密码如何设置强度高密码? 设密码有几个要


密码如何设置强度高密码? 设密码有几个要,第1张



















找到password requisite pam_cracklib.so在后面可以加 difok=x(要x个不同字符) minlen=x(最小密码长度) ucredit=-x(最少x个大写字母) lcredit=-x(最少x个小写字母) dcredit=-x (最少x个数字)dictpath=/usr/share/cracklib/pw_dict时间在[root@localhost ~]# vim /etc/login.defs,PASS_MAX_DAYS  99999 (最大什么时候过期)PASS_MIN_DAYS   0            (最小什么事后过期)PASS_MIN_LEN  5 (密码最小长度)PASS_WARN_AGE   7            (警告天数)我们在使用linux系统设置密码的时候,经常遇到这样的问题,系统提示:您的密码太简单,或者您的密码是字典的一部分。那么系统是如何实现对用户的密码的复杂度的检查的呢?系统对密码的控制是有两部分(我知道的)组成:

1 cracklib

2 login.defs

声明:login.defs主要是控制密码的有效期。对密码进行时间管理。此处不细谈login.defs   --shadow password suite configuration,pam_cracklib.so 才是控制密码复杂度的关键文件

redhat公司专门开发了cracklib这个安装包来判断密码的复杂度可以rpm -ql cracklib查看

密码的复杂度的判断是通过pam模块控制来实现的,具体的模块是pam_cracklibpam_cracklib 的参数介绍:debug,This option makes the module write information to syslog(3) indicating the behavior of the module (this option does not write password information to the log file).

type=XXX,The default action is for the module to use the following prompts when requesting passwords: "New UNIX password: " and "Retype UNIX password: ". The default word UNIX can be replaced with this option. retry=N,Prompt user at most N times before returning with error. The default is 1 ,difok=N,This argument will change the default of 5 for the number of characters in the new password that must not be present in the old password. In addition, if 1/2 of the characters in the new password are different then the new password will be accepted anyway.

difignore=N,How many characters should the password have before difok will be ignored. The default is 23. minlen=N,The minimum acceptable size for the new password (plus one if credits are not disabled which is the default). In addition to the number of characters in the new password, credit (of +1 in length) is given for each different kind of character (other, upper, lower and digit). The default for this parameter is 9 which is good for a old style UNIX password all of the same type of character but may be too low to exploit the added security of a md5 system. Note that there is a pair of length limits in Cracklib itself, a "way too short" limit of 4 which is hard coded in and a defined limit (6) that will be checked without reference to minlen. If you want to allow passwords as short as 5 characters you should not use this module. dcredit=N(N >= 0) This is the maximum credit for having digits in the new password. If you have less than or N digits, each digit will count +1 towards meeting the current minlen value. The default for dcredit is 1 which is the recommended value for minlen less than 10.(N <0) This is the minimum number of digits that must be met for a new password.ucredit=N,(N >= 0) This is the maximum credit for having upper case letters in the new password. If you have less than or N upper case letters each letter will count +1 towards meeting the current minlen value. The default for ucredit is 1 which is the recommended value for minlen less than 10.(N >0) This is the minimum number of upper case letters that must be met for a new password.lcredit=N(N >= 0) This is the maximum credit for having lower case letters in the new password. If you have less than or N lower case letters, each letter will count +1 towards meeting the current minlen value. The default for lcredit is 1 which is the recommended value for minlen less than 10,(N <0) This is the minimum number of lower case letters that must be met for a new password.ocredit=N,(N >= 0) This is the maximum credit for having other characters in the new password. If you have less than or N other characters, each character will count +1 towards meeting the current minlen value. The default for ocredit is 1 which is the recommended value for minlen less than 10.(N <0) This is the minimum number of other characters that must be met for a new password.use_authtok,This argument is used to force the module to not prompt the user for a new password but use the one provided by the previously stacked password module. dictpath=/path/to/dic,Path to the cracklib dictionaries. dictpath=/path/to/dict //注:密码字典,这个是验证用户的密码是否是字典一部分的关键。