


Ada 蔡少芬∕杜雯惠

Alice 刘雅丽∕陈炜

Alien 孙佳君

Alyssa 贾静雯

Amanda 李蕙敏∕保采芬

Amy 陈秀雯∕郭霭明∕樊亦敏∕黄倩∕张小娴

Andy 许志安∕刘德华

Angela 彭嘉丽∕区文诗∕汤盈盈∕张韶涵

Angelica 李心洁

Angie 侯湘婷∕张慧仪

Anglie 梁韵蕊

Anita 陈颖研∕李婉华∕梅艳芳∕袁咏仪

Anne 向海岚

Anna 丘凯敏

Annabell 刘晓彤

Annie 文颂娴∕刘心悠∕廖安丽∕伊能静

Apple 夏萍

Astrid 陈芷菁

Athena 朱茵

Baby 张含韵

Barbara 翁美玲

Barbie 徐熙媛

Belinda 韩君婷

Bella 张曼伶

Bernice 廖碧儿

Betty 黄奕/孙俪

Bianca 胡林

Bibi 梁绰妍

Bobo 陈文媛

Bondy 赵学而

Bowie 曾宝仪

Brigitte 林青霞

Cally 邝美云

Candy 卢巧音∕车淑梅

Canny 梁芷珊

Carina 刘嘉玲

Carman 李若彤

Caroline 郑裕玲

Carrie 林莉

Cass 彭羚

Cathine 洪欣

Cathy 周海媚∕徐子淇

Cecilia 张柏芝∕叶童

Celia 施念慈

Celine 马蹄露

Cerina 嘉碧仪

Charein 李心媚

Charine 陈加玲

Charlene 蔡卓研

Charlie 杨采妮

Charmaine 畲诗曼∕李思欣

Cheer 陈绮贞

Cher 杨雪仪

Cherrie 应采儿

Cherry 江芷妮∕陈采岚

Chillie 潘芝莉

Chris 李宇春

Christine 欧阳妙芝∕伍咏薇

Christy 锺丽缇

Chucky 活己岚

Cindy 欧倩怡

Clare 姚嘉妮

Coco 李玟∕蒋怡

Connie 马小灵∕陈宝珠

Cora 缪骞人

Crystal 田蕊妮∕刘亦菲

Cymie 陈敏婷

Cyndi 王心凌

Daisy 胡凯欣

Denise 何韵诗

Dennie 叶德娴

Donna 朱洁仪

Dorothy 陈嘉熙

Echo 沈傲君

Eileen 姚莹莹

Elaine 何绮玲∕吴绮莉∕姚子羚∕孙泳恩

Elena 江美仪

Elisa 陈洁灵

Elisabeth 李美凤∕江希文

Elise 廖隽嘉∕陈奕斯

Ella 官恩娜/陈嘉桦

Elle 蔡雪敏

Ellen 陈雅伦∕卢凯彤

Ellis 邓肇欣

Elva 萧亚轩/倪晨曦

Eman 林二汶

Emily 卢淑仪∕关宝慧

Emme 黄伊汶

Erica 李敏

Esther 关咏荷

Eunice 陈嘉容

Evergreen 麦包

Ewong 翁虹

Eva 黄圣依

Evonne 许慧欣

Fala 陈法拉

Faye 王菲

Fennie 袁洁莹

Fiona 活希儿∕薛凯琪∕袁彩云

Flora 陈慧珊∕张天爱

Florence 郭少芸

Frances 叶丽仪

Gia 林苑

Gigi 梁咏琪∕黎姿∕傅明宪∕锺沛枝∕黄淑仪

Gillian 锺欣桐

Gloria 叶蕴仪∕陈素莹∕利嘉儿

Gordon 陈嘉上

Grace 叶佩雯∕林雅诗

Hacken 李克勤

Halina 谭小环

Hillary 徐濠萦

Hebe 田馥甄

Heidi 朱凯婷

Idy 陈玉莲

Ina 吕怡慧

Irene 温碧霞

Iris 黄泆潼

Isabel 梁佩瑚∕陈逸宁

Isabella 梁洛施∕寇鸿萍

Ivana 王菀之

Jacqueline 张洁莲∕吴倩莲∕李小璐

Jade 梁咏琳∕关心妍

Janice 卫兰

Jannet 马诗慧∕马阅

Janny 张咏恩

