


/* Lecture 1: How to import and export data */


sysuse "auto.dta",clear



replace make="AMC" in 1

//export data

cd"D:\BaiduNetdiskDownload\stata application"

help export delimited /*stata 自带的帮助文档,只导出csv和txt格式*/


export delimited [你想导出的变量名称] using filename [if] [in] [,


export delim using"auto.txt",replace

export delim make price using "auto.csv",replace

//MAKE 和price是变量名,只导出这两个变量

help import excel

export excel using "auto.xlsx" in 11/L


export excel using "auto.xlsx" if price>=4000,replace

//if: 满足某种条件的变量

export excel using "auto.xlsx" firstrow(var),replace

//import txt file

cd"D:\BaiduNetdiskDownload\stata application"

use "D:\BaiduNetdiskDownload\stata application\Data_luanma.dta"

help unicode


unicode encoding set gb18030

unicode translate "Data_luanma.dta"

use "Data_luanma.dta",clear


set excelxlsxlargefile on


import excel " "


findit chunky

help chunky

cd"D:\BaiduNetdiskDownload\stata application"

chunky using "数据文件名称", peek(1)


chunky using 数据文件名称 ,analyze


chunky using 数据文件名称 ,chunksize(10m) header(include) stub(数据文件名称)replace


import delimited using "其中一个数据文件名称”,clear encoding(数据)


sysuse auto.dta,clear



export delim "auto1.csv" in 1,replace

export delim "auto2.csv" in 2, replace

export delim "auto3.csv" in 3,replace

export delim "auto4.csv" in 4, replace

export delim "auto5.csv" in 5/L, replace

help foreach

foreach num of numlist 1/3 5 8 9(10) 100{

display `num'



foreach num of numlist 1/74{

display "auto `num'"

import delim "auto`num'.csv", clear

save "auto`num'.dta", replace


help append

append using "auto2.csv" "auto3.csv""auto4.csv"/*


use "auto1.dta", clear

foreach num of numlist 2/5{

append using "auto`num'.dta"


save"auto_new.dta", replace

ssc install openall

findit openall

openall, auto?, insheet


foreach x of numlist 1/5{



//lecture 3

cd "D:\BaiduNetdiskDownload\stata application"

help format

sysuse auto.dta


format %30s make


edit make


edit make price headroom

format %-20s make


format %3.2f headroom


format %10.0g price


list make price headroom in 1/10


sysuse auto.dta, clear




label data "US auto data美国汽车数据"


label var price "auto price汽车价格"


label define origin_v 0 "国产" 1 "进口"

label values foreign origin_v


replace foreign = 2 in 1/8


label define origin_new2 0 "国产" 1 "进口" 2 "unknown"


list make if foreign == 0 //一个等号表示赋值

list make price if make =="AMC Concord" /*

*/ | make =="Merc. Cougar"

list make foreign price if (foreign == 1&price <=5000) /*

*/ | (foreign == 0 &price >3000)

list make price if inlist (make, "AMC Concord" "Merc. cougar", )

sysuse auto.dta , clear

export excel using "auto.xlsx", nolabel replace

import excel using "auto.xlsx", clear




rename A price

rename _all, proper//让变量首字母大写,剩下字母小写

//将变量名称批量写入标签, 重要的是所有的变量循环_all

foreach v of varlist _all {

label variable `v' " `v' "


//shenme yisi



cd "D:\BaiduNetdiskDownload\stata application"

sysuse auto.dta, clear

gen price2=price^2 //生产price2的平方

gen price_mpg = price*mpg if foreign == 1 //生成price 和mpg的交叉项 如果foreign=1

replace price_mpg =0 if price_mpg == .


gen logprice = log(price) //生产price的对数指

gen lnprice = ln(pice) //生成price的自然对数指,其实和上行生成的结果一样的


replace price_mpg = price*mpg //生成price和mpg的交叉项,并取代price_mpg变量

gen pricecateg = 0//生产pricecateg变量,并将数据分组

replace pricecateg = 1 if price >=5000 &price <10000

replace pricecateg = 2 if price >= 10000


edit price pricecateg

label define category 0 "less than 5k" 1 "between 5k and 10k" 2 "more than 10k"

label values pricecateg category


edit price pricecateg

help egen

egen priceavg3 = mean(price)

gen price_dev = price - priceavg3


sort foreign


egen price_avg = mean(price) if foreign == 1

egen price_avg2 = mean(price) if foreign == 0

replace price_avg = price_avg2 if foreign == 0

drop price_avg2


by foreign: egen priceavg_by = mean(price)//按照foreign的分类做均值

sort foreign //给foreign按数据大小排序

help tostring // 数值变量变字符串

help destring //字符串变数值变量,字符串不可以做运算的

sysuse auto.dta, clear

edit mpg

tostring mpg, gen(mpg_str)

tostring mpg, replace force//不想产生新的变量,有mpg取代原来的

edit mpg mpg_str

destring mpg_str, replace force//将字符串变数值

edit mpg mpg_str

sysuse auto.dta, clear

encode make, gen(make_num)//将文字变量重新编码成数字

edit make_num make

sysuse auto.dta, clear


gen dummy_high = 0//生成一个全是零的新变量

replace dummy_high = 1 if price>= 10000//用1取代价格大于某数的dummy high


gen indicator_hi = (price>10000)//满足括号里面条件的为1


edit price dummy_high indicator_hi

edit dummy_high indicator_hi if dummy_high ~=indicator_high

sum dummy_hgh indicator_high

recode foreign (0=1) (1=2), gen (for_new)

