



会员注员 \x0d\x0a

姓名: \x0d\x0a
密码: \x0d\x0a
性别: 男 女 \x0d\x0a
生日: \x0d\x0a
年龄: \x0d\x0a
爱好: 上网读书 体育 \x0d\x0a
上网方式: \x0d\x0a 拨号上网 无线上网 光纤上网 \x0d\x0a \x0d\x0a

\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a====bb.asp的会员注册非法数据监测====\x0d\x0a0 Then\x0d\x0a Response.write "姓名不能包含特殊符号!@#$%^&*()_-+|?/"",." \x0d\x0a Response.End \x0d\x0a End If\x0d\x0aNext\x0d\x0a'判断密码合不合法,是否包含非法数据userPassword = Trim(userPassword)If userPassword ="" Then Response.write "密码不能为空" Response.EndEnd If\x0d\x0aIf Len(userPassword)>20 Then\x0d\x0a Response.write "密码字数不能超过20个字" \x0d\x0a Response.End\x0d\x0aEnd If\x0d\x0a'判断密码合不合法,是否包含非法数据\x0d\x0aSex = Trim(Sex)\x0d\x0aIf Sex = "" Then\x0d\x0a Response.write "性别不能为空"\x0d\x0a Response.End\x0d\x0aEnd If\x0d\x0aIf Sex "True" And Sex "False" Then\x0d\x0a Response.write "性别不能为不男不女"\x0d\x0a Response.End\x0d\x0aEnd If\x0d\x0a'判断生日合不合法,是否包含非法数据\x0d\x0auserSR = Trim(userSR)\x0d\x0aIf userSR ="" Then\x0d\x0a Response.write "生日不能为空"\x0d\x0a Response.End\x0d\x0aEnd If\x0d\x0aIf Len(userSR)10 Then '例如:2012-6-3 2012-11-23\x0d\x0a Response.write "你输入的生日字数不对,应为2012-6-3或2012-11-23格式" \x0d\x0a Response.End\x0d\x0aEnd If\x0d\x0aIf IsDate(userSR)=False Then\x0d\x0a Response.write "你输入的生日格式不能转化为日期,请核实" \x0d\x0a Response.End\x0d\x0aEnd If\x0d\x0aIf DateDiff("yyyy",userSR,Date())200 Then\x0d\x0a Response.write "根据你输入的生日你可能小于1岁或已经超过200岁了,请核查重新输入" \x0d\x0a Response.End\x0d\x0aEnd If\x0d\x0a'判断年龄合不合法,是否包含非法数据userNL = Trim(userNL)If userNL ="" Then\x0d\x0a Response.write "年龄不能为空" \x0d\x0a Response.End\x0d\x0aEnd If\x0d\x0aIf IsNumeric(userNL)=False Then\x0d\x0a Response.write "你输入的年龄不能转化为数值,请核查"\x0d\x0a Response.End\x0d\x0aEnd If\x0d\x0auserNL = CInt(userNL)\x0d\x0aIf userNL200 Then\x0d\x0a Response.write "你输入的年龄不能小于0岁或者大于200岁,请核查"\x0d\x0a Response.End\x0d\x0aEnd If\x0d\x0a'判断爱好合不合法,是否包含非法数据ah = Trim(ah) '选择多个爱好则系统会用,分开 //测试\x0d\x0aah = Replace(ah," ","")\x0d\x0aarrAh = Split(ah,",")\x0d\x0aFor i = LBound(arrAh) To UBound(arrAh)\x0d\x0a If arrAh(i)"sw" And arrAh(i)"ds" And arrAh(i)"ty" Then \x0d\x0aResponse.write i & "你选择的爱好有问题,请核查" & arrAh(i)\x0d\x0aResponse.End\x0d\x0aEnd If\x0d\x0aNext\x0d\x0a'判断上网方式合不合法,是否包含非法数据swfs = Trim(swfs)If swfs = "" Then\x0d\x0a Response.write "上网方式不能为空"\x0d\x0a Response.End\x0d\x0aEnd If\x0d\x0aIf swfs"bhsw" And swfs"wxsw" And swfs"gxsw" Then\x0d\x0a Response.write "你选择的上网方式有问题,请核查"\x0d\x0a Response.End\x0d\x0aEnd If\x0d\x0a'判断个人简介是否为空,是否超出1000个字\x0d\x0auserGrjs = Trim(userGrjs)\x0d\x0aIf userGrjs = "" Then\x0d\x0a Response.write "个人简介不能为空" \x0d\x0a Response.End\x0d\x0aEnd If\x0d\x0aIf Len(userGrjs) > 1000 Then\x0d\x0a Response.write "个人简介不能超过1000个字"\x0d\x0a Response.End\x0d\x0aEnd If\x0d\x0aResponse.write "数据合法性检测通过"\x0d\x0a%>\x0d\x0a====登陆的HTML代码可相信楼主参照会员注册代码应该没问题了====

$uname = $_POST['username']

$pword = $_POST['password']

$uname = htmlspecialchars($uname)

$pword = htmlspecialchars($pword)

$uLength = strlen($uname)

$pLength = strlen($pword)

if ($uLength >= 10 &&$uLength <= 20) {

$errorMessage = ""


else {

$errorMessage = $errorMessage . "Username must be between 10 and 20 characters" . "<BR>"


if ($pLength >= 8 &&$pLength <= 16) {

$errorMessage = ""


else {

$errorMessage = $errorMessage . "Password must be between 8 and 16 characters" . "<BR>"


$user_name = "root"

$pass_word = ""

$database = "login"

$server = ""

$db_handle = mysql_connect($server, $user_name, $pass_word)

$db_found = mysql_select_db($database, $db_handle)

if ($db_found) {


$SQL = "SELECT * FROM login WHERE L1 = $uname"

$result = mysql_query($SQL)

$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result)

if ($num_rows >0) {

$errorMessage = "Username already taken"


else {


<form action = "a.html" method = "post">

用户名:<input type = "text" name = "username" id = "username">


密码:<input type = "password" name = "password" id = "password">


<input type = "submit" id = "submit" value = "登录">