Jasmine 梁静茹

Jennifer 陈汉诗

Jenny 甄妮

Jessica 宣萱

Jessey 孟广美

Jill 卫诗

Jingle 马楚成

Jo 谷祖琳

Jo Jo 岑宝儿

Joan 唐丽球

Joanna 陈佩珊

Joey 容祖儿∕万绮雯∕蔡慧敏

Johnson 阮德锵/李思捷

Jolen 邓一君

Jolie 陈苑琪

Jolin 蔡依琳

Josephine 萧芳芳

Josie 何超仪

Joyce 李乐诗∕郑欣宜∕滕丽名

Joyce Mina 高丽虹

Jue 周迅

June 陈琪

Karen 莫文蔚∕汤宝如

Karena 林嘉欣

Kary 吴雨霏

Kasa 郁礼贤

Kate 徐子珊

Kathy 周汶锜

Katie 梁佩诗

Kay 谢安琪

Kelly 陈慧琳∕林熙蕾

Kendy 李静怡

Kenix 郭可盈

Kevin 郑嘉颖

Kiki 林子瑄∕商天娥

Kit 陈洁仪

Kitman 麦洁文

Kitty 阮小仪

Koey 王家敏∕梁雪湄

Kristy 杨恭如

Kym 金莎

Lawrence 周俊伟∕吴启华∕郑丹瑞

Leanne 李亚男

Leila 唐宁

Lilian 陈慧明∕何俐恩

Lily 李莉莉∕康子妮

Linda 王馨平∕锺嘉欣

Lisa 汪明荃

Lois 郭静

Loletta 李丽珍∕朱玲玲

Losa 罗莉萨

Louisa 苏玉华

Lydia 沈殿霞

Macy 陈美诗

Maggie 张曼玉∕邵美琪∕张可颐∕刘思惠∕傅佩嘉/章子怡

Mandy 蒋雅文∕曹敏莉

Mango 王秀琳

Mani 霍纹希

Manner 陈曼娜

Maple 许秋怡

Margie 曾华倩

Mariane 陈妙瑛

Margret 锺丽淇

Marsha 原子鏸

Maria 陈霁平/肥妈

Mary 张玛莉∕韩马利

Mavis 范晓萱∕许美静

May 罗美薇∕吴婉芳∕邝文珣

Megan 赖雅妍

Melissa 吴美珩

Michelle 杨紫琼∕李嘉欣∕叶璇∕郑雪儿∕米雪∕伏明霞∕张佳佳

Miki 杨爱谨

Mimi 罗敏庄∕朱咪咪

Miriam 杨千嬅

Mona 方逸华

Money 卢敏仪

Monie 董敏莉

Monica 陈法容

Myolie 胡杏儿

Nadia 陈松伶

Nancy 兰茜∕薛家燕∕胡定欣

Natalie 黄纪莹∕吴文忻∕唐诗咏

Nicole 沈玉薇∕谭凯欣

Nichola 张燊悦

Niki 周丽琪

Olivia 郑文雅

Oscar 梁烈唯

Pace 吴佩慈

Paisley 胡蓓蔚

Pat 刘彩玉

Patricia 刘绰琪

Paula 徐小凤

Pauline 陈宝莲∕杨宝玲∕任葆琳

Penny 戴佩妮

Pinky 张文慈

Priscilla 陈慧娴∕顾纪筠∕锺禧文∕戚黛黛

Prudence 刘美君

Queenie 朱慧敏∕陈莉敏

Race 黄婉伶

Rachael 傅天颖

Rain 刘玉翠∕李彩华

Rainie 杨丞琳

Rammie 郭芯其

Rebecca 许同恩

Rebeea 杨洛婷

Rene 刘若英

Renee 戴梦梦

Rita 韦绮珊

Rosamund 关之琳

Rosanne 黄婉佩

Ruby 林心如∕姚乐碧∕黄卓玲

Rubyanne 蔡洁雯

Sally 叶蒨文

Sammatha 张佩金

Sammi 郑秀文

Sandra 吴君如

Sandy 林忆莲/林姗姗

Selina 任家萱

Sara 李丽蕊

Sarah 王卉

Serena 李诗韵

Shadow 周影

Shallin 谢宁

Sharis 刘婉君

Sharla 张敏

Sharon 陈敏芝∕郭秀云

Sheila 陈淑兰

Sheren 邓萃雯