//计算price的四分卫区间, 25%, 50%, 75%

egen price_pc25 = pctile(price),p(25)

egen price_pc50 = pctile(price),p(50)

egen price_pc75 = pctile(price),p(75)//分别计算这这点的数值是多少

gen price_4cat=0

replace price_4cat=1 if price >=price_pc25&price<price_pc50

replace price_4cat=2 if price >=price_pc50&price<price_pc75

replace price_4cat=3 if price >price_pc75


append merge joinby*/


sysuse auto.dta,clear

keep if foreign == 0//只保留国产的数据

save auto_domestic.dta, replace

sysuse auto.dta, clear

keep if foreign == 1

save auto_foreign.dta,replace

append using auto_domestic.dta//合并


sysuse auto.dta, clear

gen id = _n//给横向排序(车型号)

keep make id mpg weight length

save auto_tech.dta, replace

sysuse auto.dta, clear

gen id_=n

drop make mpg weight length//丢掉一些数据

help merge

merge 1:1 id using "auto_tech.dta"

cd"D:\BaiduNetdiskDownload\stata application"

use "nei_sample.dta",clear

edit newid year so2//调用这三个变量

sort newid year



gsort newid -year

edit newid year facilityname_origin

gsort -facilityname_origin year

order so2 co newid year//按这个顺序展示这些变量

order newid, before(co)//把某个变量提到某个变量之前

//string variable字符串变量


edit newid facilityname_origin year

sort newid facilityname_origin year

gen facility_name = facilityname_origin //生成一个变量

edit facility_name facilityname_origi

replace facility_name = lower(facility_name)//变量名称小写化

upper //变量名称大写花

//trim ltrim rtrim 去掉空格zuo you zhong

replace facility_name = trim(facility_name)

edit facility_name

replace facility_name = ltrim(facility_name)

replace facility_name = rtrim(facility_name)

replace facility_name = subinstr(facility_name,","," ",.)

replace facility_name = subinstr(facility_name,"."," ",.)

replace facility_name = subinstr(facility_name,"/"," ",.)

replace facility_name = subinstr(facility_name,"#"," ",.)


replace facility_name = subinstr(facility_name,":"," ",.)

replace facility_name = subinstr(facility_name,"’"," ",.)

replace facility_name = subinstr(facility_name,"**"," ",.)

replace facility_name = subinstr(facility_name,":"," ",.)

replace facility_name = subinword( facility_name,"company"," ",.)

replace facility_name = subinstr(facility_name,"co"," ",.)

replace facility_name = subinstr(facility_name,"inc"," ",.)

replace facility_name = subinstr(facility_name,"lp"," ",.)

replace facility_name = ltrim(facility_name)

replace facility_name = subinstr(facility_name,"u s","us",.)

gen flag = 1 if regexm(facility_name,"u s")==1

//生成新的变量 将带有u s 的变量标注为一,帮助寻找

gen flag2 = 1 if regexm(facility_name,"us")==1

split facility_name

gen fac_name = facility_name1+" "+facility name2

edit zipcode

split zipcode,parse(-)


edit zipcode

help substr //截取

gen zip5=substr(zipcode,1,5)//生成zip5,表示截取zipcode的前五位

edit zipcode zip5 if length(zip5) ~=5 //展示长度不等于5的zip5和zipcode

edit zip5

gen len_cn = ustrlen(zipcode) //生成中文字符串长度

edit fips

gen fips2 = substr(fips, 1,2)

edit fips2

gen fips3 = substr(fips, 3,3)

edit fips2 fips3

destring fips2, replace force

destring fips3, replace force

tostring fips2 fips3, replace force

edit fips2 fips3

replace fips2="0"+fips2 if length(fips2)==1

replace fips3="0"+fips3 if length(fips3)==2

replace fips3="00"+fips3 if length(fips3)==1


help duplicates//重复观测值

sort newid

duplicates report newid year //报告重复观测值

duplicates tag newid year, gen(dup)

tab dup//展示

edit new year if dup>=177

duplicates drop newid year,force //去掉重复样本

duplicates report newid year

ssc install unique //安装unique

unique newid year//展示有几个是唯一的

unique fips

collapse (sum) so2 co nox nh3 voc (first)facilityname_origin fips zipcode, by(newid year)

//关于newid year重复的字符串变量,只取第一个,数值变量加总

collapse (sum) so2 co nox nh3 voc (count)newid , by(fips year)

//关于fips year 加总。。。 数出newid


help reshape

keep newid year so2

duplicates drop newid year,force

reshape wide so2 , i(newid) j(year)

reshape long so2, i(newid) j(year)


duplicates drop newid year, force

unique newid year

keep newid year so2 co nox voc nh3 sic

reshape wide so2 co nox voc nh3, i(newid sic) j(year)


reshape long so2 co nox voc nh3, i(newid sic) j(year)


//quiz reshape id- year-pollutant-emissions

keep newid year so2 co nox voc

ren (so2 co nox voc)(pol1 pol2 pol3 pol4 )

reshape long pol, i(newid year) j(type)

tostring type,replace force

replace type= "so2" if type=="1"


edit newid year so2

duplicates drop newid year,force

edit newid year so2

sort newid year

by newid: gen lag1so2=so2[_n-1]


by newid:gen f1so2=so2[_n+1]

bys newid: gen Nso2 = so2[_N]//最后一期


xtset newid year

gen lso2=l.so2


duplicates drop newid year,force

edit fips newid year

sort fips newid year

by fips year: egen id_sum=count (newid)

edit fips year newid so2

by fips year:egen so2_fips=sum(so2)


collapse(sum) so2 co nox nh3 voc (first) facilityname_origin fips


duplicates report newid year

collapse (sum) so2 co nox nh3 voc (count) newid ,by(fips year)

//collapse by 2-digit sic and fips_state and year

gen state = substr(fips,1,2)

gen sic2 = substr(sic,1,2)

collapse (sum) so2 co nox nh3 voc ,by(state sic2 year )

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