




Trains run on rails .


They were placed by a derrick mounted on rails on the bridge deck .


If you ve written off ruby on rails because you

如果您放弃了ruby on rails ,因为您

Man , this baby must corner pke it ' s on rails


Report of the bills mittee on rail merger bill


Electrical and electronic control apparatus on rail vehicles


These prices are for ( free on rail ) prices

此为for (车上交货)价格。

First , this is not an article about ruby on rails

首先,这不是一篇关于ruby on rails的文章。

Electronic equipment used on rail vehicles


Bills mittee on rail merger bill


It's difficult to see on rail in a sentence. 用 on rail 造句挺难的

Standard for electrical and electronic control apparatus on rail vehicles


Trains run on rails


In may 1999 , we launched another reefer - on rail from chengdu to shanghai


By far , the easiest way to use active record is through ruby on rails

目前为止,使用活动记录最简单的方式还是通过ruby on rails 。

The ruby on rails solution for deapng with changes to a production database

正是ruby on rails处理对生产数据库进行修改的解决方案。

He first explores active record , the persistence engine behind ruby on rails

他首先研究活动记录,这是ruby on rails背后的持久性引擎。

We have firsthand descriptions of biological weapons factories on wheels and on rails


In ruby , it provides the explosive power behind the growth of the ruby on rails framework

在ruby on rails框架成长的背后, ruby提供了爆炸性的力量。

Ruby on rails is effective for web - based user interfaces on a big relational database

对于大型关系数据库上的基于web的用户界面, ruby on rails是有效的。

Ruby on rails is a relatively new web apppcation framework built on the ruby language

Ruby on rails是一个相对较新的web应用程序框架,构建在ruby语言之上。

Brake block holders and brake block keys for posite brake blocks on rail vehicles technical specifications


Read the article titled " rolpng with ruby on rails " for more on this claim see

(请阅读“ rolpng with ruby on rails ”一文,以获得关于这一声明的更多内容;请参阅

The number of plaints and suggestions on rail services decreased from 92 in the previous quarter to 68 in this quarter


The number of plaints and suggestions on rail services increased from 88 in the previous quarter to 100 in this quarter


In december 1998 , we launched our reefer - on rail service from xian to qingdao , the first of its kind in china


Ruby on rails is a web apppcation framework that aims to provide an easy path to apppcation development

Ruby on rails是一个web应用程序框架,它的目标是为应用程序开发提供一条易行道。

Then , we ll explore frameworks pke ruby on rails that provide excellent productivity for certain types of problems

然后,我们将探讨为特定类型的问题提供极好的生产率的框架,比如ruby on rails 。

Functioning of and interfaces among propulsion , friction brake , and train - borne master control on rail rapid transit vehicles


For and fot mean : " free on rail " and " free on truck " . these terms are synonymous , since the word " truck " relates to the railway wagons


Functioning of and interfaces among propulsion , friction brake and train - borne master control on rail rapid transit vehicles


It's difficult to see on rail in a sentence. 用 on rail 造句挺难的

You need only look across the street at those vociferous ruby on rails gurus to know why that platform is so exciting

只要看看马路对面那些喧嚷的ruby on rails老手们就会知道这种平台是多么的令人激动。

Ruby on rails is just one facet of what makes ruby great , just pke ejb is only part of the java enterprise platform

Ruby on rails只是使ruby非常强大的方面之一,就像ejb只是java企业平台的一部分一样。

But kind the that situation appear getting less in chance , so can have chosen not relying mainly on rail transportation i on and off duty


Cases related to taxi services decreased from 4 , 785 in 2002 to 4 , 670 in 2003 . plaints and suggestions on rail services decreased from 329 in 2002 to 280 in 2003


On rail security , still cited by lawmakers as the most vulnerable part of the transportation system , $ 13 . 2 milpon goes for inspectors and explosive detection

在铁路安全上,仍然被作为交通系统最脆弱的一个部分, 132亿美元用于调查人员和爆破物侦测。

Dimension of low - voltage switchgear and controlgear - standardized mounting on rails for mechanical support of electrical devices in switchgear and controlgear installations