Sherming 姚乐怡

Sherry 张惠妹

Shirley 张玉珊∕关淑怡∕杨思琦∕张晓

Shooky 关秀媚

Sophie 李嘉慧

Sonija 郭羡妮

Stella 黄湘怡

Stephanie 车沅沅∕黎明诗∕郑融∕王从希∕孙燕姿

Stephy 邓丽欣

Sugas 黎瑞莲

Suki 陈秀茹

Sylvia 张艾嘉

Tarcy 苏慧伦

Tavia 杨怡

Teresa 章小慧∕邓丽君∕杜莉萨∕麦家琪

Theresa 傅颖 ∕李绮红

Tifanny 李茏怡∕林敏俐∕谢宛婷

Toby 梁靖琪

Tracy 叶翠翠

Ursule 黄宇诗

Valerie 周嘉玲

Vangie 邓颖芝

Veronica 叶玉卿

Viann 梁慧嘉

Vicki 赵薇

Vicky 邹琛玮

Vikki 唐韦琪

Vin 蔡淇俊 Vivian 陈德容∕李明慧∕周慧敏∕黎瑞恩∕徐若瑄∕骆乐

Vivien 梁小冰∕杨秀惠

Vonnie 雷凯欣

Wendy 韩毓霞

Wing 林颖娴 ∕张咏妍

Winnie 刘小慧∕俞琤∕杨婉仪∕梁敏仪

Yammy 蓝洁瑛

Yennis 张茵

Yolanda 甄楚倩

Yoyo 陈自瑶∕蒙嘉慧

Yuki 徐怀钰

Yumiko 郑希怡

Yvonne 刘文娟

Zoie 谭凯琪

美式发音的进阶级动画片小马宝莉 My Little Pony适合:4-12岁这是一部热度很高的动画片,一开始米粒妈以为这是一部只适合小姑娘看的动画片,但是观看之后发现这部动画片很有意思,语速较快,适合4岁+。主要是讲述了一只闪闪的独角兽小马驹的故事,每一部都是一个很好的人生课堂。故事情节和色彩都非常到位,足以吸引孩子,米粒妈建议爸爸妈妈可以和孩子一起通过画面试着去理解和探讨。数学城小兄妹 Team Umizoomi适合:4-12岁动画片讲的是Umizoomi三人小组帮助小朋友完成一个任务,每集20分钟。这个片子的亮点在于画面绚、音乐赞、生活场景丰富。此外,这个动画片适合做数学和逻辑启蒙,问答互动形式,和爱探险的朵拉有些类似。由于动画片制作异常精美绚丽,小朋友百看不厌。从英文的角度来说,它的咬字也非常准确,而且经常会要小朋友跟读,还是非常不错的。大红狗 Clifford: the big red dog适合:5-14岁主角是那只有两层楼高的大红狗,纯动画,每集15分钟,语速偏快,句子复杂,趣味性很强哦。国内有进口配套绘本一起使用。麦克斯和卢比 Max and Ruby适合:4-12岁故事很温情、暖心,讲兔子姐弟俩之间的故事,也很适合二胎家庭。如果喜欢美语启蒙,可从这个开始。语速慢,词汇重复率高,纯动画,共4季,每集8分钟。天才宝贝熊 Little bear适合:4-12岁纯动画,共5季,每集8分钟,语速适中,在Max and Ruby后面看这个。故事很温情,讲小熊和家人及朋友的故事。

LINKIN PARK 的歌词我有一点:


1. Opening


[楼 主] | Posted: 2005-04-03 13:01


级别: 精灵王

精华: 20

发帖: 2464

威望: 357 点

金钱: 3572 RMB

贡献值: 0 点



Pts. of Athrty

Forfeit the game, before somebody takes you out of the frame

Put your name to shame, cover up your face

You can't run the race, the pace is too fast, you just won't last

Won't last, won't last, won't last, won't last, won't last, won't last, won't last

