidence to realize my dream.

I know that fantasy is something hard to realize, but dream can. I’ll work hard for my dreams, I’ll never give up.

My Dream英语作文 篇3

In the past two years, my parents took me to travel to many places, including big cities, small towns, famous mountians and so on. Therefore, I like traveling and I hope I can visit to many more places. Since then, I hope I can be a tour guide in the future, so I can travel to many tourist attractions. Besides, I can meet various people and I think communicating with different people is interesting, wchich can broaden my field of vision. I hope they can share their life stories with me so that I can know the general life of a place. I know it would be a challenging job, but I believe I can do well in my job.

My Dream英语作文 篇4

i have a dream that a lot! but some macan't do but i heard: "a person, have a dream, have goals, have goals, there ipowera powerhathe power, life ifull of meaning." so i'm going to like the wordof one layer upward, become a successful person!

from third grade i have a dream ito have been admitted to the universitdepartment of insects, or other subjectabout biological, although thiroad itough, but i believe that: "along ahave a dream can come true in all things." so i trto effortto tragain upwards.

i have thiverbig dreams, because i have a passion for biologand insect, love, i think everone of umust have complete mission in the world, and i came into the world should be dedicated to the insect world.

anyway, everyone hagoaland dreamhe will be vertrmbest to make their own dreams, no matter adults, children and old grandpa and grandma must have been hidream, but someone hadied still unfinished, so be sure to cherish their own dreams, let him not onlthe big dreams, but most true eternal dream, everone of the world must come on!

My Dream英语作文 篇5

Every child wants to grow up so that they can do what they like to do. For me, I want to help my parents lighten their burden. So I must study hard, work hard and earn more money. At the same time, I can take my parents to travel all around the world. This is my dream. I believe I can do it.


My Dream英语作文 篇6

My dream job will be working in one of the biggest international accounting firm as an accountant. I want to be an accountant because I love mathematics and business so much. Also, being an accountant can help me to explore my knowledge of business and provide me a board range of network among the business world.

I need to do a lot in order to achieve my goal. First, I have to get an undergraduate degree in accounting from college. Then I might either to go graduate school for a more advanced degree in accounting or get prepare for the CPA exam. With the CPA lisence, I have a better opportunity to get a job in the accounting firm. Finally, with my experience in the accounting firm, I can apply accounting position in the international accounting firm and to serve as an accountant there!

My Dream英语作文 篇7

My dream is to be a soldier, can defend the country's military.

When the country's operational orders, no matter how hard, how far the journey is, how bad environment, we all take command of the motherland, the command is dead, no matter, on wheels to execute commands. , I must take a gun rushed in front, regardless of bullets, I rushed in front. If I was caught, I no matter how to also won't surrender, never covet a peace betrayed the motherland.

Once I think being a engineer, athletes, diplomats... But I don't think they all have military glory, perhaps in the near future, to protect you, is I. Military is only an ordinary profession, and it is full of belief of defending the motherland!

As a modern army, should have rich knowledge of science, also want to use scientific means to combat, not only the topic of, be flexible action. So I should learn more knowledge, to grow up to defend our motherland.

My Dream英语作文 篇8

have you thought about your dream? i have, i have a dream that three, for example: gorgeousinger, everyone'favorite actor and tastdessert. when i want most ia singer, because i love to sing, and i also think i sing well, mwang yu also think so.

since mdream ito be a magnificent singer, i trto practice everdato sing, sing, clasbored singing, taking a bath, also singing... and so on. whi have thidream? because i think mvoice can bring you warm and happfeeling, let you angrand sad mood all behind to complex.

athe saying goes: "god helpwhoever helpthem," i reallbelieve that thisentence, because i also believe that along athere are serioueffortto pay, there must be a good result. when the singer iverhard, because you want to memorize all of the songs, also want to hide paparazzi, there are a lot of hard work, but i believe that succesaa singer, after all the hard work waworth it.

because most people dream and great, so if you don't have a dream now, think about it: what are your strengths? go near you strengthand go ahead! come on! one dayou you will be successful. because athe saying goes: "failure ithe mother of success."

My Dream英语作文 篇9

I have a dream, that is to invent a green car, can let the green car all over the world.