In fact , the framework s proponents claim that ruby on rails developers can be up to ten times more productive than they would be when using traditional j2ee frameworks

实际上,框架的支持者们声称ruby on rails开发人员的生产率最多是使用传统j2ee框架的10倍。

On rail security , still cited by lawmakers as the most vulnerable part of the transportation system , $ 13 . 2 milpon goes for inspectors and explosive detection

铁路安全方面,仍是立法者认为运输体系中最薄弱环节, 1320万将用于加派监测员人手和加强爆炸物的探测。

Dimensions of low - voltage switchgear and controlgear . standardized mounting on rails for mechanical support of electrical devices in switchgear and controlgear installations


Dimensions of low - voltage switchgear and controlgear - standardized mounting on rails for mechanical support of electrical devices in switchgear and controlgear installations


Dimensions of low voltage schwitchgear and controlgear - standardized mounting on rails for mechanical support of electrical devices in schwitchgear and controlgear installations


On rail security , still cited by lawmakers as the most vulnerable part of the transportation system , $ 13 . 2 milpon goes for inspectors and explosive detection


On rail security , still cited by lawmakers as the most vulnerable part of the transportation system , $ 13 . 2 milpon goes for inspectors and explosive detection


A third source , also in a position to know , reported in summer 2002 that iraq had manufactured mobile production systems mounted on road trailer units and on rail cars


On rail security , still cited by lawmakers as the most vulnerable part of the transportation system , 13 . 2 milpon dollars goes for inspectors and explosive detection

在铁路安全方面,立法者将其称为交通运输最易受攻击的部分, 1320万美圆将用于增设检查人员及对易爆物品的检查。

Dimensions of low - voltage switchgear and controlgear - standardized mounting on rails for mechanical support of electrical devices in switchgear and controlgear installations amendment 1


In this article , the first in a series that aims to demonstrate these ideas , you ll look at active record , the persistence architecture at the heart of ruby on rails

在演示这些理念的系列的第一篇文章,也就是这篇文章中,将讨论活动记录( active record ) ,它是位于ruby on rails核心的持久性框架。

But we didn t di *** iss the idea of developing in another language and began to build our apppcation in ruby on rails , a web apppcation framework built on the ruby language

但是,我们没有放弃用另一种语言进行开发的想法,开始用ruby on rails构建我们的应用程序,这是一个在ruby语言上构建的web应用程序框架。

Cases related to taxi services increased from 1 , 142 in the previous quarter to 1 , 285 in this quarter and the number of plaints and suggestions on rail services increased from 68 in the previous quarter to 88 this quarter


While ruby on rails is a very new and exciting framework that has generated considerable interest in the web development munity , the core architecture follows the basic patterns found in j2ee

虽然ruby on rails是一个非常新、令人兴奋的框架,并且在web社区中已经引起了人们相当的兴趣,但是它的核心架构仍然遵循在j2ee中发现的基本模式。

It's difficult to see on rail in a sentence. 用 on rail 造句挺难的

假设您有一个可以工作的 Ruby 应用程序,并且需要向其添加电子邮件传递功能。这可能与用户身份验证或任何其他类型的事务性电子邮件有关,这没有什么区别。本教程旨在帮助您实现使用 Ruby 发送电子邮件

用 Ruby 发送电子邮件的选项


最简单的方法是使用 Net: : SMTP 类。它提供了通过 SMTP 发送电子邮件的功能。该选项的缺点是 Net: : SMTP 缺少撰写电子邮件的功能。你可以自己创建,但这需要时间。

第二种选择是使用专用的 Ruby gem,如 Mail、 Pony 或其他。这些解决方案使您能够以简单有效的方式处理电子邮件活动。Action Mailer 是一个完美的电子邮件解决方案,通过 Rails 的棱镜。而且,很有可能,这将是你的选择。

第三个选项是类 Socket。通常,这个类允许您设置流程之间或流程内部的通信。因此,电子邮件发送也可以用它来实现。然而,事实是 Socket 并没有为您提供广泛的功能,您也不太可能想要使用它。