Won't last, won't last, won't last, won't last, won't last, won't last (echo fade)


You love the way, I look at you

While taking pleasure in the awful things you put me through

You take away if I give in

My life, my pride, is broken


You like to think you're never wrong

(You like to think you're never wrong)

You have to act like you're someone

(You have to act like you're someone)

You want someone to hurt like you

(You want someone to hurt like you)

You wanna share what you've been through

(You live what you've learned)

Learned, learned, learned, learned, learned(echo fade) You love the things, I say I'll do

The way I hurt myself again, just to get back at you

You take away, when I give in

My life, my pride, is broken


Yo, yo

Forfeit the game, before somebody takes you out of the frame

Put your name to shame, cover up your face

You can't run the race, the pace is too fast, you just won't last

Forfeit the game, before somebody takes you out of the frame

Put your name to shame, cover up your face

You can't run the race, the pace is too fast, you just won't last

Won't last, won't last, won't last, won't last, won't last, won't last

Won't last, won't last, won't last, won't last, won't last, won't last (echo fade)

Chorus 2X



[1 楼] | Posted: 2005-04-03 13:01


级别: 精灵王

精华: 20

发帖: 2464

威望: 357 点

金钱: 3572 RMB

贡献值: 0 点



Enth E Nd

Hey yeah when this first started off it was just Linkin Park...

Then in the middle came Motion Man...

And at the end of it all it was Kutmasta Kut wit a remix [echo]

One thing I don't know why

It doesn't even matter how hard you try

Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme when I was obsessed with time

All I know, time was just slipping way

And I watched it count down till the end of the day

Watched it watch me and the words that I say

The echo of the clock rhythm in my veins

I know that I didn't look out below

And I watched the time go right out the window

Trying to grab hold, trying not to watch

I wasted it all on the hands of the clock

But in the end no matter what I pretend

The journey is more important than the end or the start

And what it meant to me will eventually be

A memory of the time when I tried so hard


I tried so hard

And got so far

But in the end

It doesn't even matter

I had to fall

To lose it all

But in the end

It doesn't even matter

Yeah one thing, one thing I don't know why

It doesn't even matter how hard you try

Keep that in mind I designed this rhyme to explain the due time

All I know, time to so-socialize like the host of the party

All for shake and made eye contact

Party control showing all that

Northeast, southwest coast

Stand out the window, no opportunity to mingle I tried to show her, if you could just sense a middle disorder

I brought you back of the thing

Like the imaginary man of your dreams

Well, you would always seem to make it worth it

A sleek skin I never nerved you

You felt lovin, I never applied a room

Without bringing the plan

By any means and means of leaving you teens,

Of all those teenage scenes, I tried so hard


Linkin park, remix, Mo Mo Mo Motion Man

Linkin park, in the end, Kutmasta Kutmasta Kut Kutmasta Kurt

Linkin park, remix, Mo Mo Motion Man

Linkin park, in the end, Kutmasta Kurt

One thing I don't know how

It doesn't even matter when you look at it now

Because when I designed this rhyme I was scared of it all

Scared to fall, I hadn't even tried to crawl

And I was forced to run, with you mocking me

Stopping me, back stabbing me constantly

Remembering all those times you fought with me

Watch the clock now chop full of hypocrisy

And now your mouth wishes it could inhale

Every single little thing you said and make it expel

Every single word you sputter just to get your piece, but it really doesn't matter to me

Because from the start to the end no matter what I pretend

The journey is more important than the end or the start

And what it meant to me will eventually be

A memory of the time when I tried so hard


[2 楼] | Posted: 2005-04-03 13:01


级别: 精灵王

精华: 20

发帖: 2464

威望: 357 点

金钱: 3572 RMB

贡献值: 0 点




Whats up evich, glad you could keep me uhh detailed

Please enter your pa...

First message

Yo Mike

This is Chali 2na, what's up man?