The appearance of it, and the same as ordinary cars, but it functions a lot! Let me put you to explain the green car!

The car, in the process of driving the car as long as there is garbage, "see" the ground will be stretched out two robots, "pick up" on the ground of garbage, put it "ate" into the "belly". In the green car body have a potion, "eat" in garbage will encounter the potion, and then immediately melt, the rear will discharge the fresh air.

You might think, if there were no electricity? You don't worry, I'll turn appliances install dust in the fuselage. In the process of driving, the dust will let the earth turn appliances sucked into dust into electricity. Also fitted with a special battery, turn dust to store electricity in battery, provide the energy for the car of environmental protection, for the car kept driving.

When it rains, the rain on the car, the car will store rainwater. You guess what rainwater storage yo yo use? Let me tell you! The car on the road, if there is a tree by the road, the green car will sprinkle water on the trees, provide enough water to the trees. For it to grow.

I dream of the future I can invent such environmental protection car, if this car can get popular environmental protection, it would not be in there's so much pollution in the world. People will live in a low-carbon world, healthy and happy work and life.

My Dream英语作文 篇10

I have many dreams,such as I am rich in the future. Therefore,I can buy all what I want. But my greatest dream is that I want to be an astronaut. Our country develops fast and our space make great progress in the last several decades. It has great achievements. All of our country are proud of it. Therefore,I want to be one of this amazing area. In order to make my dream e true,I must work hard now. So I can go to a good university to learn more knowledge. I hope my dream can e true one day.

My Dream英语作文 篇11

Hello,everyone!I’m XXX.Today I'm very glad to stand here to share my dream with you. Different people have different dreams. Some people dream of making a lot of money. Some people dream of living a happy life. Some people dream of being famous. Some people dream of going abroad, and so on. But my dream is different. Maybe you will get a surprise after you know my dream. .My dream is to be an outstanding baker.When I was a little girl,I was interested in bread and cake.I want to have a bakery of my own when I grow up.I’m sure that all the people will like my cake and my bakery will be opened all over the world,because I am very hard-working and

confident.So in order to achieve my dream,I will study harder and never give up my dream.

My Dream英语作文 篇12

I have had a dream since my boyhood. I want very much to be a doctor.

I want to be a doctor because doctors can cure patients and thus make people healthy and happy. Doctors can offer their help to the poor people so that more people can get medical help.

If I were a doctor, the more patients I cured, the happier I will feel. That is the very reason I want to bee a doctor.

I will study hard so that my dream can e true in the future.

My Dream英语作文 篇13

Dreams from my dream, as there are a variety of childhood,! or, now, each period or age dreams are different. Colorful dreams accompanied me from infancy to the young girls of every day.

Five or six-year-old has just studied, fresh effort-foot, I love reading books, but you must take the pinyin, it can be said that if you didnt have the Ruby way. So, I then dream is to be read a favourite book, without pinyin. Of course, my dream has come true!

About my third grade, watching the seniors big brother big sister on duty at the school gate, nice scenery! I also dream of being a duty, a service for the whole school dreams in my fifth grade, I was finally successful became a glorious attendance.

And now, with the years, the amount of knowledge, I thought I was talking about thinking, which is half of the adults. There is no longer a dream, a mountain of sweets because I no longer love to eatno longer dream of reading a book without a Ruby, as I have been reading fluencyno longer dream of being on duty, because I want to put the baton to the fifth brother sister. Now, Im striving hard, my dream is to pass the dream senior institutions — the Central Academy of fine arts.

The dream of the past, has been successful, but in future, dreams of being waved to me!

My Dream英语作文 篇14

I have many dreams.For example, I want to be rich in the future. Therefore I can buy all what I want.

But my greatest dream is that I want to be an football player.And I want to lead the Chinese team won the World Cup Our country develops fast and our sport make great progress in the last several decades. It has great achievements. All of our country are proud of it. Therefore I want to be one of this amazing area.

In order to make my dream come true I must study hard now. I hope my dream can come true one day.

My Dream英语作文 篇15

Everyone has a dream.I also have a dream.

