


虽说写 英语 作文 ,用电脑打字会更快,但是不觉得写字会更加有在创作的感觉?下面是我给大家带来如何正确使用电脑英语作文,供大家参阅!


As a student, the advices listed below are very good,

1. use computer regularly and just a short time everyday. Spending long time or without control before computer is not good to your heathy.

2. use computer when it is in need. Teachers may ask to find some useful information or some problems is puzzed you by your homeworks, at this moment computer will be a good helper.

3. avoid more games,musics, movies and chattings. This will squeeze study time out and still will make some problems betweem you and family.

of course, some necessary relax may be good for your grow-up if you not go too far.

In a short, always control youself and use computer in a right way will help you greatly with your study.


With the development of computer technology , it is apparent that the negative effects of computer is more and more obvious .We often hear that a great deal of students are addicted to computer games , which induces their studies form bad to worse .In addition , it directly does harm to our health , numbers of people stay in front of computer all day , such as LiKaiFu , the doctor said that the reason why he was afficted with cancer is that he could hardly take exercises and his diet isn’t exactly balanced . So we have to take effective measures to control this condition .

Parents and schools play an important role in directing teenagers to use the computer correctly , it’s our responsibility to impart right guidance to them and make full use of the computer .Besides , it pays to do more exercise no matter how much time that we spend , our business and happiness are base on health , for this reason , let’s get into the habit of doing exercise , you will benefit from it a lot .

There is no denying that computer is a double-edged sword , it is closely related to our life and health , we should try our best to decrease the harm that it has caused .


In recent years, computer games have been become more and more popular among students. In China, even some students have been addicted to playing computer games. They spend all their time staying in the front of computers and just playing computer games. Spending less time playing computer games is necessary. It is bad for students’ health and study to spend all day playing computer games. Firstly, the radiation form computer is bad for students’ health. Secondly, if they do like this, they won’t have other time to study .what’s more, many computer games are full of violence and sex. These fantasy worlds in these games draw students into them. As a student, more important things are study and health. So, spending less time playing computer games is good for students.

The radiation form computer is bad for students. In China, you can see many students wear glasses. Some of them are hard learners. But most of them have to wear glasses because they play too many computer games. My cousin is one of them. He is 11 now, but he has worn glasses for 2 years thanks to the damage done form time playing computer games. Additionally, the radiation will make skin darker if students spend too much time sitting in the front of computers. The most serious result is skin cancer. Someone’s face can become dark with no lusterone of the factors is radiation. Most importantly, the radiation may affect teenagers’ normal growth. Especially for those who love playing computer games. I know some boys who are also over-weight form staying in the front of computers to play games and infrequently going outside to do exercise.

Spending too much time playing computer games will affect students’ study. Firstly, they may feel tired after playing too many computer games and not have enough energy to study. Some students even spend almost all night playing. In the daytime, thy feel sleepy and sleep in class. When I was in the middle school, my classmate —Hong was one like this. You could see him bent over his desk and asleep whenever. Secondly, students can not spare the time needed to finish their homework. Especially those boys who are addicted to computer games. Finally, these students won’t be concerned about their class when they take a class. Some thoughts about computer games may show up in their mind. It is one of these main factors to their poor grades.

Additionally, there are fantasy worlds which are full of violence and sex in the games. Some teenagers learn to fight with others form these games. Boys believe that violence can solve every problem. You can see most of the boys that like fighting love playing computer games. Additionally, some young people may get psychological defects because they learn many bad things form computer games. They can not control their moods by themselves and do harmful things. What’s more, spending too much time playing computer games may lead them to commit a crime. The result of a survey on teenager crime shows a close relation between crime and playing computer games.

Wasting too much time on computer games do harmful to students. In the first place, the radiation of computer can hurt their eyes, skin and normal growth. In the second place, playing too many computer games will bring bad effect to their study. Many students can not concentrate their energy on their study because of game playing. Last but not least, these fantasy things in computer games may cause teenagers’ psychological problems. Some of them can not accept the real world and become violent, aggressive. Therefore, put away computer games for your health and study. Please pay more attention to your study and other interesting things instead of playing computer games.



use puter


上班使用电脑 用英语怎么说?

work on the puter in the office


How to use the puter?



use the desk/用台式电脑

use the lap/用笔记本儿



How to use puter?



