R语言 日期加减


R语言 日期加减,第1张

Sys.Date( ) returns today's date.

date() returns the current date and time.

# print today's date

today <-Sys.Date()

format(today, format="%B %d %Y")

"June 20 2007"

# convert date info in format 'mm/dd/yyyy'

strDates <- c("01/05/1965", "08/16/1975")

dates <- as.Date(strDates, "%m/%d/%Y")

# convert dates to character data

strDates <- as.character(dates)



[1] "1915-06-16"


[1] "1990-02-17"


[1] "2001-01-15"

>as.Date('April 26, 2001',format='%B %d, %Y')

[1] "2001-04-26"

>as.Date('22JUN01',format='%d%b%y') # %y is system-specificuse with caution

[1] "2001-06-22"

>bdays = c(tukey=as.Date('1915-06-16'),fisher=as.Date('1890-02-17'),

+ cramer=as.Date('1893-09-25'), kendall=as.Date('1907-09-06'))


tukey fisher cramer kendall


>dtimes = c("2002-06-09 12:45:40","2003-01-29 09:30:40",

+"2002-09-04 16:45:40","2002-11-13 20:00:40",

+"2002-07-07 17:30:40")

>dtparts = t(as.data.frame(strsplit(dtimes,' ')))

>row.names(dtparts) = NULL

>thetimes = chron(dates=dtparts[,1],times=dtparts[,2],

+ format=c('y-m-d','h:m:s'))


[1] (02-06-09 12:45:40) (03-01-29 09:30:40) (02-09-04 16:45:40)

[4] (02-11-13 20:00:40) (02-07-07 17:30:40)

>dts = c("2005-10-21 18:47:22","2005-12-24 16:39:58",

+ "2005-10-28 07:30:05 PDT")


[1] "2005-10-21 18:47:22" "2005-12-24 16:39:58"

[3] "2005-10-28 07:30:05"

>dts = c(1127056501,1104295502,1129233601,1113547501,

+ 1119826801,1132519502,1125298801,1113289201)

>mydates = dts

>class(mydates) = c('POSIXt','POSIXct')


[1] "2005-09-18 08:15:01 PDT" "2004-12-28 20:45:02 PST"

[3] "2005-10-13 13:00:01 PDT" "2005-04-14 23:45:01 PDT"

[5] "2005-06-26 16:00:01 PDT" "2005-11-20 12:45:02 PST"

[7] "2005-08-29 00:00:01 PDT" "2005-04-12 00:00:01 PDT"

>mydate = strptime('16/Oct/2005:07:51:00',format='%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S')

[1] "2005-10-16 07:51:00"


[1] "2005-10-21 18:47:22 PDT"

>thedate = ISOdate(2005,10,21,18,47,22,tz="PDT")

>format(thedate,'%A, %B %d, %Y %H:%M:%S')

[1] "Friday, October 21, 2005 18:47:22"

>mydate = as.POSIXlt('2005-4-19 7:01:00')


[1] "sec" "min" "hour" "mday" "mon" "year"

[7] "wday" "yday" "isdst"


[1] 19

把要转换的日期变成 numeric,然后(加上或减去一个数,然后)除以7取整数商,就可以得出你要的答案了。

关于怎么把 MM/DD/YYYY 变成 YYYY-MM-DD,可以阅读 as.Date 这个函数的帮助文档。

建议使用数据流 ifstream file("文件路径")char *buf=file.getline()//第三个变量用'\n'读取一行信息 对buf逐字符处理一下就OK了 //至于写入文档就不介绍了,也是逐行写就行了 file.close()