latex html 用什么看


latex html 用什么看,第1张


HTML to LaTeX (htmltolatex) is a Java program for converting HTML (XHTML also supported) pages into LaTeX format (or possibly to other markup formats - which depends only on the configuration). Program is distributed under GNU/GPL licence.

Java 1.5 is required for running.


2010-03-01 - looking for project contributors

2006-09-30 - version 1.0 released (jar created, two packages can be downloaded now - 'all' package contains source, javadoc, samples, 'bin' package contains only executables)

2005-09-10 - version 0.1 released


CSS supported, but only properties defining formatting (ie. color, text-align, font-weight)

only basic style names supported (ie. .class, p.class, #id, p#id), multiple style names supported (ie. h1, h2, { ... }), entries like ul li li, p>spannot supported

mappings between HTML tags and LaTeX commands can be defined

mappings between HTML entities (both named and numerical) and LaTeX commands can be defined

mappings between CSS properties and LaTeX commands can be defined

all of the configuration options are stored in a XML file

hyperlinks can be converted to footnotes, bibliography items, links using hyperref package or ignored

HTML comments are converted to LaTeX comments

HTML comments starting with "LaTeX:" (case is ignored) are put in the output file like non-comments (so it's possible to include LaTeX commands in HTML file)

program tries to recognize badly formed HTML documents, still it's strongly recommended to convert valid (or at least completely well-formed) documents, ie. <b><i>foo</b></i>will be converted as <b><i>foo</i></b>

title and cite attributes are converted to footnotes

1 其中的文本输入,在word中和latex中是一个样。但从word转入latex,难免要分开章节粘贴吧?有些字号要改吧?交叉引用要重新处理吧?...听起来都嫌麻烦。

2 关键是图表。word中图标与latex中是完全不一样的插入方式,甚至格式都不一样!那又是吃力不讨好,完全没必要的额外工作。

3 latex和word都只是工具,就像刀和剑,熟悉了,都一样舞得飞快精准。完全没必要觉得latex就比word难!我倒觉得撰写论文latex比word好使多了。





