在线等: 如何用ruby获取excel表格中某一列的内容,并生成xml文件


在线等: 如何用ruby获取excel表格中某一列的内容,并生成xml文件,第1张


require "dbi"

dbh = DBI.connect("DBI:ODBC:#{db_name}",@user,@password)

sth = dbh.execute(%%1)


# @database is array of references to anonymous hashes

@database = (

{ name =>"Wild Ginger",

city =>"Seattle",

cuisine =>"Asian Thai Chinese Korean Japanese",

expense =>4,

music =>"\0",

meals =>"lunch dinner",

view =>"\0",

smoking =>"\0",

parking =>"validated",


payment =>"MC VISA AMEX",


# { ... }, etc.


sub findRestaurants {

my ($database, $query) = @_

return grep {

$query->{city} ?

lc($query->{city}) eq lc($_->{city}) : 1

and $query->{cuisine} ?

$_->{cuisine} =~ /$query->{cuisine}/i : 1

and $query->{min_expense} ?

$_->{expense} >= $query->{min_expense} : 1

and $query->{max_expense} ?

$_->{expense} <= $query->{max_expense} : 1

and $query->{music} ? $_->{music} : 1

and $query->{music_type} ?

$_->{music} =~ /$query->{music_type}/i : 1

and $query->{meals} ?

$_->{meals} =~ /$query->{meals}/i : 1

and $query->{view} ? $_->{view} : 1

and $query->{smoking} ? $_->{smoking} : 1

and $query->{parking} ? $_->{parking} : 1

and $query->{min_rating} ?

$_->{rating} >= $query->{min_rating} : 1

and $query->{max_rating} ?

$_->{rating} <= $query->{max_rating} : 1

and $query->{payment} ?

$_->{payment} =~ /$query->{payment}/i : 1

} @$database


1.使用 text_field_tag :num controller里 取得中间表对应得那条(之后称为 xxx) update_attribute('num',params[:num])

2.使用 text_field :xxx, :num controller里 xxx.update_attributes(params[:xxx])

3.model中定义 accept_nest_attributes :xxx

view中 form里

<% f.field_for :xxx do |xxx| %>

<%= xxx.text_field :num %>

<% end %>