I want to be a computer programmer.Because I like playing computer games,and then I want to make my own games.Of courseI know it is difficult to be a good computer programmer.SoI have to learn more the knowledges about the computer.For exampleI'll have some computer lessons when I have time.And I will read more computer books everyday.What'sI'll join the computer club in high school.

In conclusionI will do some things to improve my computer operation.I am sure my dream will come true one day.

(2) 改变词中字母倍增词汇

gram 克


grim 无情的


(3) 改变词尾字母倍增词汇

rub 摩擦

drub 敲击

rug 地毯

drug 药品

rum 甜酒

drum 鼓声



equinox 昼夜平分时;二分点

vernal equinox 春分

autumnal equinox 秋分

能否记住“春分”和“秋分”,关键在于能否记住 equinox 这个词。 现在我们运用英语词汇逻辑记忆法正向记忆原则,在 equinox 一词中找出“ nox ”一词。“ Nox ”是罗马古典神话中的夜女神,是“ 夜 ”的含义,“ equi ”是“ 等于 ”之意,所以,equinox 是“昼夜平分时”, 意为把白昼和黑夜分成相等的两个部分。假如取“二分点”之意,那就是太阳在天球上一年两次经过天赤道的时刻,以全球昼夜等长为特征,出现在仲春或仲秋季节的日夜分,叫做“春分”或“秋分”。因此,能记住 nox 就能记住 equinox ,而能记住equinox ,就能记住 vernalequinox 和 autumnal equinox 。

solstice 至点

summer solstice夏至

winter solstice冬至

“ Sol ”是罗马古典神话中的太阳神,是“太阳”的含义,“ stice ”虽然不是一个英语词,但我们可以把它理解为“到达”之意,意为太阳光直射的地点,所以,我们就能记住 summer stice 和 winter stice 终生不忘。

第六讲 建立逻辑思维的记忆模式 (二)

第七讲 建立逻辑思维的记忆模式 (三)



spearmint 留兰香

spear 茅;芽

mint 造币厂;薄荷

首先,以词为单位分解“ spearmint ”为“ spear ”和“ mint ”。假如选“茅”与“造币厂”的含义,则与“留兰香”毫无关联。假如选取“芽”与“薄荷”的含义,那么,“芽”的颜色是淡绿色的,“ spearmint ”就是“绿薄荷”,而“绿薄荷”的学名正是“留兰香”,“留兰香”的俗名正是“绿薄荷”。



Milky way 银河 误译:牛奶路

morning glory 牵牛花误译:早晨的荣光

dogfish 星鲨 误译:狗鱼

horsefeathers 梦呓 误译:马鬃

tomcat 雄猫 误译:母猫

由于没有掌握英汉两种语言的词汇在逻辑上的联系,历史上把“ Milky way ”误译为“ 牛奶路”的错误,在现实中依然是屡见不鲜。 例如, 把 “morningglory”(牵牛花)误译为“早晨的荣光”;把“ horsefeathers” ( 梦呓 ) 误译为 “ 马鬃”;把“ tomcat ”( 雄猫 ) 误译为“ 母猫 ”,把 “ dogfish ”( 星鲨) 误译为“狗鱼”等等。

gold 金

fish 鱼

goldfish 金鱼

dog 狗

fish 鱼


由于英语“ goldfish ”一词与汉语“金鱼”一词在结构和思路上基本雷同,因而就把“ dogfish ”误译为“狗鱼”。其实, 英语“狗鱼”另有其名:pike。 “ dogfish ”与“ seadog”为同义词,意思是说,这种鱼像海洋里的狗一样凶猛,所以是“星鲨”或“角鲨”。


feathers 羽毛

horsefeathers 梦呓(马鬃)

“ horsefeathers ”不等于“ hoese+feathers ”。 无论是中国的马还是美国的马,均不可能长出羽毛,所以,“ horsefeathers”不可能是“马鬃”,“马鬃”在英语中另有其词:“ horsemane ”。既然马的身上不能长出羽毛, 为什么有人硬要说能长出羽毛呢?显然,该词的含义是“梦呓”,“白日梦”,“想入非非”。假如某人没有做梦,还说马的身上能长出羽毛,那么该词的含义是“胡说”。

