



Buffer 作为 nodejs 中重要的概念和功能,为开发者提供了操作二进制的能力。Buffer 是 nodejs 核心 API,它提供我们处理二进制数据流的功能。Buffer 的使用和 ES2017 的 Uint8Array 非常相似,但由于 node 的特性,专门提供了更深入的 api。Buffer 类是用来处理二进制数据,因为太常用了,所以直接放在了全局变量里,使用的时候无需 require。

For this assignment, and web development in general you will need to exercise your "google-fu", your skill in using a search engine to find answers to problems.

You do not need to do much backend coding at all for Module 1. app.js should just contain hard coded response values.

You will need to add functionality to app.js, index.html, index.js and, if you wish, style.css.

Bootstrap 4 style guide (example, forms):

How to $.ajax:

We are using NodeJS runtime to create a simple web server

We are using ExpressJS framework for our API and routing:

An Application Programming Interface (API) is essentially just an interface, we're using to serve our set of routes for the client browser JavaScript to interact using HTTP protocol to access Backend functionality.

We're creating a RESTful API:

HTTP Methods to consider:

In Express it's very simple to create a single "route". A route is just an endpoint you can access from your JavaScript

Here's an example in app.js:

More information here:

Request contains the data sent from the Frontend JavaScript

Response is what we send back to the client after they make an AJAX call

Note that res.send() should take a JavaScript Native Object, NOT a string with JSON in it

You can parse a JSON string into a native object:

The stub provides app.get() and app.port() routes for handling .ged file upload/doanload requests from the browser. All .ged files must be placed ino the uploads/ directory.

2种方法。 一种编程的时候,直接include库文件. 编好的程序使用时为操作系统直接调用。 二种为编程的时候,使用LoadLibrary,FreeLibrary,GetProcAddress来动态装载程序。则编好的程序使用库文件时,是程序自己主动载入。