













以上是最基本的理由,当然这些对于.net core来说也一样,但是对比一下发布的文件大小你就知道该选择谁了。

go go[go

^ou]可数名词(日本之) 围棋go[go

^ou](went[w[ntwent]gone[g)n)n]go.ing)不及物动词(→going,gonna,gone)A 1 去a. 往 (某场所、他人) 处 (方向) 去,去go abroad [upstairs]出国 [上楼]We sometimes ~ to the sea.我们有时去海边Go back to your seat.回到你的座位去He has gone to France.他已经去法国→be going to do.b. (为从事活动等而) 去,上[某处][to]go to bed就寝,睡觉go to school [church, market]上学 [教堂,市场]go to the vocational school [a private

school]上职业学校 [私立学校]→go to SEA,go on the stage (→stage A 2)I went to his lecture.我去听他的讲课c. (为某目的) 去[做…] [for,on]go for a drive [walk, swim]去兜风 [散步,游泳]go on a journey [hike, walk, demo, visit]去旅行 [远足,散步,示威,访问]d. 去go skiing [hiking, walking, sightseeing]去滑雪 [远足,散步,观光]My father often goes fishing in the river.我父亲常去那一条河钓鱼e. 去go (to) visit去访问"Where are you going now ?" "I'm going to do

some shopping.".“你现在要去哪里?”“我要去采购一些东西”2 运行,通行The train is ~ing along the valley.火车沿著山谷行驶This train goes between Glasgow and

Edinburgh.这列火车来往于格拉斯哥与爱丁堡之间3 a. 移动,前进go 10 miles along [down] the road沿路前进十哩We can talk as we go.我们可以边走边谈The car's going too fast.那部车子太快There he goes!.他在那里走!b. 搭[…]去 [by,on]go byrail [ship, air, land, sea]搭火车 [搭船,搭飞机,由陆路,由水路] 去go on horseback [on a horse]骑马去go by bicycle [on a bicycle]骑脚踏车去4 a. (离) 去,出去,出发,动身It is time to go.该走[离去]的时候了Well, I must go [be going] now.嗯,我现在得走了He came at two and went at five.他两点来,五点离去She went off without saying good-bye.她没说再见 [告别] 即离去Where do we go from here?.我们从这里要去哪儿?(口语)我们接下去做什么?b. 开始行动Here goes !.好,干了!One, two, three, go!.一,二,三,跑[开始]!c. 过去,经过Sundays go quickly.星期日很快过去Two hours went by without his noticing.在他不知不觉间已过了两小时in days gone by在过去的时候5 被运去a. 被送往 (…) (为检讨等) 被转到

(…) ,被提出The ball went through the window.那球穿过窗子飞去The message went by wire.该信息以电报发出b. 落入 […的手中] ,给与,归于

让[给…][to]The prize went to his rival.奖品落入他的对手Victory does not necessarily go to the

strong.胜利不一定归于强者c. 卖得 [若干金额] ,出售 [for,at]How much did it go for ?.它卖了多少钱?The eggs went for [at] 30 pence [a high

price].那些蛋以三十便士 [高价] 售出The house went very cheaply [cheap] at

auction.那栋房子在拍卖时以很低价卖出Going, going, gone (for ten thousand dollars)

!.要卖了,要卖了, (一万元) 卖了!(拍卖时用语)d. 用 [花] [在…]

[in,on,for,to,toward]This money goes to charity.这笔钱要用于慈善事业Her money goes on [for] clothes.她的钱花在衣服上Most of his time goes in watching TV.他的大部分时间都用在看电视e. 被使用This money will go to build a new church.这笔钱将用于盖新教堂6被纳入 [放置于,装入] (该放之处等)Where do the knives go ?.这些刀子要放在哪里?This atlas goes here [on this shelf].这本地图集可放在 [这里] 这架子上This letter won't go into the envelope.这封信装不进这个信封The coat won't go round him.这件外衣 (太小) 他穿不下7a. 包含 [于其他数字中] ,可除[into, in]Six goes into twelve twice.= Six into twelve

goes twice [two].六除十二得二b. 相当[于…][to, into]How many pence go to the pound?.多少便士是 [相当于] 一英镑?8 变没有a. 被放弃,被废止,被除去That paragraph will have to go.那一段不得不除去b. 消失The pain has gone (away) now.疼痛现已消失All my money has [is] gone.我的钱全没有了Where has my watch gone (to)?.我的表到哪里去了?c. 死,逝世,失去意识Poor Tom has [is] gone.可怜的汤姆死了d. 衰退,衰弱,变坏His sight is going.他的视力在衰退e. 倒塌,坏掉,折断磨断The roof went.那个屋顶倒塌