I'm just trying to catch up with ya so we can go on here

and get this song on the roll, pop and...haha call me back

[3 楼] | Posted: 2005-04-03 13:01


级别: 精灵王

精华: 20

发帖: 2464

威望: 357 点

金钱: 3572 RMB

贡献值: 0 点





From the top to the bottom

Bottom to top I stop

At the core I've forgotten

In the middle of my thoughts

Taken far from my safety

The picture's there

The memory won't escape me

We're stuck in a place so dark, you could hardly see

A manner of matter that splits with the words I breathe

And as the rain drips acidic questions around me

I block out the sight of the powers that be

Duck away into the darkness, times up

I wind up in a rusted world with eyes shut

So tight that it blurs into the world of pretend

And the eyes ease open and it's dark againChorus

But why should I care

In the memory you'll find me

Eyes burning up

The darkness holding me tightly

Until the sun rises up

Listen to the sound, dizzy from the ups and downs

And nauseated by the polluted rock that's all around

Watchin the wheels of cars that pass

I look past to the last of the light and the long shadows it casts

A window grows and captures the eye

And cries out yellow light as it passes me by

And a young, shadowy figure sits in front of a box

Inside a building of rocks with antennas on top

Now, nothing can stop in this land of the pain

The same lose, not knowing they were part of the game

And while the insides change, the box stays the same

And the figure inside could bear anybody's name

The memories I keep are from a time like then

I put on my paper so I could come back to them

Someday i'm hopin to close my eyes and pretend

That this crumpled up paper can be perfect again


I'm here at the podium talking, the ceremonial offerings

Dedicated to urban dysfunctional offspring

What's happening

City governments are eternally napping

Trapped in greedy covenants, causin urban collapsing

Bullets that scar souls, with dark holds, get more than your car stole

Some hearts be blacker than charcoal

For real, this society's deprivation depends not on our differences, but the separation within

No preparation is made, limited aid, minimum wage

Livin in a tenement cage where rent isn't paid

Tragedy within a parade

The darkness overspread like permanent plauge

I'm the forgotten

In the memory you'll find me

Eyes burning up

The darkness holding me tightly

Until the sun rises up

[4 楼] | Posted: 2005-04-03 13:02


级别: 精灵王

精华: 20

发帖: 2464

威望: 357 点

金钱: 3572 RMB

贡献值: 0 点



P5hng Me A*wy

When I look into your eyes

There's nothing there to see

Nothing but my own mistakes

Staring back at me

this text is played backwards

Everything has to end, you'll soon find, we're outta time, left to watch it all unwhind

Everything falls apart, even the people who never frown eventually break down

Everything has to end, you'll soon find, we're outta time, left to watch it all unwhind

Everything falls apart, even the people who never frown eventually break down

end backwards talk

I've lied

To you

This is the last smile

That I'll fake for the sake of being with you

(Everything falls apart, even the people who never frown eventually break down)

(Everything has to end, you'll soon find, we're outta time, left to watch it all unwhind)

For sake of being with you

(Everything falls apart, even the people who never frown eventually break down)

The sacrifice is never knowing


Why I stayed with you

Just push away

No matter what you see

You're still so blind to me

more backwards talk I've tried

Like you

To do everything you wanted to

This is the last time

I'll take the blame for the sake of being with you

(Everything falls apart, even the people who never frown eventually break down)

The sacrifice of hiding in a lie

(Everything has to end, you'll soon find, we're outta time, left to watch it all unwind)

The sacrifice is never knowing


Reverse psychology's failing miserably

It's so hard to be, left all alone

Telling you is the only chance for me

There's nothing left but, to turn and face you

When I look into your eyes, there's nothing there to see

Nothing but my own mistakes staring back at me

Asking why...

The sacrifice of hiding in a lie (why)

The sacrifice is never knowing

Chorus 2X

[5 楼] | Posted: 2005-04-03 13:02


级别: 精灵王

精华: 20

发帖: 2464

威望: 357 点

金钱: 3572 RMB

贡献值: 0 点



Plc.4 Mie Haed


I wanna be in another place

I hate when you say you don’t understand

I wanna be in the energy

Not with the enemy

A place for my head

I watch how the moon sits in the sky on a dark night

Shining with the light from the sun

The sun doesn't give light to the moon

Assuming the moons gonna owe it one

And makes think of how you act to me

You do favors that rapidly

You just turn around and start asking me

About things you want back from me

I'm sick of the tension

Sick of the hunger,

Sick of you acting like I owe you this,

Find another place to feed your greed

While I find a place to rest

I'm sick of the tension

Sick of the hunger

Sick of you acting like I owe you this

Find another place to feed your greed

While I find a place to rest.


