关于Visual Studio ,vb.net语言代码


关于Visual Studio ,vb.net语言代码,第1张

If DateTime.Now.Hour >6 And DateTime.Now.Hour <12 Then Me.Text = "上午好"

If DateTime.Now.Hour >12 And DateTime.Now.Hour <18 Then Me.Text = "下午好"

If DateTime.Now.Hour >18 And DateTime.Now.Hour <20 Then Me.Text = "晚上好"

.Net主要包括普通语言运行时(Common Language Runtime)和.Net构架类库。





.Net通过将各语言先编译成中间语言(IL),然后在执行使用即时(Just In Time)编译器将之编译成本地平台代码来实现异构平台下对象的互操作,目前.Net支持的平台有Windows,Linux和Unix的支持正在开发中。




string[] ArrValue = new string[43]

int Nums

public void Page_Load(object Sender, EventArgs E)


int I

if (!IsPostBack) {

for (I = 1900I <= 2101I++) {

ListItem IItem = new ListItem()

IItem.Text = (string)I

if (I == Year(Now)) {

IItem.Selected = "True"




for (I = 1I <= 12I++) {

ListItem IItem = new ListItem()

IItem.Text = (string)I

if (I == Month(Now)) {

IItem.Selected = "True"





DispDetail(Conversion.Val(DropYear.SelectedItem.Text), Conversion.Val(DropMonth.SelectedItem.Text))


public void DispDetail(int YYear, int MMonth)


System.DateTime theDate

int theYear

int theMonth

int theDay

int theWeek

int theFirstNum

int NumOfMonth

int i

string theStr

theYear = YYear

theMonth = MMonth

theDay = 1


theDate = DateSerial(theYear, theMonth, theDay)


theWeek = weekday(theDate)

theFirstNum = theWeek


NumOfMonth = GetDayNum(theyear, themonth)

for (i = 0i <= 41i++) {

ArrValue(i) = ""


for (i = 0i <= NumOfMonth - 1i++) {

ArrValue(theFirstNum - 1 + i) = i + 1



public object GetDayNum(int YYear, int MMonth)


object functionReturnValue = null

if (MMonth == 1 | MMonth == 3 | MMonth == 5 | MMonth == 7 | MMonth == 8 | MMonth == 10 | MMonth == 12) {

functionReturnValue = 31


else {

if (MMonth == 4 | MMonth == 6 | MMonth == 9 | MMonth == 11) {

functionReturnValue = 30


else {

if (((YYear % 4 == 0) &(YYear % 100 != 0)) | (YYear % 400 == 0)) {

functionReturnValue = 29


else {

functionReturnValue = 28




return functionReturnValue