请按 目的

Ctrl + C 复制。

Ctrl + X 剪下。

Ctrl + V 贴上。

Ctrl + Z 撤消。


Shift + Delete 永久删除所选项,而不将它放到“回收站”中。

拖动某一项时按 CTRL 复制所选项。

拖动某一项时按 CTRL + SHIFT 建立所选专案的快捷键。

F2 重新命名所选专案。

CTRL + 向右键 将插入点移动到下一个单词的起始处。

CTRL + 向左键 将插入点移动到前一个单词的起始处。

CTRL + 向下键 将插入点移动到下一段落的起始处。

CTRL + 向上键 将插入点移动到前一段落的起始处。

CTRL + SHIFT + 任何箭头键 突出显示一块文字。

SHIFT + 任何箭头键 在视窗或桌面上选择多项,或者选中文件中的文字。

Ctrl + A 选中全部内容。

F3 搜寻档案或资料夹。

Alt + Enter 检视所选专案的属性。

Alt + F4 关闭当前专案或者退出当前程式。

ALT + Enter 显示所选物件的属性。

Alt + 空格键 为当前视窗开启快捷选单。

Ctrl + F4 在允许同时开启多个文件的程式中关闭当前文件。

Alt + Tab 在开启的专案之间切换。

Alt + Esc 以专案开启的顺序回圈切换。

F6 在视窗或桌面上回圈切换萤幕元素。

F4 显示“我的电脑”和“Windows 资源管理器”中的“地址”栏列表。

Shift + F10 显示所选项的快捷选单。

Alt + 空格键 显示当前视窗的“系统”选单。

Ctrl + Esc 显示“开始”选单。

ALT + 选单名中带下划线的字母 显示相应的选单。

在开启的选单上显示的命令名称中带有下划线的字母 执行相应的命令。

F10 启用当前程式中的选单条。

右箭头键 开启右边的下一选单或者开启子选单。

左箭头键 开启左边的下一选单或者关闭子选单。

F5 重新整理当前视窗。

BackSpace 在“我的电脑”或“Windows 资源管理器”中检视上一层资料夹。

Esc 取消当前任务。

将光碟插入到 CD-ROM 驱动器时按 SHIFT 键 阻止光碟自动播放。


请按 目的

Ctrl + Tab 在选项卡之间向前移动。

Ctrl + Shift +Tab 在选项卡之间向后移动。

Tab 在选项之间向前移动。

Shift + Tab 在选项之间向后移动。

ALT + 带下划线的字母 执行相应的命令或选中相应的选项。

Enter 执行活选项动或按钮所对应的命令。

空格键 如果活选项动是复选框,则选中或清除该复选框。

箭头键 活选项动是一组选项按钮时,请选中某个按钮。

F1 显示帮助。

F4 显示当前列表中的专案。

BackSpace 如果在“另存为”或“开启”对话方块中选中了某个资料夹,则开启上一级资料夹。


在“Microsoft 自然键盘”或包含 Windows 徽标键() 和“应用程式”键() 的其他相容键盘中,您可以使用以下快捷键。

请按 目的


+ BREAK 显示“系统属性”对话方块。

+ D 显示桌面。

+ M 最小化所有视窗。

+ Shift + M 还原最小化的视窗。

+ E 开启“我的电脑”。

+ F 搜寻档案或资料夹。

CTRL+ + F 搜寻计算机。

+ F1 显示 Windows 帮助。

+ L 如果连线到网路域,则锁定您的计算机,或者如果没有连线到网路域,则切换使用者。

+ R 开启“执行”对话方块。


+ U 开启“工具管理器”。


请按 目的

右侧 SHIFT 键八秒钟 切换“筛选键”的开和关。

左边的 ALT + 左边的 SHIFT + PRINT SCREEN 切换“高对比度”的开和关。

左边的 ALT + 左边的 SHIFT + NUM LOCK 切换“滑鼠键”的开和关。

Shift 键五次 切换“粘滞键”的开和关。

Num Lock 键五秒钟 切换“切换键”的开和关。

+ U 开启“工具管理器”。

5,“Windows 资源管理器”键盘快捷键

请按 目的

END 显示当前视窗的底端。

主页 显示当前视窗的顶端。

NUM LOCK + 数字键盘的星号 (*) 显示所选资料夹的所有子资料夹。

NUM LOCK + 数字键盘的加号 (+) 显示所选资料夹的内容。

NUM LOCK + 数字键盘的减号 (-) 摺叠所选的资料夹。

左箭头键 当前所选项处于展开状态时摺叠该项,或选定其父资料夹。

右箭头键 当前所选项处于摺叠状态时展开该项,或选定第一个子资料夹。




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