Two Two

Three Three

Ya Ya Ya

Gimme energon to keep me calm, you and your mom

Keep on the drom

Used to be a team

Passed that baton but you flop that bod

As you drop that bomb

Take it to the john in your babylon

Flushed down with the sound that you carry on

I don't really give a dang you pissed on my lawn

Took a dump like a punk now the battles on

So sick of you stressin'

Sick of you fessin'

Sick of you actin' like I owe you some

Find another place to feed your face

I f you don't we gonna bump

Get it up, get crunk

Sick of you stressin'

Sick of you fessin'

Sick of you actin' like I owe you some

Find another place to feed your face

If you don't we gonna bump

Get it up, get crunk



You try to take the best of me,

You try to take the best of me, Go away,

You try to take the best of me,

You try to take of the best of me Go away.

(Go away...)


Go away you try to take the best of me

Go away, away

[6 楼] | Posted: 2005-04-03 13:02


级别: 精灵王

精华: 20

发帖: 2464

威望: 357 点

金钱: 3572 RMB

贡献值: 0 点



X-ecutioner Style

From the top... (6X)

Shut up... (8X)

I’m about to...

Wasn't that fun, lets try something else?

45 caliber killer without of the filla

Elevated Show your brothas how your not a gorilla

Smooth talkin fully automatic weapon constiller

Taste thrilla, great filler

Hit him with the bounce stiller

Filthy stinking standing on the side grounded

Still be sinking submerging in the parks

Still be linking plucked beats when it starts

Hope your thinking its not a mirageI’m living up off tracks from out of the garage

Well if you could duck but its hard to dodge

In the back of that spine where my darkness lies

Flippin straight up ripping apart your squad

X-Ecutioner's Style cuts and blends

Like a syringe banging you in each of your limbs

See me coming through your party hard

Without no body guard

Smoking something, stomping on each of your toes

I'm the B to the L to the A to the C King

(uh huh...)

And when it comes to planning the Thought, keeping thinking this

Shut up... (8X)

[7 楼] | Posted: 2005-04-03 13:03


级别: 精灵王

精华: 20

发帖: 2464

威望: 357 点

金钱: 3572 RMB

贡献值: 0 点



H! Vltg3

Sometimes, sometimes, sometimes, sometimes...


