








(一)语言知识目标: 掌握提建议,同意和不同意回答的基本句型:

Ask for suggestions: What shall we do? Where shall we go?

Making suggestions: Couldn’t we go somewhere outside Edinburgh?

What/How about going up into the Pentland Hills?

We could do a bit of climbing.

Why don’t we go for a long walk?

Let’s find out about the coach times.

Agreeing: That’s not a bad idea! That’s a good idea!

Disagreeing: I don’t know. I’m not very keen on climbing.

Walking’s not really my thing, either.

No way!









1. 在听力过程中培养学生进行预测,获取信息进行问答,做笔记记录信息对信息进行处理的能力。

2. 在说的方面培养学生良好的语感,正确的语音语调,进行问答,复述的语言表达能力。


1. 在教学过程中如何更好地创设场景,让学生有话可说,乐于表达。

2. 在听的过程中如何指导学生更快地记录更多的有效信息。


Step 1:Pre-listening

Good morning, everyone! Tomorrow is Saturday. What shall we do and where shall we go? Where are you going? Let’s have a discussion.

Step 2:While-listening

Now class,we are going to listen to a text. Listen carefully and put the following sentences into the right order.

( )A. What about going up into the Pentland Hills?

( )B. Don’t forget we’ve got the dress rehearsal on Sunday evening.

( )C. Why don’t we go for a long walk?

( )D. What shall we do on Sunday?

( )E.I’m not very keen on climbing.



(二)Listen a second time and fill in blanks according to the listening dialogue.

Zoe: What shall we do on Sunday, Jack?

Jack: I could________ . Couldn’t we go somewhere outside________ ?

Zoe: Like where? Don’t forget we’ve got the dress rehearsal on Sunday evening. They can’t do without us. We’ve both_______ .

Jack: I know, but the rehearsal’s not until six. What about going up into the Pentland Hills? I think they ______ there from the city centre. Perhaps we could_______ .

Lan: I don’t know. I’m not very keen ________.

Jack: Well, we don’t have to go climbing. Why don’t we______ ?

Kelly: Yes, that’s not a bad idea.

Lan: Walking’s not really my thing, either.

Zoe: Oh, come on! We could ____________ with us.

Jack: That’s a good idea! What about it, Lan?

Lan: No way! I’m going to catch up on some sleep.

Jack: Oh, all right. How about asking Sarah?

Zoe: No, her parents are _________ for the day.

Jack: OK, well, let’s find out about the coach times.



Step3:Post- Listening

(一) Listen and try to answer the questions:

1、What are they talking about ?

2、What are they going to do on Sunday ?

3、Where are they going ?



(三)Listen and pay attention to pronunciation and intonation .



(三)Speaking ---Role Playing

T: Now we have learned about some great sentences about asking for and making suggestions and agreeing and disagreeing. Can you make your own conversations in groups? Ask your friends if they can do something with you.


Step 5:Summary &Homework



设计意图:  Summary使学生对这节课的内容有个整体的了解和巩固。









Listening and speaking class

I Teaching aims:

Knowledge aim:

Students can read and master the usage of the sentence structures “Yesterday we were happy. Today we are sad.”

Ability aim:

Through different kinds of teaching activities, students can improve their ability of listening and speaking.

Emotional aim:

After learning this class students will feel more confident when they speak English in daily life.

II Teaching key point and difficult point:

Key point: learn the meaning and usage of the sentence structures “Yesterday we were happy. Today we are sad.”

Difficult point: use these sentences correctly and fluently in daily communication.

III Teaching procedures:

Step 1 warming-up:

Greeting with students and listen a English song together named “If you happy and you know it”. During this section, students can do some actions according to the lyrics.

Step 2 pre-listening

After the song, ask students a question “Are you happy know?” Meanwhile, show a picture of smiled face. Then present new sentence on the blackboard “we are happy.” and ask students read the sentence several times.

Show another picture of cried face and ask questions “How about this one?”, then write the new word “sad” under the word “happy”.

Step 3 while-listening

Extensive listening

Listen to the tape for the first time. Ask students listen to the tape, and think about “what are they talking about?”

Intensive listening

Listen to the tape for the second time. Ask students pay more attention to detailed information and then answer following questions:

Q1: How did they feel yesterday?

Q2: How do they feel today?

Step 4 Post-listening

Task 1

After listening, ask students work in pairs to do a role play on the topic of what does he/she feel yesterday/ today? Give students 5 mins to make a preparation and then ask several groups give a performance in front of the class.

Task 2

Work in groups to do survey. Each member in one group should inquiry other members “How does he/she feel?” and make a chart. Then allow students to chose whose chart is the best one.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Review what students have learnt in the class, and ask students to inquiry their parents’ feelings by using these new expressions. Try to do one thing that can make their parents feel happy.

一、写课题(topic)和课型(type of lesson ) 1、课题相当于文章的标题 2、课型指该节课的讲授类型,英语的主要课型有:新授予课(new lesson)、巩固课(reinforcement)、复习课(revision)、听力课(listening)、阅读课(reading)、语法课(grammar)、写作课(writing)等等 二、写教学目标( objectives) 教学目标是教学的核心内容,是教师施教的准绳.教学目标要符合课程标准对教材的要求.由于教学目标要在课堂上展示给学生,让学生明确,所以写教学目标时,要力求简明扼要,浅显易懂,便于操作和检测,一般三到四个目标为宜. 三、写教学的重点(main points),难点(difficult points) 教学重点是课堂教学的主要任务 教学难点是师生顺利完成教学任务的障碍,关键要找到攻克教学难点的突破口,在教案中写清一节课的教学重点、难点和关键点,能提醒老师在讲课时注意:突出重点、突破难点、抓住关键. 四、写教具(teaching aids) 课堂上需要什么教具要写清楚,如多媒体、录音机、教材录音、练习题、图片等.vedios,flashcards 五、写教学过程( procedures) 教学过程是教案的主要部分,主要写以下几方面的内容:1、写教学环节,即教学任务.2、写知识点和所用时间.3、写教师活动.“教什么”、“怎样教”,即写清楚要教的内容和方法,写出使用教具的时机和方法,写板书内容等.4、写学生活动. 六、写课堂训练题(exercises) 备课时精心设计的有针对性的随堂练习题要写在教案中.写清出示这些题的办法,如用ppt、黑板、学生学案、补充材料或学生课本等. 七、写课堂小结(summing-up) 课堂小结是教师帮助学生回顾和总结本节课的学习内容的重要环节.小结的方式和方法要在教案中写清楚,不论是教师引导学生总结,还是由教师归纳总结,都要注意把本节课的内容纳入知识系统之中,使学生在整体上把握知识. 八、写板书设计(blackboard designs) 板书是有声有色的教学语言,它具有直观性、形象性和启发性.因此,教师要课堂上要有计划地使用黑板,板书什么内容、写在什么位置,用什么颜色的粉笔等要在备课时设计好,并写在教案中. 补充:备课前必须回答的问题:1、学生的已知是什么.2、本节课学生将要学会什么.3、学生学完后能做哪些以前不会做或做不好的事.



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