* Construct a new JSLoaderEnvironment instance
* @class JSLoaderEnvironment is the class designed to be a
* representation of a unix-like shell environment.
* The purpose of this is to allow the infrastructure to abstract
* away any library file location knowledge for rapid and enterprise
* adoption and deployment
function JSLoaderEnvironment(){
// Default
// Auto-discover location
var _remote=false
var s=0
var _script_tags=document.getElementsByTagName("script")
var endsWith=function(str, substr){
return (str &&str.indexOf(substr) == (str.length-substr.length))
var src=_script_tags[s].src
var src_orig=src
if(endsWith(src,"jsloader.js") || endsWith(src,"jsloader-debug.js")) {
// If the domain is remote, assume we're running in hosted mode
if(_remote) src=src_orig
this.prefix=src.substring(0, src.lastIndexOf("/")+1)
* @private
* @private
* Make the Path of a module to meta/proj/release
// if just a url is specified, use it
if(!p &&!r) return this.stripExternalRef(m)
// build the m/p/r path
return this.prefix+m+"/"+p+"/incr/versions/"+r+ ((suff)?this.suffix:"")
* The generate the path prefix for a MPR linked into the JSLoader Environmentiables
* @param m meta
* @param p project
* @param r release
// if just a url is specified, use it
if(!p &&!r) return this.stripExternalRef(m)
// build the m/p/r path
return this.prefix + m +"/" + p + "/" + r + "/"
* @private
this.env=new Object()
* @private
this.loaders=new Object()
* The sets an environment variable (make sure it's safe for JS Object[key] notation)
* The idea here is that modules could set this, and pages which load the module
* can then get the Environment variables
* @param k javascript object[key]
* @param v value (technically could be of any type...)
* The gets an environment variable previously set
* @param k javascript object[key]
* @returns the value set for this key
this.getEnv=function(k){ return this.env[k]}
* Lists all modules
* loaded in this environment.
* @private
this._loadedJSLoaders=new Object()
* This makes a normalized key to stick into loaded_modules and verify if things are loaded.
* @private
this.normalize=function(m,p,r){ return (m+"__"+p+"__"+r).toLowerCase()}
* This checks whether the given meta/project/release is already loaded.
* @param m metaproject (or the path of a JS file, if no other args are passed)
* @param p project
* @param r release
* @type boolean
* @returns Whether m/p/r is loaded
var xkey=this.normalize(m,p,r)
* Gets a "loader" based on the MPR specified in the arguments
* This is useful for loading subpackages. You can call {@link JSSubLoader#load} or {@link JSSubLoader#loadAll} on this
* and it will load submodules under a folder with the "release" number
* @see JSSubLoader
* @param m metaproject
* @param p project
* @param r release
* @returns void
var key=this.normalize(m,p,r)
var loader=this.loaders[key]
if(loader) {
return loader
else {
loader=new JSSubLoader(this,this.makeJSLoaderPath(m,p,r,false)+"/")
var __path=this.makePath(m,p,r)
return loader
* Loads the requested module into the environment
* You can also load your own module by calling loadJavascript(url) if you want
* @param m metaproject
* @param p project
* @param r release
* @type boolean
* @returns void
var key=this.normalize(m,p,r)
var url=this.makeJSLoaderPath(m,p,r,true)
if(this.isLoaded(m,p,r)) {
} catch (e){ this.handleError(e)}
* Loads a JavaScript file into the page
* @param {String} url the url of the javascript file
this.loadJavaScript=function (url){
url = this.stripExternalRef(url)
document.writeln("<scri"+"pt src='"+url+"' type='text/javascript'></sc"+"ript>")
* Loads a JavaScript file into the page
* @param {String} url the url of the javascript file
url = this.stripExternalRef(url)
document.writeln("<li"+"nk rel='stylesheet' href='"+url+"' type='text/css'></li"+"nk>")
* Strips out any double slashes, double dots, or cross domain references.
* @param s string
var exprs = [/\.\.+/g,/\/\/+/g,/\\\\+/g,/\:+/g,/\'+/g,/\%+/g]
// If it's hosted, we relax the protocol related regex
exprs = [/\.\.+/g,/\\\\+/g,/\'+/g,/\%+/g]
if (_remote)
for(var i=0i<exprs.lengthi++)
s = s.replace(exprs[i], '')
return s
* Overwritable error handler
this.handleError=function(e) {
return this
* Construct a new JSSubLoader instance. You shoudl never need to call this, as {@link JSLoaderEnvironment#getLoader} gets you one of these from the environment.
* @class JSSubLoader is designed to load "sub" modules
* This is a wrapper which is produced when you call {@link JSLoaderEnvironment#getLoader}
* It is designed to allow sub-packages within a given MPR to be loaded easily. This is constructed by JSLoader.getLoader() call
* so you should never really need to construct one of these.
* @constructor
* @param {JSLoaderEnvironment} env_
* @param {String} prefix_ The path underneath which the submodules reside
function JSSubLoader(env_, prefix_){
* @private
* @private
* @private
this.loaded=new Object()
* @private
this.normalize=function(str){ return str.toLowerCase()}
* Loads an array of subpackages
* @param {Array} pkgs an array of packages.
for(i=0i<pkgs_.length++i) this.load(pkgs_[i])
* Loads a subpackage, if it's not already loaded
* @param {String} url the url of the sub-package module file (m/p/r/submodule.js)
var p=this.normalize(pkg)
if (this.loaded[p]) {
JSLoader = new JSLoaderEnvironment()
// LocalWords: fileoverview
var http = require("http")var url = require("url")
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
var urlObj = url.parse(req.url, true)// 获取被代理的 URL
var urlToProxy = urlObj.query.url
if (!urlToProxy) {
res.statusCode = 400
res.end("URL 是必须的。")
else {
console.log("处理代理请求:" + urlToProxy)
var parsedUrl = url.parse(urlToProxy)
var opt = {
host : parsedUrl.hostname,
port : parsedUrl.port || 80,
path : (parsedUrl.pathname || "") + (parsedUrl.search || "")
+ (parsedUrl.hash || "")
http.get(opt, function(pres) { // 请求被代理 URL 的内容
res.statusCode = pres.statusCode
var headers = pres.headers
for (var key in headers) {
res.setHeader(key, headers[key])
pres.on("data", function(chunk) {
res.write(chunk)// 写回数据
pres.on("end", function() {
}).listen(8088, "")
console.log("代理服务器已经在 8088 端口启动。")
整个代理服务器的实现比较简单。首先通过 http 模块中的 createServer() 方法用来创建一个 HTTP 服务器,再通过 listen() 方法就可以让该 HTTP 服务器在特定端口监听。在 createServer() 方法中传入的参数是 HTTP 请求的响应方法。实际上,每个 HTTP 请求都是对应于 HTTP 服务器上的一个 request 事件。