有些资料把美国的F-14“雄猫式”战斗机译为“母猫式”战斗机,这是不对的。tom “公的”,“雄的”,“ tomcat ”显然是“雄猫”。美国奉行战略威慑理论,他不可能把其F_14 “ tomcat”命名为“母猫式”战斗机。所以,美国既有“cobra”(眼镜蛇式战斗机),又有“ seacobra ”(海上眼镜蛇)“ skycobra ”(空中眼镜蛇),“ supercobra ”(超级眼镜蛇)等战斗机型。

velvet glove air-to-air missile

把加拿大“ velvet glove air-to-air missile ”译成“天鹅绒手套式空空导弹”显然是误译。英语中有一个成语:“ an iron hand in the velvet glove ”,所以该导弹应译为“笑里藏刀式”,“口蜜腹剑式”或“外柔内刚式”空空导弹。



红宝石 ruby 红色的宝石red gem

蓝宝石 sapphire 蓝色的宝石 blue gem

绿宝石 emerald 绿色的宝石 green gem

在一般情况下,我们很容易把“红宝石”误认为是“ red gem ”。但是, 当我们遇到“红宝石”是“ ruby ”而不是“ red gem ”时, 那么我们至少应当做两件事,第一,立即调整我们的原有思路,接受英语“ ruby ”扬弃汉语“ redgem ”;第二,我们应当进行逻辑推理,意识到“蓝宝石”可能不是“ blue gem ”,“绿宝石”可能不是“ green gem ”。事实上,英语“蓝宝石”是“ sapphire ”,“绿宝石”是“ emerald ”。 红宝石 ruby 红色的宝石 red gem。


第三讲 更新旧有的思维模式 (一)




clone 克隆,无性繁殖

在记住“ lone ”的基础上,只要在该词的词首加一个字母“c”,所谓生词“ clone ”就会记住不忘。



在记住“ surgeon ”的基础上, 只要在该词的第一个字母之后添加一个字母“ t ”,所谓生词“ sturgeon ”就会过目不忘。

comet 慧星

come- 来

在记住“come”的基础上,只要在该词的词尾加一个字母“ t ”, 所谓生词“ comet ”就会终生难忘。





assassinate 暗杀

bloodbath 屠杀

butcher 屠杀

carnage 屠杀




murder 谋杀


slaughter 屠杀

suicide 自杀

假如不从英语广义同义词这个角度出发,我们就很难把这些意义相同或相近的词集中在一起记忆。假如不选用 “ massacre ”这个词, 我们就不能用准确无误的词汇来描述1937年12月13日日本军国主义在我国南京有组织、有计划地实施惨绝人寰的大屠杀,而当时国际上的新闻传媒也都毫无例外地使用了massacre一词来抨击和揭露日本军国主义的暴行。


halfway 半路

hemisphere 半球


peninsula 半岛

radius 半径

semiconductor 半导体






柔软的 刚硬的


亵渎的 虔诚的



添加前缀 un- 表示“不”:

sophisticted 老于世故的

unsophisticated 天真无邪的

添加具有相反意义的后缀 -ful 和 -less:

harm 伤害


harmless 无害的



前部结构相同,均为 centr ,i 为连接字母:

centre 中心



后部结构相同,均为 anthropic,前缀 mis- 表示“不”,前缀phil- 表示“喜欢”。


misanthropic 愤世嫉俗的

philanthropic 乐善好施的



permanent _______ evanesent

持久的 短暂的

permanent _______ mutable

固定的 无常的

permanent _______ temporary

永久的 暂时的

第四讲 更新旧有的思维模式 (二)



