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【Lions Clubs International】

【Peace Corps】

Peace Corps volunteers service in 73 countries around the world on issues ranging from AIDS education, information technology, business development, and environmental preservation.

【Amigos de las Americas】

A non-profit organization headquartered in Texas, Amigos provides opportunities for young U.S. volunteers to conduct community health and development services in Latin America.

【The Geneva IO-MBA】

The only MBA in the world for International Organizations &NGOs

【Global Vision Volunteers】

Volunteer abroad with GVI &choose from 150+ programs in 40+ countries

【Center for Cultural Interchange】

CCI offers a variety of short-term programs abroad for adults: language schools, internships, volunteer projects, and independent homestays in over 30 countries around the world.

【Cross-Cultural Solutions】

A non-profit organization that lists three-week opportunities in Asia, Africa, and South America.

这有一些在国际名气比较大的志愿组织。。你看看有没有哪个是你特别感兴趣的。。我可以帮你找更详细的资料。。我没有办法一次性贴太多。。你可以写信告诉我: [email protected]

【Earth Watch】

Volunteers participate on international projects lasting one to three weeks, all focusing on conservation of natural resources and cultural heritage.

【Foundation for Sustainable Development】

Internships in Latin America and Africa for college students and graduates.

【Global Citizens Network】

GCN offers trips around the world for people of all ages to interact with other cultures. Trips last several weeks, and children are welcome.

【Global Routes】

Since 1986, this non-profit has organized international volunteer positions for North American high school and college students. Placements are worldwide. Program fees apply.

【Global Volunteers】

With programs in 20 countries, this organization sends volunteer teams to live and work with local people. Projects focus on economic development and establishing a foundation for international peace.

【Operations Crossroads Africa】

This international program takes volunteers to Africa and Brazil for six weeks to work on projects with local residents. Crossroads is also offering a service learning semester to Namibia. The program is called Pamwe Namibia. Pamwe (pahm-way) means “together” in several African languages.

【Partners of the Americas】

A non-profit organization providing technical assistance and training to communities across Latin America, the Caribbean, and the U.S.

【United Nations Volunteers】

UNV specializes in recruiting degreed volunteers from industrialized nations to serve in developing countries. Assignments last from several months to a year.

【Visions in Action】

This Washington, D.C.-based non-profit provides international volunteer opportunities in five African countries and Mexico. The program includes a month-long intensive language study followed by a five- or eleven-month overseas stay.


VSO is a U.K.-based charity operating since 1958 to send skilled and qualified volunteers to developing countries and Eastern Europe. Currently 1,800 volunteers are working around the world to promote a more equitable world.

【World Teach】

Places North American volunteer teachers in developing countries.




import cgi

def main():

print "Content-type: text/html\n"

form = cgi.FieldStorage()

if form.has_key("ServiceCode") and form["ServiceCode"].value != "":

print "<h1>Hello",form["ServiceCode"].value,"</h1>"


print "<h1>Error! Please enter first name.</h1>"



