


How to use a computer?

It's more and more popular and nessesory to use computers in our daily life. For example, I use computer all the time in the office, and also use it for entertainment at home. Here I have some experiences and tips on how to make use of a computer in your daily life.

First, you should know what you need or want to do by using a computer. For example, I need search some information on internet, then I have to learn how to use IE to find out what I need . Second, Ineed to learn how to use some softwares so as to make things done easily , or to have fun .Finally, you must realize that computer is not everything, you are the boss to choose wheather you need to use it or not, and then you can arrange your time and your own way to use a computer properly.

Whether using a computer is useful or not, that depends on how you use it. Remember that the computer is just a tool to help you. That is all my advice on how to use computer in your daily life.

Computer harm to human beings(电脑对人类的危害)

Now because of the popularization of computer, and almost every family has a computer, some children even have a crush on computer games. But, for we increasingly rely on computers, may I know the dangers of it?(现在由于电脑的普及化,几乎家家户户都有电脑,有些孩子甚至迷恋于电脑游戏。可是,对于逐渐依赖电脑的我们,可否知道它的危害性?)

Long-term use of computer, it will lead to our visionTo depends on computer too much, can make our memoryLong time sitting in front of a computer can also lead to low back discomfort, obesity and other problems.(长期的使用电脑,它会导致我们的视力下降;过多的以赖于电脑,会使我们记忆力减退;久坐在电脑前还会导致腰背不适,肥胖等问题。)

So, we should use less as far as possible the computer, now put some cactus near the computer, such as radiation resistance plants. Bacteria have is to eat more food, help the body's detoxification and radiation resistance.(所以,我们现在应该尽量少用电脑,在电脑附近摆一些仙人掌之类的抗辐射植物。还有就是要多吃点菌类食物,会有助于体内的排毒和抗辐射。)