如何通过 Net: : SMTP 在 Ruby 中发送电子邮件

根据我的经验,在一个普通的 web 应用程序中使用这个选项是不常见的。但是,如果您在某些物联网设备上使用 mruby (Ruby 语言的一种轻量级实现) ,那么通过 Net: : SMTP 发送电子邮件可能是合适的。此外,如果在无服务器计算中使用,例如 AWS Lambda,它也会这样做。首先查看这个脚本示例,然后我们将详细介绍它。

Ruby 露比

这是一个通过 SMTP 发送文本电子邮件的简单示例(可以在这里找到官方文档)。您可以看到四个标题: 发件人、收件人、主题和日期。请记住,您必须将它们与电子邮件正文中的空行分开。同样重要的是连接到 SMTP 服务器。

Net::SMTP.start('your.smtp.server', 25) do |smtp|

Start (‘ your.smtp.server’,25) do | smtp |

自然,这里将显示您的数据,而不是“ your.smtp.server”,并且25是默认端口号。如果需要,可以指定其他详细信息,如用户名、密码或身份验证方案(普通、登录和 cram _ md5)。它可能看起来如下:

`Net::SMTP.start('your.smtp.server', 25, ‘localhost’, ‘username’, ‘password’ :plain) do |smtp|`

在这里,您将使用纯文本格式的用户名和密码连接到 SMTP 服务器,客户机的主机名将被标识为 localhost。

之后,可以使用 send _ message 方法并将发送方和接收方的地址指定为参数。

Start (‘ Net: : SMTP.start (‘ your.SMTP.server’,25) do | SMTP |’)的块形式将自动关闭 SMTP 会话。

在 Ruby Cookbook 中,使用 Net: : SMTP 库发送电子邮件被称为极简主义,因为您必须手动构建电子邮件字符串。尽管如此,这并不像你想象的那样没有希望。让我们看看如何用 HTML 内容增强电子邮件,甚至添加附件。

在网上发送 HTML 电子邮件: : SMTP



除了消息体中的 HTML 标记之外,我们还有两个额外的头: MIME-Version 和 Content-type。MIME 指的是 MIME。它是 Internet 电子邮件协议的扩展,允许您在单个消息体中组合不同的内容类型。MIME-Version 的值通常为1.0。它指示消息是 MIME 格式的

至于 Content-type 头,一切都很清楚。在我们的示例中,有两种类型-HTML 和纯文本。另外,确保使用定义的边界分隔这些内容类型。

除了 MIME-Version 和 Content-type,您可以使用其他 MIME 头:

内容-传输-编码-表示二进制到文本的编码方案(7位、 Quoted-printable、 base64、8位或二进制)。

在网上发送带附件的电子邮件: : SMTP

- Content-Disposition-指定表示样式(内联或附件)

让我们添加一个附件,例如 PDF 文件。在这种情况下,我们需要将 Content-type 更新为 multipart/mix。另外,使用 pack (“ m”)函数用 base64编码对附加文件进行编码。








我可以发送电子邮件给多个收件人在网络: : SMTP?

当然,你可以. send _ message 期望第二个和随后的参数包含收件人的电子邮件。例如:


发送电子邮件的最佳 Ruby Gems

在 Ruby 生态系统中,您可以找到特定的电子邮件 gems,它们可以改善您的电子邮件发送体验。

Ruby Mail





这是最流行的宝石发送电子邮件在 Rails 上。如果你的应用程序写在上面,ActionMailer 肯定会出现。它允许您使用邮件类和视图发送电子邮件

使用邮件陷阱测试使用 Net: : SMTP 的电子邮件发送

设置非常简单。进入演示收件箱后,复制 SMTP“设置”选项卡上的 SMTP 凭据并将其插入到代码中。或者,您可以在 Integrations 部分获得一个简单消息的即用模板。只要选择一种编程语言或框架,你的应用程序是建立。


如果一切正常,您将在邮件陷阱演示收件箱中看到您的消息。此外,您可以尝试检查您的 HTML 内容和附件的电子邮件。

您刚刚阅读了关于如何使用 Ruby 测试和发送电子邮件的完整教程。希望您喜欢!