CSS的《Move》 歌词


CSS的《Move》 歌词,第1张




CSS - Move

Get up, get up, get up, get up

you gotta keep on moving

Get up, get up, get up, get up

you gotta keep on moving

Get up, get up, get up, get up

you gotta keep on moving

Get up, get up, get up, get up

you gotta keep on moving

Backwards straight to the dance floor

will you still be waiting for me?

Will you still be my friend?

I don't wanna bug you

All these crazy, crazy ideas

For i know this ain't a good place for us to talk

You better get your move on

or all the good ones will have gone

You better get your move on

or all the good ones will have gone

You better get your move on

Get up, get up, get up, get up

you gotta keep on moving

Get up, get up, get up, get up

you gotta keep on moving

Get up, get up, get up, get up

you gotta keep on moving

Get up, get up, get up, get up

you gotta keep on moving

If you wanna say goodbye,

if you want to play seek and hide

just tail got the time

playing nice you know what?

You better get your move on

or all the good ones will have gone

You better get your move on

or all the good ones will have gone

You better get your move on

Get up, get up, get up, get up

you gotta keep on moving

Get up, get up, get up, get up

you gotta keep on moving

Get up, get up, get up, get up

you gotta keep on moving

Get up, get up, get up, get up

you gotta keep on moving


属性名: cursor

属性值( 手势状态 ):

auto : 默认值。浏览器根据当前情况自动确定鼠标光标类型。

all-scroll : IE6.0 有上下左右四个箭头,中间有一个圆点的光标。用于标示页面可以向上下左右任何方向滚动。

col-resize : IE6.0 有左右两个箭头,中间由竖线分隔开的光标。用于标示项目或标题栏可以被水平改变尺寸。

crosshair : 简单的十字线光标。

default : 客户端平台的默认光标。通常是一个箭头。

hand : 竖起一只手指的手形光标。就像通常用户将光标移到超链接上时那样。

move : 十字箭头光标。用于标示对象可被移动。

help : 带有问号标记的箭头。用于标示有帮助信息存在。

no-drop : IE6.0 带有一个被斜线贯穿的圆圈的手形光标。用于标示被拖起的对象不允许在光标的当前位置被放下。

not-allowed : IE6.0 禁止标记(一个被斜线贯穿的圆圈)光标。用于标示请求的操作不允许被执行。

pointer : IE6.0 和 hand 一样。竖起一只手指的手形光标。就像通常用户将光标移到超链接上时那样。

progress : IE6.0 带有沙漏标记的箭头光标。用于标示一个进程正在后台运行。

row-resize : IE6.0 有上下两个箭头,中间由横线分隔开的光标。用于标示项目或标题栏可以被垂直改变尺寸。

text : 用于标示可编辑的水平文本的光标。通常是大写字母 I 的形状。

vertical-text : IE6.0 用于标示可编辑的垂直文本的光标。通常是大写字母 I 旋转90度的形状。

wait : 用于标示程序忙用户需要等待的光标。通常是沙漏或手表的形状。

*-resize : 用于标示对象可被改变尺寸方向的箭头光标。 w-resize | s-resize | n-resize | e-resize | ne-resize | sw-resize | se-resize | nw-resize

url ( url ) : IE6.0 用户自定义光标。使用绝对或相对 url 地址指定光标文件(后缀为 .cur 或者 .ani )。