dread ————>dreadless ————>dreadlessness

畏惧 无畏的 无畏

end————>endless ————>endlessness

末端 无边无际的 无边无际

hope ————>hopeless ————>hopelessness

希望 绝望的 绝望

match ————>matchless ————>matchlessness

匹配 无与伦比的 无与伦比

self ————>selfless ————>selflessness

私心 无私的 无私

weight ————>weightless————>weightlessness

重量 失重的 失重


apology ————>apologize

道歉 表示道歉

energy ————>energyze

能量 加强


同情 表示同情

maximal ————>maximize ————>maximum

最大的使增到最大 最大量

minimal ————>minimize ————>minimum

最小的使减到最小 最小量

optimal ————>optimize ————>optimum

最佳的使最佳 最佳条件

mater ————>maternal ————>matrimony

母亲 母系的 婚姻

pater ————>paternal ————>patrimony

父亲 父系的 遗产



当遇到某一个英语具体词时,我们就应当有意识地更新单一词汇记忆模式,逐渐培养自己掌握用英语主题词扩展词汇的能力。当遇到“ colour ”一词时,我们就应当联想到太阳光七种颜色的英语词汇。

red 红色的



green 绿色

blue 蓝色



red 红色的

infra- 在...下

infrared ray红外线


ultra- 超过

ultraviolet 紫外线






原子 atom

分子 molecule

离子 ion

电子 electron

中子 neutron

核子 nucleon

质子 proton

介子 meson

量子 quantum

声子 phonon

光子 photon


第五讲 建立逻辑思维的记忆模式 (一)







slaughter <———— laughter




flak —————>flake




( ram ) ramshackle ————>shackle ————>hackle

猛撞摇摇欲坠的 镣铐 禽鸟的颈毛



dwindle 缩小

swindle 骗取



culture 文化

vulture 秃鹰



garble 断章取义

marble 大理石

warble (鸟)啭鸣



carpet ____ pet______ peter

地毯宠物 逐渐消失

spot ______ pot______ potter


imput______ put______ pute

输入放 纯粹的


第一讲 改变传统的记忆方法 (一)




按照传统记忆法,我们要记住 dapple 这个词,就得经过如下五个步骤:






经过这五道工序的加工,根据心理学家的测试,若想把dapple这个词记住终生不忘,至少要重复100 ̄150次,而且中间还得有停顿和间隔,否则一分钟重复100次,其效果实际上还是等于一次。而逻辑记忆法则是以词为单位:


dapple 斑点

若想记住 dapple“斑点”这个词,只要在 apple “苹果”一词前面加一个字母“ d ”即可。这样,能记住一般词汇 apple 就能记住高难词汇 dapple,会读apple 就会读 dapple。如果说按照以字母为单位的传统记忆法,记住 dapple需要重复100次的话,那麽采用以词为单位的逻辑记忆法,只要重复3 ̄5 次就能记住终生不忘,而且还能起到记一个词就能等于记住两个词的作用。






从 offspring 中找出 spring ,能记住 spring 就能记住 offspring,会读spring 就会读 offspring,这是正向增加词汇。

springe 圈套

spring 春天

从 springe 中找出 spring ,能记住 spring 就能记住 springe , 会读spring 就会读 springe,这是逆向增加词汇。


war 战争

从 dwarf 中找出 war ,能记住 war 就能记住 dwarf,会读 war 就会读dwarf,这是利用中间词增加词汇。

一般的英语学习者只能记住 spring ,但却记不住 offspring 和springe;只能记住 war ,但却记不住 dwarf 。可见,运用逻辑记忆法,以词为单位,改变记忆顺序,不但可以强化记忆,并且能够实现记忆上的突破和词汇量的倍增。



scrap 这个词,按照传统记忆法就是一个词,记住就可以了。但是,根据逻辑记忆法改变记忆单位和改变记忆顺序的要求,我们必须这样记:







scrape 刮,擦

crape (吊唁时臂膀上戴的)黑纱

rape 抢劫

ape 类人猿

rape 抢劫

crape (吊唁时臂膀上戴的)黑纱

scrape 刮,擦

像 ape 和 rap 这样能够帮助英语学习者强化记忆和扩展词汇量的最少字母组成词,据我们统计,3个字母组成的词大约有 400 个,4个字母组成的词大约有200 个,5个字母组成的词大约有 100 个,6 ̄10个字母组成的词大约有 300个,累加起来大约有1000个小词。

只要我们把这 1000 个最少字母组成的小词记住,熟练运用英语词汇逻辑记忆法的基本原则和基本方法,就能强化记忆,使英语学习者的词汇量成倍,成几倍甚至成十几倍的增加。