I've been diggin in crates ever since I was livin in space

Before the rat race, before monkeys had human traits

I mastered numerology, big band theology

Performed lobotomies with telekinetic psychology

Invented the mic to so I can start blessin it

Chin-checkin' kids to make my point like an impressionist

Many men have tried to shake us

But I twist mic chords like double helixes to show them what I'm made of

I buckle knees like leg braces

Cast a spell of instrumentalist on all of you MC's who hate us

So you can try on, leave you without a shoulder to cry on

From now to infinite, let icon be bygones

I fire bombs, ghostly notes haunt this

I tried threats, but moved on to a promise

I stomp **** with or without an accomplice

And run the gauntlet with whoever that wants this


High voltage

This is the unforgettable sound

High voltage

Bringin you up and takin you down

High voltage

Comin at you from every side

High voltage

Making the rhythm and rhyme collide

Akira, I've put a kink in the backbones, of clones, with microphones

Never satisfied my rhymes Jones

Spraying bright day over what you might say

My blood types krylon, Technicolor type A

On highways write with road rage

Cages a win, cages a tin, that bounce all around

Surround sound

Devouring the scenes

Subliminal gangrene paintings, over all the same things

Sing songs karaoke copy bull****

Break bones verbally with sticks and stones tactics

Forth dimension, compact convention

Write rhymes with ease while the track stands at attention

Meant to put you away, with the pencil

Pistol, official, sixteen line, a rhyme missile

While you risk your all

I pick out at your flaws

Singing rah blah, blah, blah you can say you saw

Chorus 2X

Who's the man, the man in your hand over your land

Roving over man's bolding when he's jammin your plans ova

I am vics clorousos, the most ferocious

When I spy my third eye, it's extremely high voltage

That's why I need ruby quartz glasses, cause when I glance at the chest

Then I might blast the masses

Subliminals transmitted through piano

Integrated in flow, calculated in nano

My IU skills are when I mean plea sees the rhyme

I hear when I bleed when I proceed through time

I walk through the walls and the inanimate obstacles

While educed to the reduction of cells and molecules

I bring the knowledge the you swallow like the state of hologram

I bot your head, fat your lip like collagen

A telepath of the another verse with no postage

Mike Shinoda, we are high voltage

Chorus 2X

[8 楼] | Posted: 2005-04-03 13:03


级别: 精灵王

精华: 20

发帖: 2464

威望: 357 点

金钱: 3572 RMB

贡献值: 0 点



Riff Raff

Hey Mike, whats up?

This is Ron, ya know, last week in the chatroom

I was just touchin a face

See how your Easter went. Umm

I was seein if you gonna see Joe soon too

He has my keyboard that I've been trying to get back

I've been trying to call him

And he hasn't been returning any messages

So if ya see him give an angle to uh

[9 楼] | Posted: 2005-04-03 13:03


级别: 精灵王

精华: 20

发帖: 2464

威望: 357 点

金钱: 3572 RMB

贡献值: 0 点




Come on!

I woke up in a dream today

To the cold of the static

And put my cold feet on the floor

Forgot all about yesterday

Remembering I'm pretending to be where I'm not anymore

A little taste of hypocrisy

And I'm left in the wake of the mistake

Slow to react

Even though you're so close to me

You're still so distant, and I can't bring you back


It's true, the way I feel

Was promised by your face

The sound of your voice

Painted on my memories

Even if you're not with me

I'm with you

(You, now I see, keeping everything inside)

With you

(You, now I see, even when I close my eyes)

With you

(You, now I see, keeping everything inside)

With you

(You, now I see, even when I close my eyes)

With you


I hit you and you hit me back

And we fall to the floor

The rest of the day stands still

Fine line between this and that

But when things go wrong, I pretend the past isn't real

Now I'm trapped in this memory

And I'm left in the wake of the mistake

Slow to react

Even though you're close to me

You're still so distant, and I can't bring you back



I won't let you control my fate While I'm holding the weight of the world on my conscience


I won't just sit here and wait while you weighing your options

Your makin a fool of me


You didn't dare to try and say you don't care

And solemnly swear not to follow me there


It ain't like me to beg on my knees

Or, please oh baby please

That's not how I'm doin things


No I'm not upset, no I'm not angry

I know love is love and love sometimes, it doesn't pay me


I'm never without you, I'll always be with you

You'll never forget me, I'm keeping you with me


I won't let you take me to the end of my row

Or keep burning and torching my soul


No I'm not your puppet

And no, no, no, I wont let you go

No, no matter how far we've come

I can't wait to see tomorrow

No matter how far we've come

I, I can't wait to see tomorrow

With you

(You, now I see, keeping everything inside)

With you

(You, now I see, even when I close my eyes)

With you

(You, now I see, keeping everything inside)

With you

(You, now I see, even when I close my eyes)


[10 楼] | Posted: 2005-04-03 13:03


级别: 精灵王

精华: 20

发帖: 2464

威望: 357 点

金钱: 3572 RMB

贡献值: 0 点



12. Ntr/Mssion


[11 楼] | Posted: 2005-04-03 13:04


级别: 精灵王

精华: 20

发帖: 2464

威望: 357 点

金钱: 3572 RMB

贡献值: 0 点




Uh, yeah.

Why does it feel like night today, something in here's not right today

Why I am so uptight today, paranoia's all I got left

I don't know what stressed me first or how the pressure was fed

But I know just what it feels like to have a voice in the back of my head

Like a face that I hold inside, a face that awakes when I close my eyes

Face that watches every time I lie, face that laughs every time I fall

And watches everything

So I know that when its time to sink or swim

The face inside is hearing me right beneath my skin


It's like I'm paranoid looking over my back