


Thornthwaite 基本解释桑思韦特气候分类PDSI的计算需要两种气象资料:降水量和潜在蒸散发量(potential evapotranspiration),另外还需当地下垫面土壤的最大有效持水量(available water capacity),即AWC。潜在蒸散发量,即PET,又称可能蒸散量,是指一定条件下在下垫面供水充分的情况下可产生的最大的蒸散发量,可由桑斯维特(Thonthwaite)公式 [4] 或彭曼-蒙忒斯(Penman-Monteith)公式 [5] 计算。最初PDSI即建立于桑斯维特的PET计算公式之上,然而近年也有学者指出使用桑斯维特公式计算的PDSI易于高估干旱,从而建议使用物理机制更明确的彭曼-蒙忒斯公式

气候生产力 climatic productivity

土地生产潜力land Potential Productivity

桑斯维特纪念模型 Seiwert Memory Model (不准确,你再看看)

迈阿密模型Miami model

限制因子restriction factor

Evaluation on the Potential Productivity of Land Recourse in Huguan, Changzhi


Evaluation on land potential productivity is an important component of land management. The author calculated the climatic productivity using Seiwert memory model and Miami model based on the property data such as climate, soil, and agricultural statistics in Huguan County. Through the analysis, we know that the restriction factor of the potential productivity in Huguan County is water. If water problem is solved, then the land in this region will show greater potential productivity.

Keywords:Huguan County, Climatic productivity, Evaluation on land potential productivity